Okay, I don't know if there is another discussion out there for this same purpose (I couldn't find one) - does anyone have advice about getting my Corgi to stop being so touchy about having her feet handled? For practical purposes, trying to clip her nails is a cross between a wrestling match and a nightmare. I researched and checked with others with experience to make sure I'm doing it right, not bending the nail in an uncomfortable way, not cutting too close to the quick, nor hurting her in any way, but she absolutely HATES the entire process. I've tried many different approaches and can't seem to find anything that makes it less stressful for both of us. On a more fun note, I'd LOVE to teach her to shake hands, and have been trying to for several months. She is admittedly a slow learner (it's more a problem of willpower than intelligence; sit and lay down took us a year), so maybe I just need to keep persisting. :)

I heard before I got a Corgi that sometimes they are funny about having their feet handled, so I've made a point to handle her feet regularly ever since she was 8 wks old, but it's never made any difference. She's fought me ever since the first time I tried it, and continues.

Can anyone suggest anything to help me? Does anyone else have this problem???

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Yeah, Ginny hates it too. Let's just say we go through lots of treats when we're clipping nails, but even then, sometimes it gets very frustrating. I just try to stay calm and praise her as I clip them. Sometimes it's helpful to have someone else help you to distract them while you're clipping. She doesn't really like me to touch feet even when I'm not clipping her nails.
I have the vet do it. That is my advice!!
After months of practice, treating, tummy rubs, praising (& calm assertive behavior on my part), Maggie will come when called to do her nails. She will lie on her back in a nice, soft & cushy bean bag while I file her nails with the dremel. Unfortunately, I still can't get her to "shake". Oh well, I guess we can't have everything.
Cute pic! I have some that are more touchy with their feet than others...Bella will lay there and let me trim her nails and you would think she was having a spa day, Wynn is touchy with his feet but I can clip his nails but he's protective of his feet at the same time.My others fall in between someplace. Does she ever sit by you if you're watching tv and could you take your fingers and gently rub between her toes??? I'm not saying this helps but it might desensitize(sp) her feet more...I do this alot and mine seem to like it and I'm not just handling their feet to clip nails. Good luck!
A helper with peanut butter on a spoon might do wonders. Jack is awful, but we walk a lot and his nails stay short.

You might also try the Dremmel pet nail contraption.
YES! I dunk a whole spoon in peanut butter and lay it on a towel across my lap while I trim his nails! Eddy doesn't even kick his legs or wiggle away when I'm squeezing his toes and detailing with the file. A whole spoon lasts for all 4 legs.
Thanks so much! I will definitely try some of these things - the peanut butter spoon thing especially, LOL. I'd love for nail clipping to just be a one-person job, but like Cheryl said, Oh well, guess we can't have everything. :)

Does anyone else do the electric nail filing thing? I've thought about it, but doesn't it take even longer than clipping?
Hello Allison! Dremel nail filing does take longer than clipping; however, I feel it is well worth the extra time knowing that by using the dremel I will never hurt my dog by clipping too close to the quick, nor does my dog ever experience any type of "trauma" by being held down or forced to have her nails clipped by strangers or the veterinary staff. When a dog's nail has been cut too close to the quick, it hurts & they never forget it!! Since they never forget it, they will avoid nail clippings even harder the next time. Chelsea is my English Setter & I have been filing her nails since we brought her home at 8 weeks. When I say, "Let's do your nails!" she runs over to the cushy bean bag, lays down & rolls over on her back! It's just too funny how anxious she is to get her nails done!!
Great! I might have to try that! :)
If I had answers to the nail trimming, Conan wouldn't fight like a wild animal when we tried. We take him to the groomer for it. It's within walking distance and only $5.

As for the shake, have you tried marker training?
LOL we go to the groomer too! I always tip them because I'm sure it's a nightmare - they're always very polite and say something like, "try to spend a little more time touching his feet, so he'll get more used to it." LOL makes no difference!

Bear actually learned shake in about a half an hour one night, but now he has shake and sit mixed up. When you tell him to sit, he sits and puts his paw up automatically, we rarely get just a regular sit nowadays.
Sparty knows a bunch of tricks. If I try to work with Izzy with him around he will do all his tricks while barking to try to get my attention. Picture a paw up, sit , roll over, and dead dog at high speed with lots of manic barking!


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