Hi everyone, well our corgi is now 16 months old, very intelligent cunning disobedient dog.

I would like to know how others have over come or dealt with this issue.

when i call my corgi, Bonnie she will only come when she wants to and if you go to collect her she will run like it is a game, so hence we don't chase her.

we have tried everything she is SO obstinate it drives me to destruction and makes me so mad with her that i can't be bothered with her when she is like that.

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It is normal to feel angry and frustrated with the dog when you feel you cannot control her.  The truth is that anything you try to control will rebel.  This is especially true in a young, healthy, intelligent animal.  So what is the answer? The answer is to elicit respect and cooperation and this can be a tall order for anyone who does not have experience with dogs.  I recommend obedience training classes with a good trainer who offers both basic and advanced classes and uses positive methods.  You will go once a week and then train at home 1/2 hour a day on the assigned homework and you and the dog will learn how to become a team.  Not convinced? Let me tell you that here in the US 50% of dogs lose their home during the first year and many get put to sleep or re-homed many times.  Of obedience trained dogs, only 10% ever lose their home and, if they do, they are very easy to successfully place.  Definitely worth the expense and effort. 

You deserve the loving companion you wanted when you got your pup and she deserves a secure and loving place in your home. It just takes a bit of work to get there.  Training classes are not only useful, they should also be something you both enjoy together.

This is one command my dog also does not respond as well too. I think it is because I need to practice it more since she is easily distracted outdoors. I'm betting you would have luck with more practice. My dog is older and she always comes when called inside but not always when out. You probably already know you should never call her then scold her and chasing her, as you mentioned, is not the best idea. I do call her in a happy voice and a harsher, warning voice, and reward her coming as called. I want her to come happily regardless of tone in case I have to call her away in any dangerous situation, such as a car coming, and my tone may be more frantic. Works in the house, but, as I say, I should practice more and up the reward for outside compliance. My dog is three and I have had her for a year. 18 months seems young to me for distractibility likelihood.

Find a good dog trainer -- one that does positive reinforcement.  See Anna Morelli's post below,  remember you have to be consistent with training, and taking lessons make sure you actually practice.  Because corgis are very smart, you MUST train.  Good luck.

Anna has excellent advice.  I have obedience trained all my dogs for over 30 years.  Even tho I know the drill and how to do it I find it's more fun for me and the dog doing in a class.  I have shown dogs for obedience and I always wanted my dog to come running to me with the tail flying (the ones that had tails anyways) and their ears flapping happy to be my side.  Does it work 100% of the time...oh heck no, they do have minds of their own.  But I know when I need to use my drill sgt voice to keep them from harm they will respond because they do recognize the urgency in my voice.

You have a young dog so patience, practice, patience and more practice and patience is the name of the game.  Make it fun....they learn better, just like kids, if they are enjoying what they are doing.

I agree with the others, classes will really help you. Your young dog has been going through the "teenage" years and has developed some frustrating habits. Never chase, and never call your dog in anger. A great way to teach "come" is to have him out on a long line (clothes line) and when he gets engrossed in something call him with a happy, I am having a party voice. Immediately bring him to you with the line and give a few great treats. Then repeat a few more times. At first always have treats with you while training this one. Practice several times a day for short periods and in no time you will have a dog that comes happily. We all learn better when it is fun so try to keep it that way. If he is having a difficult time, try doing something easy that he does well such as sit and end the session for a little while before you try again. Keep in mind, we are all speaking a foreign language to our dogs and expecting them to do things correctly right away when we would not be able to do this if someone was teaching us. He can sense your frustration and probably is trying to get you to play instead. Never call him with the come command if you don't have the line or leash to bring him right to you while training. I am working with a 5 month old puppy right now so I understand your frustration but I have had many puppies over the years so I know that "this too shall pass". Classes will help you find the fun again!

I agree with Linda and Anna. What I do is I have 2 recalls...we learned this in the classes we took! I have the regular one which means "come" in a timely manner and then the other is an emergency recall which means..."come right now" when Sage hears "come front" she knows to stop what she is doing and run to me and plop her butt right in front of me as close as she can. She also gets higher end treats for the emergency recall.

If you have another person who can help you...we used to stand 20' apart and call back and forth with a treat each time she would come. It does take time but is well worth it.

Pups have to learn just like children and I strongly suggest classes when possible because we as owners can also send mixed messages to our dogs. I would carry treats(I use dog food samples) for something easy and every time you call her ...if she comes give her 1 piece. Yes, it can be frustrating:(

Most people make the mistake of inadvertently teaching their dogs that "come" means "fun is over", so why would they want to come back? Like Linda, I want a recall to be full-speed, happy, with eyes shining and ears pitched. Mine race so hard to see who can get back first that they trip over me. My suggestions are about halfway down the page here:


Obedience training is huge and has many benefits above and beyond getting the dog to mind you, more or less. It socializes the dog with other dogs and people; it socializes YOU with other dogs and people (new friends??); it helps a lot to see that your dog is not the only one that behaves this way; and it gives you hope that you can eventually bring the dog around to your way of doing things. You can find reasonably priced training classes at the Y, through some city Parks & Recreation departments, and even at stores like Petsmart.

In the extremely short run (say, between now and next Saturday, when you and Dawg go to your first obedience-training class...), try sitting or lying down. Lie down on the ground. Once I had a retriever that for the longest time couldn't be persuaded to come to call. But he simply couldn't stand it if I was on the floor or the ground. The minute I'd sit or lie down, he'd come right over, and then I could grab him. No amount of being nabbed this way ever seemed to make it register with him that this was a ruse. Dogs are not as smart as we think they are.

Eventually, BTW, he did learn to come when called.

Our pup, Jerry is 8 months now and in full rebellion of everything.  I know how you're feeling.

One thing that we tried to do consistently from puppy-hood is reward him whenever he comes to us when we call.  The best example of this is at the dog park.  I keep little bits of cheese with me whenever we go and call him every now and then just to test him.  Every time he comes, he gets cheese AND gets to go back to playing right after.  Win win!  It's been so helpful in making him eager to come back to us, and when we leave the park eventually.

Try treating her with something unique for this behavior.  It may be slow at first, but eventually she'll remember that recall means cheese! Or hot dog!  Cheese PLUS affection is the best :)

Others were mentioning the emergency recall which is a GREAT idea.  I haven't yet started this with mine but I've already had instances where I could have used it!

Just keep trying!  The only reason she is disobeying you is because the games you play when you try to catch her are SO FUN! ;)

I would recommend classes with a trainer. My puppy Lacy is now 8 months old and I had the exact same thing happen. She had her first training class a month ago. Using the clicker training method. Now she comes every time she's called. My corgi's training is a work in progress. Training a corgi is very much like raising a toddler ... lol ! On the hard days just remember to breathe. Corgi's are very intelligent dogs and you have to be the alpha. They are herding dogs and start to make their own rules. I learned this the hard way and when I was at my wits end, I decided training classes were necessary. It was the best thing I ever did ! If I could just get her to not wake up at 3am then I will be a happy Corgi Mom .  


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