One reason why you both hate and love your corgi at the sametime.

I'm working over-time right now, and since I can do some stuff from home, I work a typical work-day and then do some work at home on the computer. Atlas thinks that when I'm home it means I want to play with him, so while I'm trying to get work done on my computer, he either brings me a toy so I'll play with him, or he flings himself onto my lap.

Yesterday I decided I needed some quiet, so I put him out in the hall and closed the door. Immediately, I see just the tip of his nose and one paw sticking under my door.

About a half hour passes and he's still there, waiting... Finally I feel guilty enough and open the door, and he flings himself on my lap and starts licking me.

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Oh its that guilt thing! They always get you! and all you're trying to do is get some personal things done but they don't know that lol.

I would have to say the one reason I hate and love Wynn at the same time would be his voice...he's a talker so he goes on and on in this quiet voice or even bark BUT when he really wants to get your attention all of a sudden he does his ear piecing bark as loud as he can...drives me crazy!
Closed doors are a big no no!
Same in my house.
Aww, that's so cute!! It must have been the cutest thing ever to see the tip of his nose and one paw sticking under your door. Wish you could have taken a picture of it!
Oh yes! I actually work from home all the time, and boy do they know my schedule. I work from 7-10 AM, then again from 3-8 PM. At 9.59, they both wake from their slumbers (after a hectic morning of eating and wrestling each other) and trot over to my desk, park themselves at my feet and bore into me with their eyes ("We know it's time to walk/play/eat"). And sometimes they get bored during my work hours, so they start dropping toys on my feet or nudging me to get up. Or just look sad and neglected and pathetic, because it's been 5 minutes since I petted them or anything. What a life!
Similar here! or I take them to the office with me about twice a week. Though during the office times they just trot around the place and get goodies and pets all day. I think they like those days better then watching mom work at home ;)
So familiar.....Steve is just like Atlas! I could never get any work done at home cuz he either nudges me to play with him or he climbs his way into my lap or he lays down facing me and gives me those big sad puppy eyes that makes me want to stop everything and just play with him. He gets his way every time so I end up going into work just a little earlier (and I'm not a morning person!).
That is so cute. My Newman does the same. Especially when I'm trying to read a book. I just can't seem to ignore his presence.
That is kind of sweet though. He loves you that much, he waited for you.


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