Neeka being aggressive --not sure how to stop it---

About 10 days ago i lost my other dog Lucibelle to coyotes--Neeka was fighting them but came out unhurt, thankfully. Since then she has been very aggressive with my fathers 6 month old golden. She has also showed aggression towards me--i tried to reach into her crate to take a bone out that she had taken from jack and she growled and snapped at me. She also has been having aggressive nightmares--when she is sleeping if i move she will growl and snap until she realises its me. i have moved her crate into my room and she will sleep in it but is guarding it from everyone. Also, lucibelles crate is in the garage--if she gets into the garage she will guard lucys stuff or the dog food we keep in the garage. Now the problem is everything i have read has said not to disipline her because she is suffering from being tramatized. she also has been puking alot of clear liquid when she gets all worked up and aggressive...any suggestions on how to get her to stop while not disiplining her?

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I remember reading your post about losing Lucibelle. Such a tragedy. I can't begin to imagine how poor Neeka was effected by what she went through. Have you talked to your vet? Perhaps he/she might have a suggestion for you. One suggestion I would make is perhaps remove all of Lucibelle's things, sounds like they're a trigger for her.

I'm so sorry for your loss and for what Neeka is going through. I hope time will heal her wounds.
i would definatly talk to some one! Poor baby...I can't imagine the trauma! I would guess that dogs can get some form of post traumatic stress syndrome and I'm thinking she really needs loving help but don't have a clue what...if there's any trainers around or the internet to study further might be an idea! Good luck...hold that baby tight and keep us updated! I wouldn't get rid of lucy's stuff till you talk to someone...maybe put it up but keep it till you know for sure that you should!
I am so sorry!! It definitely sounds like post-traumatic stress disorder. I can do some research and get back to you....
I would check into Obedience classes. The trainer can give you advice and an activity in a controlled environment may increase Neeka's confidence. She has been severely traumatized, poor thing.
Aw, Neeka! I don't have any useful tips, but she's been through more than her fair share. I hope time will heal all. I hope everything will be ok for you both! I just wanted to let you know that we are thinking of you and are pulling for you!!
I'm so sorry ho hear what happened to both of your babies... Poor thing. I don't know what to advise here, it looks like a very delicate situation and any wrong move would lead to more problems. She might benifit from help of a professional, and not just dog classes, but one on one interaction.
Take her to a vet, she might even need some medications to help her sleep better.
If she likes to learn new stuff you could try to teach her some tricks, this might bring some positivity and distraction to her life.
Let us know how it;s going. I really hope she gets better.
maybe just... ignoring it and giving her TIME to get over it? with dogs who get scared, you have to ignore the negative behavior (not punish, not praise). dog psychology... interesting
Sorry to hear of yours and Neekas loss,my advice to you would be to find a very good animal behavorist as well as a really good obedience trainer.Both will be able to guide you through this traumatic time for Neeka.I was lucky to find both in the same person,when my corgi was attacked by my parents dog he became aggressive.And for a show dog,that's not allowed.....actually can lead to a automatic disqualification in the show ring.To see him now,compared to just under 6 months ago you wouldn't believe the difference.He is more confident,loves to play with other dogs now and that improvement has shown in his show career,leading him to not 1 but 2 show Championships in 5 months.The stress your poor baby is feeling is also effecting the aggression,I played soothing music,moved his crate into my room and maintained a strict schedule that everybody in the house followed for my little guy.And always maintain the house rules you had before you lost Lucibelle.Hope everything works out well for you and Neeka,you'll be in our thoughts and prayers for a speeding recovery for your little girl.
the only thing im worried about with the vet is that they will just medicate her and she will be a little zombie dogs. i tried taking her out while i was plowing the driveway this morning and she played right by me and seemed to be having alot of fun. last night though at about 4:30 am jack started barking and it startled her and she tried to dig and get under my back and pee'd all over my bed. it was strange, im definitly going to look into classes. i talked to my friend who works at a shelter and she keeps telling me to just be paitent and try to get back on the same schedule we were before.
They do have anti-anxiety meds that may help her temporarily that won't make her "zombie dog". It may be a good thing to look into while she is experiencing so much trauma. It helps break the cycle.That plus a trainer should really help.
I have to agree with Bev and though I've never had to use them if her brain/feelings are in such a turmoil maybe this would help's got to be terrifying for her if she get so scared! Poor baby!
A short course of anti-anxiety meds might be useful, just til she's through the worst of it, because unfortunately behaviors that understandably develop after a trauma could become habit.

I am so sorry for what your whole family has been through, and I really can't offer much in the line of advice because I'm afraid I'd tell you something and it would make it worse! I would think that trying to keep a routine would help, but then again maybe the opposite and doing something new that has no association with poor Lucibelle would allow her to have fun without linking it to the other dog. Like I said, I don't really know myself but you have my utmost sympathy.


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