Hi Everyone,


I need some help right now! We have had our corgi penbrook puppy for about 3 months now and the little guy and my daughter became close friends. The two constantly play, one being she lifts him and throws him in the air making him do flips and spins while airborne. At first I was worried but the puppy loved and it pounces around at her feet for more, she has great hand eye coordination.


Today I was upstairs taking care of bills and paperwork and I came downstairs to find a form, as I passed the kitchen i heard a small whimper, so small I barely heard it from inside. I opened the freezer to find the puppy curled up in the fetal position in a large glass bowl barely breathing!


My emergency responses went into full force and I took out the bowl and took out the put who was rather cold. I put him under very warm water slowly bringing his temperature up and rubbing his body. I dried him off and covered him in warm blankets and an electric one on top of all of them. He was crying louder and so I fed him with warm milk and put him in his crate.


I don't know how long he was in there so I called my daughter and asked her why she had done this, and she replied that "the puppy was hot after we played, so I wanted  to help cool him down mommy," even with my concern I had to smile at her earnestness. I talked to her and told her she wouldn't be playing with the puppy for a month for what she did.


So now I ask for all the corgi lovers, what should be my next steps? We cant afford to take him to the vet as he just got his shots and money is really tight right now.please help!

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Hi Ronnie, you need to take him to the vet. Here.

I agree.  Take him to the vet, worry about the money later.   And I trust that you won't leave a small child alone with a pup in future.  Not the kid's fault, they just don't know any better.    Please don't let her toss him in the air any more either; someone could get hurt.


Good luck!  Let us know how the poor little guy is.

Treatment for human moderate hypothermia:  remove wet clothes and put victim in a sleeping bag with another person, preferably naked, to warm them back up.  Likely works for dogs, too.

Severe prolonged hypothermia is different;  bringing a severely hypothermic person abruptly into a warm environment can cause death.

Kids must be supervised.  Our daughter got a cat scratch straight down across the eye, 3 small scratches:  center eyebrow, center cheek, center of EYELID.  No major damage.

NOTE:  a St. Bernard, upon autopsy after killing a toddler, was found to have a popsicle stick inserted fully into its ear.

Monitor his temp closely, a dog's temp should be between 100-101. Since you have no idea how long he was in the freezer, you don't know the severity of the hypothermia. he should be assessed by a vet for any long term damage. Also, as others have said, don't leave him unsupervised with children. He should not be thrown in the air and spun around, they  have long backs that are prone to injury and your daughter could easily paralyze him even if she does catch him each time. Not worth the risk. If you leave an unsupervised child with a puppy expect lots of future vet bills and lots of accidents that may not turn out as well as this one. Vet's offer a medical credit card called Care Credit that is no interest and good to have in emergencies such as this one.

I agree with everyone else. See if you are eligible for carecredit or find some other way to take him to the vet. And please don't let your daughter or anyone else flip him in the air...that is just asking for a horrible injury, especially with a puppy.

You did not mention how old your daughter is but I would say your two examples of her play indicate that she should not play unsupervised with the puppy! Take the puppy to the vet and don't leave them alone again. Children must learn how to treat an animal and that requires supervision.

Wow.. Well, if you couldn't afford a vet bill, not watching a little kid and a puppy is the wrong way to go about things:( please take the puppy to the vet. Would you not take your daughter because of money?? If you do not take the pup... Return it to the breeder? It's not fair to the puppy. I know how hard I is to give up a pet because there just isn't the funds to keep it. I had to do it about a year ago for my guinea pig, who I loved a lot.
Things are better now, so that's proof things change. In my case for better but not always is that so. Clearly.. But if you wouldn't treat your daughter that way, don't treat the puppy so. It is a life, equal to us.

I agree with the others.

I cringed when I read this.  I'm sorry, but what you described brings one word to my mind: irresponsible.

I agree, I usually stick with my policy of never saying anything discouraging. But this is an exception. Please, for the love of all that's holy, sell something. Take out a personal loan. Apply for care credit. Do anything but let this puppy suffer. I know times are tough, but withholding medical care from an animal is considered animal cruelty. Heck, give the pup back to it he breeder. Sorry if I sound overly harsh, but I seriously cannot stop thinking about this discussion, and it breaks my heart to know this pup is suffering :(.  .... Ok that's the end of my lecture. Please listen to everyone's advice.

Ugh, me too.

My first thought was that you are pulling our collective legs.

If you're not...there's not a delicate way to put this...what your daughter has done and the way in which she plays with this puppy is abusive. If she isn't old enough to know better, she isn't old enough to play with the puppy unsupervised. You need to take control of this situation immediately.


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