So now my darling baby Harley is now 7 months old. Over the past few months I have observed some of the weirdest, wackiest, and just plan disgusting habits of my little Pemmie girl.


Lets start with the weird:

She follows me absolutely everywhere. She never leaves me side and this even means when I go to take a shower. She jumps up on the edge of the tub and likes to stick her head in the shower to see what I am doing. When I step out she starts to lick the water off of my legs! She also enjoys to lick lotion off my arms after I have rubbed it in. Just plain odd!



She hides things and hoards. Every time I give her a bone/treat/some toys, she will take them and hide them. Her favorite place to hide bones is in my bed! I've woken up to a bone poking me in the butt. Not the nicest thing to wake up too -,- She also likes to hide things in her crate, in her cat brother's cat bed, and under the futon. Last week I got down and crawled under the futon and found a MOTHERLOAD of toys!


Now for just the plan disgusting:

She eats kitty litter, kitty poop, and deer poop! Yes, I tell her no; Yes, I clean out the poop on a daily basis... but that does not stop her from lapping up a few pieces of the litter. It just makes me facepalm! and then just to put the icing on the cake... she will sometimes lick the toilet. ugghhh GROSS!!!


Do any of you observe any weird, wacky, and disgusting habits of your corgis?


-- Caitlin & Harley

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Sounds perfectly normal to me! Although you need to keep the cat poop away from her. Put it in an area where you can block it off, it is not healthy. Wait until you get her near horse manure! Apparently a real delicacy! We are talking about a farm dog... Mine also keep close track of me. It is one of my favorite things. Sparty likes my husband an I to stay in the same room, it makes it easier for him. He hates it when my husband leaves for work in the morning. Deer poop, bunny poop all is apparently wonderful but I try to keep it to a minimum but it is difficult because our house backs up to a large park.
Mine all like several delicacies in the poop area. Occasionally like to roll in who knows what and follow me closer than is safe. Don't forget the June bugs are great to crunch and dead flat mice are wonderful to toss in the air. To name a few...
Jackson got hold of a dead bird the other day, was prancing around like he was the biggest stud in the world!  Wade said it gulped it down before he could get it from him....ICK!
Waffle will hide things under my butt, no matter where I am.  I just accept it now.  I also accept waking up next to a pig ear or deer antler.
The peeping shower behavior and the licking off the water after and then the lotion. It's like you were describing Ein. She does the exact same thing. I keep waiting for her to jump in and join me.
Grabbed the camera when Ein started peeping in on my husband taking a shower this morning. I didn't actually expect her to jump in with him though. That was a first! She's so silly.

Shower Sequence

Step 1) Peep on Kevin. Step 2) Contemplate jumping in. Step 3) Bend the knees in preparation of jumping in. Step 4) Not pictured due to nudity. Step 5) Hop out. The End!

Let's see....

1)  Seanna loves kitty litter too.  Grosses me out even more when she tries to give you a kiss after she's eaten it and she's got it stuck in her teeth.  YUCK!

2)  She burps every time after she eats.

3)  She loves to chase crickets in the summer and eat them.

4)  She throws her ball up in the air and chases it all over to entertain herself.

5)  She limps for attention.  She's a total drama freak.

6)  She loves to chase butterflies.

7)  And squirrels.  Although she sometimes loses sight of them before she gets there, and she goes barking up the wrong tree.

8)  She barks and comes running every time you open a window.

9)  She sleeps with her tongue hanging out a little sometimes.  It's so cute!

10)  She goes running and hides every time I open the drawer with the grooming supplies.

11)  If I get mad at her, she'll pout for days.

12)  She'll steal a toy from the other dogs if they're playing with it.  She won't play with it though then, I think she does it to just throw her weight around.

Hmmm...think that's about all for now.  My corgi mix, and Jackson now, will lick your legs when you get out of the shower too!  I'm sure Seanna has many more quirks....

@ Jennifer - It always amazes me how unique we think our Corgis ways and behaviors are. Then we read other owner's comments, and there is so much similarity w/in the breed. Sleeping on their backs, sleeping on their stomach with front and rear leg extended, all their vocalizing, esp. first thing in the morning, throwing their toys up and around to entertain themselves, chasing butterflies and esp. SQUIRRELS. We can't even say the word squirrel w/o Lucy having a fit. Yup. sleeping w. the the tip of the tongue out. You did an amazing job of capturing so many of the idiosyncrasies that make Corgis special. But, I have to say that I love that Seanna can chase a squirrel to the wrong tree. Hilarious! Also, I love her burping after eating, hides before grooming and pouts for days. My favorite "Seanna" is that she limps for attention. I love her!!!

Ginger does #2, and #5.  About #5 - she actually has a very, very mild case of panosteitis.  When we first got her diagnosed they gave us pain pills.  If she was limping I would put on in a wad of peanut butter and give it to her.  I never thought she knew she was getting a pill.  Well after about a month, when I gave her the peanut butter, she managed to get the pill out of the peanut butter, swallow the peanut butter and then proceed to spit the pill out on the floor.  That was the last time I gave her a pain pill and she hasn't limped since.  I think the little stinker was limping on purpose to get the peanut butter.
Sounds normal to me. Both of mine love nothing more than to roll in all the droppings outside. Their favorite is horse poo. We back up to a bridal trail. I curbed RRs eating Lucy's stools by adding Nasty Habit to both their dinners. And they both love to roll on dead worms. Go figure! They're both fans of Nivea lotion. I'm embarrassed  to say that when Lucy was little she wasn't very huggy/kissy. So I put a little Nivea on my arms ...
After reading some of the things your corgis have done... I observed Harley a bit more. She also throws toys in the air to entertain herself, barks at open windows and doors, and has this weird obsession with licking my pillow for 10mins non-stop. Her favorite lotion is Vaseline Cocoa Butter... she also likes to lick her cat brother's eyes... *facepalm* Harlequin is a good name for her after all!


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