I love observing my dogs' behavior and trying to figure what goes on in those little busy brains. My latest point of consideration is jealousy. Both my dogs get jealous, but of totally different things.

Jack, our confident bossy male, is terribly jealous when my husband and I show each other any affection. At the first sign of a hug, he will run off and gather some toys, then come stand behind us and woof and grumble and make monkey noises, and generally do all he can to remind us that he is being horribly neglected in all of this fussing. Jack is not at all a cuddler and shows his desire for attention by asking to play, endlessly.

However, he is not at all concerned when we give attention to our other dog, Maddie. I can pet her, brush her, clean her teeth, and he's perfectly fine. Since we had him first, we were told by just about everyone that he might be jealous of a new dog, and since he was jealous of our interactions with each other, I thought he would be too. But, that is not at all the case and he only is bothered if he thinks there might be treats coming; he makes sure he's nearby then!

Madison is just the opposite. She came into our house only about a month ago, as a nearly-five-year-old, so it is true she is not as bonded to us. Still, she is a cuddler and greets us with exuberance when we come home. She follows us all around. But she pays not one bit of attention when Shawn and I are affectionate with each other. She could not care less.

But if I go near Jack? She's right there, trying to nose her way into the middle. I need to push her away if I do anything with him. If attention is being paid to a dog, she thinks it should be to her.

I am curious about other people's Corgis. Are they jealous when you pay attention to other dogs? To people? If you are engrossed in some sort of work? Or do they not really care one way or the other?

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There's not a single jealousy spot in Ein's brain.
Cooper gets jealous when a new person comes over and I give them a hug. He will bark and cry until we give him attention. Also when I took him to puppy classes we were passing our dogs in a circle to get them used to other people, he couldn't take his attention away from me playing with a different dog. He barked and cried the whole time! He is a jealous dog, and wants to be my only do for sure. So, I think that is part of of the corgis not-so-independant nature.
Mine are jealous if I pay attention to another but they have learned that they will each get their turn in due time. I don't mind them crowding me as long as no one gets possessive over the situation..that is not tolerated. Now if we go to play with one they all jump in...something we need to work more on but most of what we do here is a group effort...work in unison and get along.
Wynn is my confident bossy intact male! He hates it when Jim and I hug! Bark...bark...bark! When we come home they greet us at the door and EVERYONE (except Wynn who parades around with my shoe patiently waiting and knowing he will get my attention) wants to be the 1st to get attention! If I only had 6 hands! They all gather around when it's time to get up and when it's time for bed but not in a bad way just an affectionate way! They all push their way into the crowd as to make sure they get their share of pets!
Hmmm. I have a theory here, and wonder if it seems true for your Wynn as well.

It seems to me that Jack is so confident of his place in relation to Madison that she is of no bother to him. We can pay attention to her, or not, and he does not feel threatened either way (unless there are treats!).

But I have a sneaking suspicion that he feels he is in competition with my husband for second-in-command at the house, and so gets jealous when we pay attention to each other. My husband is a big ol' softy when it comes to the dogs. Madison, who is human submissive, minds him well. But as I type Jack is downstairs barking away, positively demanding that my husband play with him. I wonder who is in charge of whom sometimes! LOL
Sounds like a good theory to me!!!! Yes, there is a definate competition here too.I had to laugh as we had company for supper tonight and the one person couldn't get over Wynn talking to me in his quiet voice just like I was having a conversation with another human!!!! Only difference was he was sitting on the floor by my chair after supper...she is very quiet and I was amazed at how interesting she found our "talk"!
Yes, Lilli has to push her way in between me and any other dog, including the dog who was here first. But the odd jealousy is of little girls. The neighborhood girls used to pet the old dog ("He's so CUTE!!!!) When baby Lilli came along she got all the attention. Now if any little girl shows any attention to any dog, Lilli is jumping in between, kissing their faces, and eliciting the "OOOOHHHS!" that she so craves.

My children are grown-up boys, but one female relative, age 8, has a great big hound of her own. Even she is not permitted to pay attention to her own dog. Her brother can do what he wants. Who needs boys, unless they're throwing a ball.

There's only 1 thing Steve is jealous of..... Other people and dogs are no problem but once I turn on my laptop he'll try to get my attention as if his life depended on it. He'll bring a toy (endlessly squeaking it in my direction). He'll poke my arm with his wet nose. He'll bring a rope toy and grunt to get my attention. He'll then nudge his way onto my lap and stare right into my face so I can't see the display. When I finally get him off of me he'll lay down, put his head on my lap and look up at me with those big puppy eyes and sigh. He knows I can't resist those puppy eyes so I could never get any work done at home!
Romeo gets VERY jealous too. When I give or receive any affection from my boyfriend (kiss or hug) he cuts between us or bite my jeans and even grabs onto my leg. Even when i walk my boyfriend to the door Romeo grabs my leg and start barking lol.But im not really sure if Romeo gets jealous to other dogs.
Izzy is jealous of anyone receiving attention but her. If she won't come when I call her all I have to do is call one of the cats and she is here immediately. If anyone is paying attention to the other dogs or cats she tries to get in between them. Sparty and Misty just ignore her behavior so apparently it doesn't bother them. Sparty used to be jealous of my husband and I hugging but he seems to have finally gotten over it although he is not above giving us a little woof (sort of a "get a room") sometimes.
If there is food who ever has it has the undivided attention of all but they seem very good about waiting their turn. However you can not randomly throw it because Sparty will attack if an animal gets in the way of a treat that is unidentified.
I think you are right, Beth, about the alpha feeling like they don't need to be jealous because they feel secure.o
KC is really jealous if Larry and I get too "friendly" she will literally get in between us and use her nose to move me away from him. My boys are jealous of each other getting my attention. If I am doing anything with one then the other one noses in.
Was interested to read this as ours are just the same, perhaps it's a dog/bitch thing. Rhys is very possessive of me which can cause problems when we are at home together, he considers that he, Moli and me are the pack & my husband is an outsider - whoops!! He pushes between us & can get quite aggressive - Moli is only jealous of either of us petting Rhys. Strange dogs aren't they? Every one different but so lovable.


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