I mentioned this in another post, and am curious about people's experiences.

Jack (as I've mentioned) is our 2.5 year old male Corgi who we've had since a pup.

From the time he was just a little guy, if you yell "Ow!' (say you stub your toe, or clunk your head), Jack comes running and tries to jump up and lick you. And if Madison, our other dog, reverse sneezes, Jack comes running over to check it out and looks very upset.

Maddie is nearly five and has only been here just over a month, so admittedly she's probably not as bonded to us yet. Well, if someone hurts himself, Maddie... could care less. For example:

The other day I was upstairs and my husband banged his knee into the corner of the cabinet. Well, you know how much that hurts. I went trotting downstairs to see what was up, and there is Jack, hovering around him, asking if he can get anything (maybe some ice, or a Band-aid?), or help out in any way. Worried look, furrowed brow, all out of sorts till I finally said "Shawn, please let the dog know you're ok!"

And Maddie? Was lying in her crate, thinking maybe someone would come around and give her a treat later.

The funny thing is, Maddie is the lap dog/cuddler and Jack is the one who doesn't usually like to be petted. Moreover, I was always under the impression (apparently wrong) that the females are more sensitive.

Just wonder what other people's Corgis are like.

Jack would definitely try to pull Timmy out of the well, then bring him tea and cookies and a nice comfy blanket.

Maddie? Not so much.

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All 3 of our dogs are sensitive to our moods, ecspecially the kids and that includes my nephew I babysit. If he cries for any reason theya re all right there giving him puppy kisses trying to make it better. They are the same way with me if I am sick.
Conan could care less too. Except if we're playing tug with him and he nips us trying to get a tighter grip, and one of us yells, "Ow!" he barks! At first we thought he cared and was being concerned and feeling sorry, now we just think he's telling us to man up and play some more tug!
From my experience I think that, while there might be general patterns, it is highly individual as to how responsive the dog is in these situations. So far, Stella is definitely a mix of the "what can I do for you?" and "what have you done for me?" My past two scotties, both males, were VERY different from each other in this regard. Scotties are more independent anyway, but Reggie, the first one, was extremely so, and, while very intelligent and obedient, not too "in tune" or responsive to human emotions. Dylan, on the other hand, seemed to know even if you had a bad day! He was INCREDIBLY responsive to everyone (sounds more like Jack), and was even responsive to people he didn't know well or in the immediate family. When my grandmother came to live with us, he watched her a lot and would warn us if she got up or if something happened (she had dementia), and he even stood in between her and my mom once when she tried to attack my mom because she didn't know her. The other two dogs just sat there as usual and didn't change their behavior, but Dylan always seemed to be "on watch" and would always notify us of any changes. Breed-wise, however, although it's a little early to tell how responsive Stella will be, I'm amazed at how she is CONSTANTLY aware of where I am compared to my Scotties in general, who would go off to hunt and do their own thing and then *eventually* come back. It seems like Stella always has to have me in sight. I guess that's a herder/ratter difference?
I agree about herders in general keeping you in sight, though there are some that might run off. We hike with the dogs, off-leash, and they may scamper ahead or lag behind by a few dozen yards, but then they stop and wait and look back to make sure we are there.

Jack ran off on me once. He was playing with a beagle friend, and the beagle took off over a hill, and since they had been playing chase, Jack went right after her. I turned to the beagle's owner and said "Does she come back?" and he said "usually in a half hour or so."

I thought "Great, I just lost my dog" and went to head up the hill to see if I could follow where they went in the snow, when here comes Jack, barreling back over the top of the hill, with a look of horror on his face. He can flying down full speed and sat on my feet. That's the first and last time he ever ran off, and he was gone about a minute. Not sure how long the beagle was gone....

But yes, herders in general like to keep an eye on their "flock". My guess is that a working herder who has a real flock would be much more willing to go out of sight, if the stock needed tending.
Our Chloe is similar though not quite to the degree your Jack is. She always likes to know what's going on and to see if we're okay. She get's most concerned when I get some water/juice down the wrong tube and can't stop coughing, it disturbs and worries her!
Al is a Compleat Baby about having his claws trimmed.
Once, I was trying to trim him, he was squealing like I was amputating his foot (OMD, I was almost TOUCHING his claw with the clippers, oh the pain!) and Gwynnie came over and lay across him -- like she was trying to protect him.
Sounds like Sparty. The first time the vet trimmed his nails they had me wait out of the room because they thought he would be calmer. I heard a very loud screech and my vet stuck his head out and said "Don't worry that was Sparty seeing the clippers"LOL It was before they even started!
OK Bev,
That was my laugh for today! Thanks!
Oh, that's so sweet! Good girl, Gwynnie, looking out for your bro Al.
Duncan is like that. I fell on the back deck when I had foot surgery this spring (I'm a big klutz anyway, and crutches and I do not get along), and he came running up licking my face and whining while I was laying there in immense pain. I felt bad cause I did yell at him to stop and leave me alone, just the pain making me do that. Of course, as soon as the wave of pain stopped, I gave him a big hug and said I was sorry for yelling. He is such a sensative dog....love him for that. He's not a snuggling dog, just happy lay in your lap, no hugs please!!!!
i have been reading a dog behavior book by Patricia Mc Connell and she talks about how hugging is actually a bad thing in dog language. It is a very human thing to do but our dogs will allow it only because they love us. To dogs being hugged or held is similar to being pinned down. It is nice that they tolerate us!
It's a little bit out of the topic, but you mentioned reverse sneezing. Shiro did it a few times, out of nowhere. Sounds kinda funny but at the same time I've never seen a dog do that before. Is that normal for a corgi to reverse sneeze?


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