new corgi turning bully and violent toward older Sheltie

I recently adopted a 2 y/o NM Pembroke whom I've named Bandit (he's a tri with a little mask).

He entered a home with 2 other dogs---a 6 y/o S F who was also a Humane Society dog. 

Within the first weeks there were several ugly fights between the two Corgis but since then I "think" the older F has asserted her territorial rights and the new guy seems to "know his place".

I've started crating "Bandit" when I leave and that has worked out well

NOW.......things are changing.  In the past 2 weeks there have been 2 fights between Bandit and my older, meek Sheltie.  I think it started with a "game" many dogs play when you let them out......they charge out full speed, barking and nip at each it seems Bandit has forgotten about "Winnie" (the F) and has taken to running down and attacking my Sheltie (who is NOT a fighter and has been traumatized by the two experiences. I mean I can hardly get the Sheltie out from under the bed.

Bandit isn't aggressive when he sees other dogs (like the F who is spoken of elsewhere on this site)

Is Bandit  transferring his 'pent up aggression" to the Sheltie? since he seems respectful of the F and her place.

I'm contacting trainers and behaviorists but something has to change if I'm to avoid re-homing Bandit. 

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So sorry for what is going on. I had to rehome one of my own Corgis due to her picking on another female and eventually the other female started fighting back (which was good) but the fights continued to get worse. I would keep them separated and sometimes that gets to be too much. Good luck!!!!!!!! I hope you get it to work.

Beautiful dogs!!!!!!

Beautiful dogs!  I hope a trainer can help you with this.  You obviously have a big heart and I'm sure it would hurt a lot if you had to rehome Bandit.

What a pretty little dog he is! They're all very handsome.

Don't know about three dogs. With two females -- a pup now about 11 months and a 7- or 8-year-old female -- I had some luck by keeping the pup, who wanted to be boss in the worst way, on a leash at all times while she was in the house. She went everywhere with me, on the lead, or was left in a room for not very long when I got up to run into the kitchen or the bathroom. At feeding time, I leashed pup to the oven door handle, conspicuously fed the older dog first, and then made the pup "sit" before handing over her dish of food. Whenever I left the house, pup went into her crate. Eventually the older dog came out of her hiding place in the bathroom and the pup gave up trying to dominate her. They're the best of pals now...for the time being.

With three: ??????  To keep the peace until you can get a trainer in there, you might try leashing Bandit at all times. Get one of those long training leads so he can walk around the room and you can tie him to a doorknob or to the arm of the chair where you're sitting.

A trainer who billed himself as a "behaviorist" helped me with a fractious German shepherd, some years ago. It might be worth trying to track down such a person. Try asking your vet for referrals.

If the problem is primarily when they are excited and run together, then I think my first step would be to not let them all run at once like that. Bandit may simply be going over his arousal threshold and getting over-excited, which can turn quickly into aggression (as anyone who has watched teenage boys' horseplay turn into a fight can tell you).

So I would start with keeping them separated any time one of the dogs would be very excited (so don't let them all loose at once, don't throw a ball when all are present, separate them at feeding time). See if that helps. If it does, it's just a management issue. If not, you'll need an objective third party to assess the situation.

Corgis are usually alpha type personalities, especially the Cardis. This dog is attacking the others in order to establish his place in the pack. If your other dogs are beta personalities (submissive) then the Pemi is going to exert his place as top of the pecking order. You are the one to make this work, With any alpha dog, the human must establish himself or herself as the real pack leader. Dogs are pack animals and he must be made to understand he is subordinate to you. 

I guess I am lucky to have an alpha personality. Dogs sense my attitude of no nonsense and respect my leadership role. I wish I could tell you how to make this bond with Bandit. It won't be easy if you are not assertive. NEVER strike a dog when they misbehave. This is the quickest way to lose their trust and love. When Bandit gets nasty tempered, you can grab him by the scruff of the neck ( gently). You aren't going to do any damage. Try to turn him over on his back. If you succeed, gently grasp him by the throat and sternly tell him NO! He will react to the forced submissive posture and the tone of your voice. Laying on the back exposing the throat is how a dog submits to the pack leader. You must do this without showing any fear of being bit. Chances are, he will be so surprised he won't fight. Dogs can be intimidating but you must NOT fear Bandit. He can sense your fear and he WILL take advantage of it. He may snap, he may actually bite you, but he can't kill you. I know that sounds trite, but if you love Bandit it is important you establish his place in the pack. Skin grows back.

I used to work with the humane society here in Texas. I would be called whenever they had a dog too aggressive to be adopted or even handled. Over several years, we never lost a doggy. I have been bit and I have bled (profusely on one occasion) but I never lost a dog. Be calm. Be loving, but be firm. He will learn that you are the pack leader and his behavior towards the other dogs is not permitted.I wish I could be there to help but this is not the case. Good luck with Bandit.

I've  used the leasing in the house on more than one occasion. Just attaching the leash to myself and having the more aggressive dog follow me around for a few days helps establish me as the leader. It's a also quite bonding for your new dog. He is trying to figure out where he fits in and confusion will often lead to striking out. Also hold him back when you let the dogs out and let him out after so that run thing doesn't work. Hopefully this is just adjustment problems and not true aggression.


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