We keep Cosmo in his crate when we aren't home because he is still not trustworthy. He's usually pretty happy to be there. I stopped home at lunch today and found he was latched to the inside door of his crate by the D-ring on his collar. He was completely immobilized.


Even as I write this, I am still disturbed. Poor puppy. I have no idea how long he was trapped like that. I could barely get him free. I thought I was going to have to call the fire department. I was able to free him after tinkering for a minute or two.


The thing that saved him was that he remained calm. He didn't thrash around. He's such a mellow little guy that I think he just accepted that he was caught and just stayed with his head against the door. When I finally got him out, he was completely nonplussed, just happy. I was the one who was a wreck.


Now the lesson and your advice:  Do you all take off collars when you crate? This seemed like a complete freak occurence but I don't want to take any chances. Cosmo has his rabies tag and dog park license attached to his collar, and that ring is what got caught. I know it will be a pain to take the collar off each time, but I won't risk that happening again.

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Thank you for sharing your story, and I'm so glad that Cosmo is ok!  They are such smart dogs.  


It's a great warning.  I don't keep collars on in the house at all.  I only put them on for walks, and leave them attached to the leash.  

Wow!  This is a great warning!  But I am so sorry that it happened to you!  Poor Cosmo!  I do leave their collars on all the time, maybe I need to reconsider this!  I worry that if they somehow get out of the fence, or someone lets them slip out the door and they don't have their collars on, then what?  This is a much appreciated warning!  I am glad that Cosmo is okay!
collar only on for walks at my house also
I got a safety collar that falls off when the buckle receives 10+ pounds of force (44.5 N).  I had him wear it for a long time, but it fell off almost daily.  He just doesn't wear a collar anymore because it got annoying to put on.  I didn't get him a normal one because I'm not okay with having that much pressure on his neck on a daily basis.  We use a slip lead, so he doesn't even wear a collar on walks.
Glad Cosmo is both okay, and apparently unconcerned!  That's adorable, what a calm pup.  I pop off my guys' collars the minute we're in the house.  We largely view the collars as necessary for when we go out the door, but not around the house.  I have a fenced yard, and they don't actually like going out without me, so I'm not afraid of them slipping out without it.  I always think it's like me and shoes -- I kick mine off when I walk in the door, and my feet are so happy.  so I figure they are just as happy to kick off their collars.
My two don't wear collars in the house either. You could look into a martingale collar with the cloth loop, they slip on and off over their head so you don't have to mess with buckles or anything. That's what we use, they're very quick and easy.
You're absolutely right and it's a good reminder to take collars off when crating a dog.  Glad it turned out well.
I always keep a collar on Solomon.  However I do not crate Solomon.  But I acquired him at 4 years old so he was good, but when I got Chloe she was a baby, I did not crate her either....I used a child gate and kept her in the kitchen, nowing that she couldn't get into anything.  Glad you found your calm baby ok and that was a close call. 
 We live in the country and even though my dogs don't leave the yard I don't trust them to not have collars on and someone find them and keep them. This am there were 3 deer in the yard and one or more could take off after them. I do crate mine at times but haven't had a problem but this is a great reminder....thanks!

this is a great reminder for everyone. i know it may be a pain to remove his collar every time he has to go into his crate but it will be peace of mind knowing that he is safe:) i have teddys collar on when we are home but when we leave i take it off. he dosnt like his collar off of him for some reason, he looks for it until i put it back on lol. his collar is a martingale just like Jane has. mine dosnt have a buckle but is adjustable so u can just slid it over his head(mine is all nylon) what is great about these collars is that it can be completely loose and will still keep Cosmo safe out of walks if he gets spooked as it tightens gently.


the crate i have actually says "remove collar for safety" im glad Cosmo is safe and unharmed, poor guy

Wow! That is a frightening story. I am so glad all is well with Cosmo. I am very conflicted on this issue. I am VERY paranoid about not having collars on my girls. I am so afraid of them getting out and lost that I keep collars on all the time. Granted, they are hardly ever in crates anymore. I have friends that have "naked' dogs all the time and it freaks me out. That's just me. Good luck with your sweet boy!
So glad Cosmo is ok. We were actually warned in our first obedience class not to leave collars on in the crate, just for the reason you stated. 


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