Jack is my high-energy Corgi.  He was born in April of 2007, which means he's going on 4.


He's always been hard to tire out.  Take him on a two-hour hike and he'll power nap for half an hour and then start getting tennis balls.


I had thought, for much of this year, that he had finally settled down.  And then the cold weather arrived.  Turns out that he was just lazy because of a very long, very hot summer.  Now he's back to his old self.  Sit down to watch a movie and he'll push his ball closer and closer to your feet, saying "Grrr, grrr, grr" the whole time.   He would play for hours if we caved in to his every request.


Maddie is always happy to just hang out until someone decides to initiate activity, but not Jack.  Always on the go.


Anyone else have Corgis approaching middle-age that still act like puppies with their energy level?

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My theory is the working bloodlines versus the show bloodlines. Sparty has ancestors named "Stubs" and "Devil Dog" no fancy breeding at all and Izzy has Champions galore and will always lay around like she is the Princess. Chase a ball..Ha! Come to think of it she would probably make a terrible show dog because she would snooze while the Judge was looking. Maybe she would make a better afghan.

Jack is from show lines all the way back.  However his sire is from overseas and I'm not sure what they breed for, temperament-wise.  I do know that Maddie was bred to Jack's sire, and the breeder kept one bitch to run on for show.  When the pup hit one year of age, she placed her with a friend who does agility.  She said the little gal simply had too much energy for HER household.  She said you'd throw a ball for her and she'd go frantic barking for you to throw it again, and again, and again.


So it would seem to come from the male side of the family in Jack's case, though I think his mother was high-energy too from what I recall of meeting her.

i met Carlys mom not her dad, of course.. and she was the most sedate not a bit interested in who we were or why we were checking out her pups ,absolutely  no barking both times i went over. So i thought wow what a nice dog.. well come to find out the father was a rambunctious guy and look who took after him..

I got her from a back yard breeder who had only two litters total and quit.

Mac has only gotten more energetic since he first arrived.

I adopted Mac when he was about 6 months old in 2006. He's four now, going on five.

But he's very active around the house. The front window blinds are typically a mess if someone comes to the door during the day as he jumps and barks all over the window.

He'll chase whatever he can that gets into the yard, including my neighbor's dog, a boxer. If the other neighbor's bull dog barks at him on the neighbor's side of the fence, Mac will "fence fight" with him by scratching at the hole under the fence where each dog can stick their muzzles and paws. Of course, when I see that happen, I tell my dog to stop it.

When the gardener comes, it's a constant running around to every window in the house in an attempt to follow the gardener and bark at him.

My cousin brought her mix breed dog over during our Thanksgiving party. Mac followed her often and taunted her to play.

Mac has broken a number of things so far. When he was a puppy, I looped his leash over the top of a dining chair temporarily. He yanked it, making the chair fall over and break. He toppled my camera lenses from an end table causing one to break. He jumped on my notebook computer which was sitting on TV dinner stand causing it to tip over and cause a break which was later repaired. He's a sock and underwear thief and typically leaves a hole in them before he's through. He tore and pulled out the stuffing from a dog bed. He damaged the tray of his dog crate. I'm sure there's more that I can't think of right now.

He doesn't do as much damage as he used to ... except to helpless socks.

Sometimes I tease him if I want to see if he'll play. He'll argue with me if I'm taunting him too much and grab my pant leg and tug at it.

Yup, this one hasn't slowed down much.

Sounds like Livvy ! But I can't get Frosty the Snowman out of my mind and how he "comes to life"! It's got to be all the snow we're getting!


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