I thought I'd wait awhile before posting anymore questions about Tuesday's behaviour until I had owned her for a months. We adopted her in June. She was a 2 year old stray, and she is a Corgi mix.

Now I totally love my dog. She is truly perfect for our little family. But I do worry about her. We go for daily walks, at least 30 min. Most of that is spent off leash, where she runs and sniffs about to her hearts content. However, when we get home, all of that energy dissapears. She will basically sleep/doze untill 5:30 when my husband gets home. She gets all excited to see him, and then 15 min later she is laying around and dozing again.

If she gets her second walk she is all energies outside but super mellow when we get back. Goes to bed at 10:00 and gets up at 7:00 (she's crated). That's it. Not sounding super fun for her, is it?

She knows how to fetch but rarely shows interest in doing so. She'll do anything for a treat, but I notice she's starting to get hefty and I don't want a weight problem on my hands. Any suggestions?

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I can mention some behavioral things, but a few health ones first:

When she walks, does she seem to get out--of-breath when she's done? Does she cough? A lot of strays pick up heartworm, and those are some signs. Was she tested?

Do you know anything about her background? If she was a stray and never had a good home, she might just not have any experience playing inside and just be used to sleeping when she's not looking for food.

Also, some dogs are just lower energy inside. My Madison will rarely initiate a game indoors, and if you pick up a toy inside she'll chase it a few times and be done. Outside she'll go crazy for a tennis ball, but inside she's content to just come for cuddles most of the time. Jack is high-energy indoors and always bothers us to play.

You might try some different things to see if something perks her interest. If she has no aggressive tendencies, you can try enticing her to tug with a rope toy (just don't leave her with it to chew after because many dogs dismantle rope toys and can swallow the bits of string). Have you tried a chuck-it tennis ball, or a frisbee? Some dogs like those because they go farther and faster than a plain one. You might try other types of balls, like a harder plastic one that makes some noise rattling when it rolls around inside. That might perk up her prey drive a bit. You can set aside part of her breakfast and put it in a food ball for her to push around and get some food out that way, which will not increase her calories but will make her work for her food a bit.

If she has any other symptoms besides some lethargy, like a dull coat or weight gain on a small amount of food for a Corgi, you might have her thyroid check as some dogs are prone to that. But she may just be a low-energy dog inside and needs some work to get her moving! Many dogs sleep a lot during the day anyway, but most will have an active period in the morning and again in the evening, after their naps, when they want to play a bit.
Thanks for the suggestions. She isn't out of breath when she runs, and I've never heard her cough, so that's a good thing.

We don't know anything about her background. She was at the Humane Society for a little while waiting to be picked up, and when nobody came we adopted her right away. She was very shy when we first got her and it took months for her to act like a more typical dog. We didn't even know she could bark until 3 months later.

I'll definitely try some more indoor things. I want her to be happy and content.
Totally agree to Beth's suggestions.
You can also try a soccer ball. Shiro couldn't care less for a freesbie, but the big ball gets him all excited. He'l run around it and bark showing his herding instincts.
He also sleeps a lot indoors except for when we're eating or doing something around the house. Then he'll stand by and "help". His favorite is to clean up the floor when I'm cooking. LOL
Other than chewing on bones or rawhides Izzy is not very active inside. She is very content to lay around and have us pet her. There is the occasional frap when she gets excited about something but she really is pretty mild mannered although she is only three.. Sparty as a young dog was always looking for something to do in or out. He used to drop his tennis ball down the stairs so he could chase it if no one wanted to throw. He taught my then crawling grandson to push the ball forward so he could bring it back. Now at ten and a half he more mellow but still loves to catch the ball. Some are lower energy than others just like people. As long as she has had regular checkups at the vet you probably have nothing to worry about. She might just be really content to be loved and safe. Enjoy that!
Sidney is just like Izzy...all energy when out on a walk or the occasional frap session, but the rest of the time he's a couch potato.
Like Beth said she may have no experience with playing or she maybe was better of staying quite and out of the way...too bad we can't know this!

Thanks for taking this cute little girl in and it could take awhile and lots of playing before she gets comfortable to do so or she may never (I have one that doesn't play with toys much at all)! My dogs are fairly mellow in the house...thank-goodness it's this way and not backward! Maybe give her the same amount of treats but cut them in 4ths so she still gets as many as always just not as big! Good Luck and keep on trying!
I think about this too. It's a dog's life. And it seems almost as boring as mine.
Check out Al & Gwynn's page: Al & Gwynn
You'll see them climbing mountains, hiking all day, going berserk upon being let out of the car at the trailhead foir a hike, or greeting me maniacally when I come home, walking miles around the neighborhood, turning into absolute ANIMALS at the playground with their water polo ball, frapping in mountain snow, and -- I finally posted this in the interest of truth-in-advertising {is that like "committee decision", "clean toilet", or "cafeteria food"?} -- both of them lolling asleep on the sofa, which is how they spend 82.3% of their time.

I do think it helps to have a companion for your companion. That's why we got Al.
Oh, one suggestion -- we have a nearby, mostly fenced, paved playground -- no dogs allowed -- Al, Gwynn and I are felons, we use that playground more than anybody. They will chase a soccer ball forever, plus 10%. Water polo ball is even better, lighter.
Tennis ball play is great indoors, too. Pavement would seem not-dog-friendly; there have been some pad issues but it's often wet here and they seem to love it. Cleaner than mud.
I just wanted to add that a dog with high inside energy can be a bit of a chore at times, so be careful what you wish for! LOL Our Jack is one who just won't stop looking for stuff to do, so I just signed him up for agility. It's hard to enjoy a movie or the company of friends when your dog is constantly dropping tennis balls at your feet, pushing around a plastic ball with his nose and saying "grr, grrr, grrr", or shaking toys like he's trying to kill them! I love him to death and wouldn't trade him for the world, but a dog that is busy inside definitely alters your life more than a calm one!
Well I have to admit...if Tuesday were more energetic she would no longer be the perfectest fit for us. I love that she's low energy! I was just worried I was doing something wrong. You guys made my day. I will worry no longer. 'Scuse me. I have to go cuddle my Corgi on the couch now. :)

Thanks again for all the help.

I adopted a 4 year old rescue. While I know a little about her background
#1 I figured out she won't follow a command without a treat.
#2 I thought she was a couch potato. Then I thought Ah ha she had to be the invisible dog at her former home. I had to walk this girl in the blowing wind, rain and snow for 1/8 mile before she'd think about relieving herself if she was in for 12 hours. I don't think she was ever allowed on the grass. The first 3 months when we were in the yard she'd find a rock, a ledge or something to put her front paws on. I finally figured out she was in a dog run with a shepherd. Whether or not this was the same shepherd she lived with at home I do not know but her thought she thought she needed to be a taller dog that's why she elevated herself. They did say the man of the house didn't like her and her owner committed suicide.
#3 one could not say NO about anything, she'd melt in a corner

She's 9 years old now and still a couch potato. She never learned to play but is a cheerleader when the other two do play. I thought perhaps she didn't like me and I sent her in the arena to herd with a friend. Ops when I saw her in the center of the arena scanning the crowd looking for me I knew she did like me she's just reserved.

If there's nothing medically wrong, unfortunately they can't talk to tell you their desires. We are left to discovery. Sounds like you might have a dog that would fit right in doing therapy at retirement homes. Qualifications are a CGC,
Wow that's an amazingly sad story, but I'm so happy it has an awesome ending! I think doing therapy work would be great for her and me. I'll have to look into that more.


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