As we are experiencing the Minnesota Monsoons right now (like over 4" in the last 3 days)We are the land of 15,000 lakes right now instead of 10,000! I was just wondering how many of you have dogs that are afraid of the thunder and lightening! It appears to me that there is a much higher ratio for this in my rescue dogs and I don't know if this was because of their housing (maybe shed with tin roofs) or never having humans go out with them to experience this. My own dogs raised from pups don't do this as they could care less if it's storming BUT my rescue I have and 3/4 of the ones that I have had are afraid of this. I'm just curious if others have this!

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Bear couldn't care less about thunder and lightning. The boxer across the yard isn't scared of it, just wants to beat it up and kick its butt!

My own, unresearched belief is that if they're alone during their first storm they become fearful. When we first got Bear, we were at dinner and some thunder started. We raced home and played with him in the living room floor during the entire storm. He could not have cared less about the storm and has been the same ever since.
Max could care less but Mollydoodle doesn't like them. The 4th of July wasn't something she liked either. She is either on the bed with us or under something.
Soffie has never been bothered by thunder storms. I thought that I may have had a hand in that since I would take her out in the wicked Florida storms and acted like it was no big deal. And so.... she took it in stride and whenever a storm blows through she could care less.

Then we got Griffyn! I did the same thing with him. But from the very first storm he has been fearful. Sometimes he runs off and hides under my bed. Sometimes he wants to be up in my lap. But in any case, what I don't do with him is give him too much attention when he's like that. I am sympathetic and will hold him when he does jump in my lap but I don't want to play into his fear. So he does eventually sort of settle down and waits out the storm.

So, two dogs..... the same "breaking in" method, two different responses.

But.... here is an interesting fact, Griffyns "half brother" who lives with a friend of ours here in Naples is also afraid of thunder and lightning. They have the same sire and obviously came from the same breeder so I wonder if it isn't something that happens while they're still puppies with the breeders.
interesting theory about the same sire/breeder!
Both of ours drool profusely when it starts to storm, which is a common occurance here in Florida. One of ours is a rescue, and the other we've had since he was a puppy. The boy does better with this recently since he no longer tried to hide and run away. Our girl(tour rescue) on the other hand will try and get under you on the couch when it starts lightning outside.
I read somewhere that 20% of dog's and cats fear thunderstorms. I would not doubt that figure is higher amongst the sensitive herding breeds. Sparty was never afraid of storms until Buffy taught him to be so they can learn this too. I think he decided if she was nervous that he should be worried too. So far Izzy is not afraid but she definitely follows him around when he paces and pants. He doesn't have a severe fear though. I am glad of that because my sister-in-law had a dog with extreme fear and he injured himself and did considerable damage to the house!
I should add that the two wimpy girls (Izzy and Misty) hate to get wet and I am tired of having to go out in the rain to command that they "GO POTTY"!
Jack is not bothered at all. Madison has not had a storm since we brought her here. I asked the breeder about her and storms, and she said she doesn't really like them but isn't too bad. She also said she had one female that was terrible; would go into closets and try to burrow under things. She said when that dog was in the house, all her other dogs were also nervous, but when that dog left, the others settled down.
One of my rescues actually slipped out under my garage door and I had put her in there 1st to protect her! Luckily she was found 2-3 days later 2 miles from here(IMPORTANT...Have an ID!!!) She is now in a loving home and I just emailed her owner since we had all this rain and she still gets very nervous when there's thunder and lightening!
Thunder transforms Gwynnie into a different personality entirely, and she has bolted home twice -- this from the rare and pitiful excuse we get for real lightning her in Seattle.
Soap bubbles (at least used to) produce the same effect.
She's similarly gun-shy.
Ofelia loves thunderstorms. She and I sit out on the back porch and watch and listen while it's storming outside.
Chloe hates thunder. If she's in her crate she will cry and whine. She wants to be right next to me. I'll let her sit by me, but try not to be overly protective. She's gotten better. Usually she just wants to know that I'm right there next to her, she doesn't need to be in my lap or anything. She just hates being stuck in her crate by herself when there's thunder. We got her straight from a breeder, so it has nothing to do with her upbringing.
Archie is wary of them, and will hide under the table until it passes, not sure about fireworks yet as its the wrong time of year, but no doubt they will be starting soon. Our first corgi Basil was so scared he would go and hide in the bath, regardless of whether it was full or not ( no fun in a wet scared corgi, let me tell you!).


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