Hello!  I am awaiting the birth of my very first Corgi!  I am so excited.  I haven't had a puppy in over 25 years, as our last dog was a rescue and lived a long life.  Our new puppy is due on September 2nd, so I expect we'll have a "baby" in the house by early November.  I plan to be totally prepared and have everything ready.  We are empty-nesters now, and I'm home all day, so this little guy will be well-loved and spoiled (just a bit!!).


I would appreciate some advice!  I plan to crate train our pup for short times I'll be gone and I want to obedience train him.  My question is this:  Does anyone have any suggestions on the best methods, such as... a class, or a training manual?  I live in Murrieta, CA which is near Temecula, and would love to do the BEST thing for my dog!


Thanks so much!

Kathleen Unsell

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Class definitely!  If there are a lot of options in your area, you could ask the instructors to observe one of their classes, then choose the instructor who uses the method you are most comfortable with.  Having the help of a qualified professional is always better than trying to do it yourself out of a manual.  Good luck and congratulations on the new baby!!

Here is the FAQ page that has lots of useful articles about training and bringing home puppy...



Thank you, Chris...I am currently going through all the FAQs and classes in my area...still weighing out my decision...really appreciate your input!!


Definitely do a puppy class.

The best method I've found is positive reinforcement using a clicker and combining verbal and hand signals.  This combination allows the dog to learn very fast and he's doing it for himself, not out of fear or whatever.  If you have a firm grasp on behavioral psychology, or even just dedicate your time to reading dog training books, and are confident in your abilities to teach your dog and be a leader in your household (not be alpha, but be a pillar of strength for your dog to look to!) then you probably don't need to go to a puppy class.  Classes are really about teaching you to teach your dog!  However, the socialization a puppy class provides is quite nice, and if you're afraid you may not be able to expose him to all the things he needs to be exposed to, definitely enroll in a class to boot that aspect of his life.


I trained Waffle myself using what I learned in my AP Psychology class, a clicker, and just dog training knowledge I picked up from watching It's Me or the Dog and reading stuff online.  I've been told by numerous people that he's one of the most well-behaved dogs they've met.  So, you don't need to do a class to produce a well-mannered dog, but unless you understand the process it could be a little difficult and you may not get the results you want without some help.  For the average person or someone with a very unruly dog, a class is best.

I want to second what Rachel said!   Classes are nice, but I trained both mine myself (one as a puppy and one as an adult).  We live near a park which afforded plenty of socialization.  When we finally went to a class for CGC when Jack was almost 2, he was better-trained than most of the dogs who had gone through classes.

Having said that, I am in classes all the time where well-meaning, smart people who LOVE their dogs are terrible at training.  Their timing is so off and they don't praise nearly often enough or quickly enough and their dogs are happy but confused.  In other words, training is not something that comes naturally to a lot of people, and so for many people a class is their best option.  My husband is smart and loves the dogs and would definitely need a class to train even the most basic stuff. 


So it's important to assess yourself, look at your experience and decide from there.

I appreciate your opinion, Beth, and I also live near a nice park, and another one with a lake (plenty of dog-walkers too).  I believe I can probably do this on my own, as I am home all day, kids are grown and gone, and I was very consistent back in the potty-training days of my boys!  They were both potty trained completely before their 2nd birthdays!  I know a pup is different, but consistency, praise, and love always seems to work!  I will keep everyone posted.  Thank you, once again!

Thank you Rachel and Waffle!  I ordered a book online and I'm reading up on all kinds of websites and the FAQ page here on mycorgi.com.  I am home all day and I really think I can do this.  I have plenty of time and when I put my mind to something, I follow through!  Thanks so much.  I will post pictures of the new baby when he/she comes home!


I agree with Rachel and Beth,  I watched a lot of youtube and bought a clicker and trained Quin as far as she is trained.  All training is a continuing process.  You have to keep up the commands and reinforce the good behavior all through their life.  If you haven't used a command in a while you will have to start over at the beginning with that command until they get it again.  I really like kikopup Emily is a very good trainer and I have learned a lot from watching her videos    http://www.youtube.com/user/kikopup?feature=chclk  there are a lot of people on youtube to learn from so just start watching now and when you get your puppy you will have a head start.  Do remember though (I had a hard time with this)  they are like babies and need a lot of play time with the training,  I wish I would have just played with Quin more i think that is why it has taken her till now to become really lovey to me (she always has been with my Husband)  Beth also hit it on the head that timing is very important so if you think you need some one on one with a trainer take a class ( cause it is you that will be learning ha ha)  Good luck with your new baby when you get him or her:)


Thanks Kari....I am open to whatever seems best...like I said, I'm home now, and have plenty of time to invest in training, whether I do it on my own or through a class.  Opinions seem to differ, and I suppose many are based on how much time each person has to put into their dog's training.  Since I'm home, I don't have to worry about my availability.  I think I'll give it a whirl on my own to begin with, and take everyone's advice about lots of praise, consistency, a clicker, and timing!

I appreciate your input!

I've done both and they have both worked well. Wynn my 1st I never thought of classes and he remains the most obedient or equal to his daughter, Sage who we have done 3 classes but that was more to get her certified in CGC and therapy dog. My others have all had at least one class and it's fun to bond with the experience so either way to me worked:) Good Luck and congrats on your new future addition:)
Training from home is good idea like the others have said but if its been awhile the class is there to help u. Also just be sure to socialize her each and everyday to new things. If u don't it will lead to behaviour problems


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