I love observing my dogs' behavior and trying to figure what goes on in those little busy brains. My latest point of consideration is jealousy. Both my dogs get jealous, but of totally different things.

Jack, our confident bossy male, is terribly jealous when my husband and I show each other any affection. At the first sign of a hug, he will run off and gather some toys, then come stand behind us and woof and grumble and make monkey noises, and generally do all he can to remind us that he is being horribly neglected in all of this fussing. Jack is not at all a cuddler and shows his desire for attention by asking to play, endlessly.

However, he is not at all concerned when we give attention to our other dog, Maddie. I can pet her, brush her, clean her teeth, and he's perfectly fine. Since we had him first, we were told by just about everyone that he might be jealous of a new dog, and since he was jealous of our interactions with each other, I thought he would be too. But, that is not at all the case and he only is bothered if he thinks there might be treats coming; he makes sure he's nearby then!

Madison is just the opposite. She came into our house only about a month ago, as a nearly-five-year-old, so it is true she is not as bonded to us. Still, she is a cuddler and greets us with exuberance when we come home. She follows us all around. But she pays not one bit of attention when Shawn and I are affectionate with each other. She could not care less.

But if I go near Jack? She's right there, trying to nose her way into the middle. I need to push her away if I do anything with him. If attention is being paid to a dog, she thinks it should be to her.

I am curious about other people's Corgis. Are they jealous when you pay attention to other dogs? To people? If you are engrossed in some sort of work? Or do they not really care one way or the other?

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Chloe MUST be the center of attention at all times. If she is not, oh boy do we hear about it! She is very vocal with what she wants. She will bark, yap and make any kind of noise she possibly can to let us know how put out she is that we are not paying attention to her! We ignore this behavior in hopes that it will stop, but so far, no such luck. I guess that's just her temperament. When we got her from the breeder, I was standing with all 6 puppies around me and Chloe came right up, plopped her but down on my feet and claimed me as hers! That's our Chloe for you! I try to tell her that jealousy is not becoming of her, but she doesn't seem to mind!
My boys are completely jealous of each other. they are big momma's boys. if one site on my lap, or if i snuggle,hug,kiss on or even if one is sitting on the couch next to me, the other one sits on the floor and barks or whines. OR will growl when the other tries to get some love from me. any ideas???
Sarah, If there are times when they don't bark or whine try to reward them. If I am petting Sparty and Izzy tries to hone in I give her a firm no. Try to make sure each has separate times when they get attention. It should be clear that you decide who you give attention to. I would go so far as to give a "time out" in another room to the one growling if they don't quiet down after a no. Obedience classes are very helpful in promoting you as a leader too.
Lilliput has become more and more jealous of, or at least is keeping track of, attention given to the Old Dog. After she's gone to bed in her crate, and I'm usually in a recliner, she shows up like a streak of light if she hears my recliner move. She zips in and hovers right over the head of the Old Dog. No way am I going to get out of my chair and pet him without her knowing it!

It's funny when she's comes charging in from three rooms away, sleeping in her crate, to catch me all alone in the living room with no other dog in sight. She spins around looking for the competition, for what other reason could there be for me to get out of my chair except to pet a dog?
"She spins around looking for the competition, for what other reason could there be for me to get out of my chair except to pet a dog?"

That is sooooo funny.
teddy isnt jealous at all, i can pet the cats all i want in front of him, give them treats, brush, etc. same thing for my hubby i can give him hugs and attention all day but when it comes to eating a snack or anything he gets jealous that hes not eating too lol i give him treats but he gobbles them so fast
Yoda is jealous of my car. I swear whenever I am driving, all Yoda wants to do is get into my lap and want me to play with him instead of the steering wheel!
Ha! That's the best one I've heard! Jack was very jealous of my iPhone when I first got it.
Kota is jealous of my laptop sometimes. Not very often. But, if he feels he needs some extra love, he will nudge my arm with his nose and look at me and proceed to climb onto me in front of the computer if I ignore him long enough. He really isn't jealous of much else. Whoever has food is where he is at when food is present. But waits his turn for a bite. Sometimes when I am petting one of the other dogs, he will just look at me like "why are you petting them and not me??" I think it's so adorable.
The pups will get jealous of each other now and then but there's never any teeth baring or growling or anything. If I'm petting one the other will sneakily sidle (butt push) the other out of the way haha. It's kind of funny to watch now and then.

That's about it really.
My Emlyn is very jealous of my girlfriend showing attention to anyone other than her. We will often sit on the couch and make loud smacking noises with our faces together just to get her going. Emlyn will do whatever it takes to get between us. Going so far as to climb up on somones shoulders to get her face between ours.

She has no problem with attention being paid to Cody, the other dog.
My computer.... she is watching me right now, gotta go pet her. *sigh*


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