I have had corgis for almost 5 years now and we had 1 litter last year. My Livvy who is my rebel anyway went after my Wiley today and was trying to bite her leg and did! I got Wiley in and as soon as I got Livvy in she went to the kennel and sat for 30 minutes, she is now on a leash in my kitchen. Livvy is about 1/2 way through her 1st pregnancy. These 2 are normally fine together as all the rest are too. Could it be something with her hormones/pregnancy that she would do this??? Livvy is submissive and has never done anything like this before but she is bossy when outside. They were outside and this happened shortly after I let them out, I have no idea what brought this on...

I will be keeping Livvy kenneled, tied or in her birthing room until I figure this out!!!!

I am so shocked...does anyone have any advice????

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Jane, Im sorry I dont have any advice to give you. Hopefully you will be able to figure out what caused the attack. How is Wiley doing?
Hi Natalie!
Well Wiley is limping some and I cleaned her back leg but I can not actually see any blood or bite marks. Wiley could barely walk when I rescued her and I love her so much...I feel so bad for both of them but I am mad at Livvy! I think Wiley is just scared to come past Livvy who is now tied up in my kitchen. I will just have to keep them separated until I figure this out and I can let them out 2 different doors as one leads to a fence...I am just so surprised that this happened and have no idea why!
I am not too familiar with the pregnant female but it seems likely that it could be hormonal. Although, How old is Livy? Years ago when my Buffy (RIP) was about two she attacked Sparty on two separate occasions. It was weird because Sparty is the dominant one and Buffy really was usually a little chicken. I really think that it was a combination of her trying to push his authority and him being so attached to her that he allowed her too much leeway. That being said hormones can turn any body into a bitch! LOL!

Livvy is almost 2! It's just so weird!
I am sorry this happened! I'm not familiar enough with pregnant dogs to really know how or if their hormones play a roll. I do know that bitches in season will act differently towards other bitches at times.

I also know our breeder told us that once you get more than 2 or 3, you can start to get into issues where one or sometimes the whole group will just start ganging up on another dog and personality issues can become difficult to manage. She said she has on occasion needed to place a dog that her pack just decided they hated. That said, the odd scuffle could turn out to be nothing. She said that our Maddie, who is actually pretty submissive, got into a fight with another bitch she has, Shadow, who is apparently the top-ranked female in her pack. And while she said sometimes once they've had a full-blown fight they can no longer be trusted together, in this case she kept them separate for awhile, then crated them next to each other at night for awhile before reintroducing them and they proceeded to be as fine after the fight as they were before it. She has no idea what triggered it and was not there when it started.

So, sometimes it can be a tip of the iceberg thing, but other times it's just a once-and-done incident. I know that's not much help! Just thought I'd share what I heard (and our breeder's had Corgis for 30 years).
Thanks Beth,

I am feeling really guilty right now as I have Wiley in my tv room with me and Livvy is out in the kitchen on a long leash...I like the idea of the keeping them apart for awhile and then having the 2 kennels together and will try this in a few days but as hard as it is Livvy will remain in the kitchen tonight and they won't go out together for awhile! I have plenty of areas and plenty of kennels or I might just put Livvy in my exercise fence for a few days...I don't know if she has any idea that what she did was wrong or still even knows why she is being kept apart but I will do anything I can to help get this back to normal and keep them both safe!
I have the room to do so and am willing to do so! My others seem fine with each of these so I guess right now I will take "one day at a time" but I will make sure they are both "safe"! My rescue is spayed so they are not both intact!
Oh so true!!!!
I would probably keep them apart until the puppies are born and weaned and then after everything settles back to normal, try gradually reintroducing them under supervision. And Joanna's note below makes sense, though I don't have any experience with that myself.

In her mind, I doubt she thinks she did something wrong. Dogs are much more dramatic (in our eyes) in their interactions than we are.
She's doing her job. She's pregnant, which makes her automatically the highest-ranking bitch in the house, and she's putting her affairs in order. Pregnant bitches know that they have to get everyone absolutely in line, because they will need to have the power to drive them away from their puppies. (Speaking of which, you do have the facilities to completely separate her and the puppies from the others, right? If she does this correctly, she'll viciously attack any dog who even THINKS about coming near the puppies.)

Livvy's not the one who should be punished, kenneled, or tied. This is HER JOB. Your job is to keep Wiley and everybody else away from her to keep her stress level absolutely zero. She is the queen of the house (of the dogs, that is) for the next twelve weeks.
Ok, that makes sense to me! Glad I am not breeding anyone...
Thank you Joanne!

Yes I have her whelping box in place with blankets /pads in it already! I also have a whole set up in my bathroom to finish with the heat light and other "puppy" needed items, she will be totally separated from everyone else.This is right off my bedroom and I also add another barrier to her area that is a panel about 30" high to block off her box and give her even more privacy but it does have a "preggy" size dog door for her to get in and out. She also has a "sitting/feeding" area behind this barrier so that she can be by the pups but not in the box.and then a 5X8 area outside her little castle! I guess I will have to finish this now that I have 4 days off! I will also limit the dogs that come in my bedroom with us for now! At least one if not 2 dogs will be going on vacation for a week when she has her pups to also keep things a little more quite!

We weren't sure she was pregnant till about a week ago! Now she's really starting to "pop"!

I appreciate your "help"!


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