Ok, someone asked for tips on getting a new puppy used to a leash, and that got me thinking.

Jack is the funniest dog on a leash that I have ever seen. He loves going out. He loves walks. He can go for miles and not get tired.

He knows heel, and he heels pretty well. Not well enough to win an obedience class, but he sits when I stop and turns when I turn, as long as there are not picnic leftovers on the ground to distract him.

But if he's not on heel.... well, that's an entirely different matter. Since I don't have a fenced yard, our walk time is time for my dog to go exploring. I always spend at least part of the walk on heel, but I also spend part of the walk on a relaxed leash, letting him sniff and wander. When he's on a relaxed leash, I don't care if he's a little ahead or a little behind, as long as he's not dragging me (he's not a real dominant dog, so I don't worry about the whole "pack leader always goes in front" thing). He'll lag a little, then lope to get ahead, then trot next to me.

Most of the time.

Ah, but if he's not on heel, he seems to think that every decision on direction is negotiable. He'll get to areas he likes (say where he sometimes meets his doggy friends, or an area with a group of kids playing) and he won't want to leave. He'll plant his little legs, and his collar will start to pull over his ears, and he'll get a look on his face like a two-year-old kid ready to pitch a fit.

Sometimes he lays down and rolls over on his back. This is usually if he just had a good visit with one of his many adoring fan clubs that we meet out walking, and he's not ready to leave. They laugh and say "Oh look, he's tired!" and I sorta grit my teeth and smile because he's not tired at all, he's just arguing.

BUT, if I say "Jack, heel" he hops right up all bright-eyed and cheerful, and off we march.

I think the lying on the back thing is a patented Corgi move, personally. I think their mothers teach it to them while they are still puppies. :-)

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Oh my goodness, I can imagine Jack doing that! Haha. I thought of doing agility with him, but then he grew and grew. My (limited) understanding is that the 10-inch Corgis are quite competitive against the little guys, but at 14 inches mine would need to run with longer-legged faster dogs. I might still do it for fun, but I don't think we'd get far in competition.

I must find the video; someone here is the handler, and it's of her Corgi frapping in the obedience ring.
Ok, here it is! My apologies to the original poster, who is a member here, but I originally found it on YouTube:

That was really funny!!
I love this aspect of the Corgi! When we lived in Manhattan, Bertie knew where all the dog food stores are (and all the stores that dispensed cookies, as well). He would do the sit/lie down on the corner, if I didn't turn down the right street. I won't go on and on -- but it was also my first "blog" on this site, describing this phenomenon: How to Walk Your Person
Just read your blog. Brilliant! That is just what I'm talking about! LOL

Jack frequently gets the "Aw, look, he's tired" comment from passersby when he does the Corgi Flop. There is a food stand in a nearby park we frequent, and you should see me trying to haul him past that in the summer. Mix in a few kids and a picnic table, and it's all-out war.
Susan, Thanks, I had not read that blog either! I also have the corgi in a hurry and the one who likes to meander along so I frequently look like I am trying to lengthen my arms with dogs! It is funny about the hands in the pockets too. One of the trainers we went to likes to challenge the "stay" by walking bye with her hand out like she has something. No matter how good Sparty got (and he was really good) he always broke to see what she had. Fortunately she was very familiar with corgis and we agreed that he was incapable of letting that go. Life is always interesting with corgis!
Bertie jumped in a river where the water was over his head when he was a puppy and did a total barrell roll, and since then, he will only wade when he can see the bottom. UNLESS a picnic is happening across the way, of course. He once swam all the way across the Mill River because some people were cooking hot dogs on the other side -- he politely requested one, they gave it to him, he chowed down -- and then he swam back! Anything for food.

glad you liked my little blog, it was fun to write (and so easy!)
2 of my dogs are "perfect" on the leash and then there's Wynn who not only has to carry the leash in his mouth but thinks the he needs to also "help" me if I have one of my other dogs with...he will run up and grab the leash like he is walking them...silly boy! The 1st 2 also went to basic obedience classes but learned quickly!
Jack used to grab the leash in his mouth all the time as a puppy, and it took forever to break him of it. Bitter apple didn't work, stern "no's" didn't work, positive reinforcement didn't work. When I was nearly exasperated he finally started giving it up. Now he will sometimes grab the leash and play-growl and shake his head if he's already tried the roll-on-the-back mutinee and I've gotten him up and walking. Yesterday's excuse was two people were picnicking on a blanket, and I didn't stop so he could see if they would share.
Grissom does great on a leash, but even better off leash.
He knows his commands. He is incredible at recall. (my Beagle never did master this one, despite my efforts)
EXCEPT... (and it was mentioned before, there's always an except or but with Corgis. lol) if we aren't on the move, or we're in a crowd, he always wants to run up to everyone and sit at their feet. That's what he does when he wants attention since he's not alowed to jump.
Large crowds are a constant series of him sitting, staring at the mystery person, and me calling him only fo him to make an attempt with the next person. Rinse. lather. repeat.
Jack used to want to meet everyone he saw when he was a puppy and adolescent, too. Gradually he learned that not everyone will pay attention to him, and mostly he ignores people unless they speak to him. Then he is all wiggles and kisses.
I am really glad I found this thread, I thought I was doing something way wrong with Emlyn. Come to find out she is just being a typical Corgi.


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