For the second time this year Izzy was attacked by a loose dog! I am so angry that I decided to vent to all of you. It was a neighbor dog that has shown a lot of dog aggression in the past and I have talked to him about it and gave him info about a trainer in our area that may be able to help. I have been alarmed lately that I have seen him in the park land behind our house with the dog off leash and my next door neighbor has related a few incidents also. Izzy and I were walking on the sidewalk and as soon as I saw the dog was tied in their front yard I moved into the street but he lunged forward broke the rope he was tied with and was on Izzy suddenly. I screamed and kicked him so he backed off and by that time the owner was there to grab him. He apologized and I let him know that having him tied in front of the house was just asking for trouble. He said I was unfair and that the rope broke so it wasn't his fault. At this point I was furious!! I let him know it was an unacceptable excuse and that I have seen him off leash several times. Later I wrote him a note outlining the incidents I knew about and the ones my next door neighbor had related and let him know that if I hear of any other incident I will report him to Animal Control. I probably should report him anyway but this is a very nice long time neighbor so I want to give him a chance to be responsible. Meanwhile Izzy is fine, he did not break the skin but she was very shook up and I am very worried about how she will interact with strange dogs. I will never understand why someone with an aggressive dog can be so careless. No amount of apologies will make someone whose dog was hurt or killed feel better. Why be so careless?? Ugh! Anyway I feel better unloading!

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I am so sorry for the both you  and Izzy . What I don't understand is why the neighbor would use such a flimsy rope to tie the dog???? Maybe they need a fence??? A chain ? If this has happened many times...the neighbor does need to "step it up" and do more than he is. Tying with a rope that can be chewed/broken is not acceptable. I think I would report him...maybe not that they have to contact him but so they know and give him the chance to "deal" with it???

What about sending him a certified letter again explaining what you told you have proof of the conversation?

Good luck!

I am so sorry. Having had my dogs charged or attacked by aggressive dogs several times, I know how you feel, though having the dog belong to a neighbor is that much worse.

I do NOT understand why people are so casual with dog-aggressive dogs either. There is a difference between a dog who gets a little grumpy when other dogs force interactions, and a dog sitting around all day waiting for a chance to attack someone, as I know I've mentioned.

In all honesty if I had a dog that dog-aggressive I would probably have it put to sleep. Very bad things can happen quickly.

I hope Izzy is ok and that you can get her out with friendly dogs soon so she doesn't have the bad experience linger.
Jane, I would go a step further: a dog-aggressive dog should NOT be outside unattended at all. It just encourages the behavior.

You are right Beth!

from the sound of this, u may just have to report him. especially since this has happen multiple times and if hes running around off leash how can u protect izzy if he comes charging at u? back in SC I had the same problem with my neighbors and eventually I just reported them and they were happy that I told them. its much safer that way for u and others. who knows if he aggressive to kids. I understand hes your neighbor and u want to be nice but if this has happened multiple times then hes just being irresponsible and will continue to do this   

BUT I am glad that izzy is ok, that's the important part :)

I am so sorry that you and Izzy had to go thru this!!!  So grateful that she isn't hurt physically and I hope it doesn't cause her to be wary with other dogs.

This is not the first time that dog has attacked Izzy and you know of other incidents...that dog is a danger.  I have to agree about reporting it.  He's going to seriously hurt or kill another dog and what if he attacks a child.

Looking at Izzy's picture...if she was a fluffy she would be Max's twin.  She has the same Harry Potter streak (that's what I call it) down the back of her head just like he does.

Ugh... I'm glad you are both OK. I don't blame you for being angry (I can relate!), the rope breaking is a pretty flimsy excuse, especially if there have already been other incidents.

I know what you mean about the reaction to strange dogs, unfortunately Chewey's latest incident seems to have made that worse in him (at least in the short term), which is a bummer because it was already a challenge... Hopefully Izzy will be more resilient!

Uhm... In our precincts, it's against the law to tie a dog out -- it's considered to be animal cruelty. You can go to jail for that stunt.

Glad your dog wasn't hurt. My Cassie was also attacked by a moron's loose dog. She doesn't seem fazed, though: remains friendly enough with other people's dogs, as long as they don't try to attack her. Hope your Izzie will also take this in stride.

How is Izzy today?

Izzy is just fine but was a little worried about going by that house again. I made sure no one was outside. I gave them another chance because this is a really nice neighbor. Their previous dog was so sweet and friendly (he was one of Sparty and Misty's best buddies) and I think they just have not been able to accept that they did not get that lucky this time. They were always bad at obeying the leash law in our area but at least the dog was harmless. This one has not attacked Izzy before but did almost get Misty last fall because he was tied up on such a long rope that he could reach the sidewalk. He also if we are talking at a distance with the owner will growl, bark and lunge at us. That is why I gave the owner info on a trainer but he never followed up on it. I am talking with other neighbors about this so if something else happens I should hear about it. The dog that attacked us last year was at an RV park we were at and the owner was much more careful after. Izzy has always been a little shy around strange dogs but not aggressive. She walks nicely with my next door neighbors Akita but the Akita is really mellow. I just don't understand getting a dog and not putting any effort into training. Never will!

I am so sorry to hear you and Izzy had to endure this. My opinion, if people don't want to spend time training their dog or picking up after them, then they should not own a dog. Nor should a dog with known aggression be left unsupervised. It's not the dogs fault, but the pet owner. Our first Corgi, Noli, was attacked by a big dog. My husband and I were walking her, on leash, and when we rounded a corner, there was a large dog, off leash, that started running toward us bearing teeth. I quickly picked Noli up, and as soon as the dog reached us, it jumped up on me trying to get at Noli. I am not a violent person, but I screamed at the 2 ladies with the big dog to get their dog on it's "insert "f" ing word here) leash or it was going to get kicked in the face to protect my dog. Since that time, Noli was very protective og us while on leash. Can I say that I also hate the "extend a leash", as mnany times as we warned people that our dog was not very dog friendly (after that incident) they would continue to reel there dog out toward our many times after that incident I had to get insistent with people to "reel their dog's in" unless they wanted it to get bitten. We would go out og our way to keep distance, but those extend a leashes leaves people with very little control over their pet.


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