So, I want to be prepare for this upcoming tick and flea seasons (if it's not here already). Since I take Dodger on a lot of trail walks and my husband likes to go backpacking and go camping, I want to take full precaution. What are some really good recommended products that some of you use on your corgi? What type of products do you use for when you give your corgi a flea and tick bath? What do you prefer over other brands and why?
I use Frontline Plus on my far it's worked. Fleas aren't too bad except when we hit a year that's a total infestation...thankfully they only come around every few years and last summer was one. We are in a high Lyme area...Max had Lyme and was treated....both my guys are vaccinated also. Since I am in a city the ticks really aren't bad and when I do take them out on the trails I stick right on the trail and keep them out of the high grass and brush. So far so good. The only time I've ever had a tick on me was last summer when we were down in Chattanooga, TN. I just don't trust those oral meds they have now for fleas and ticks. When they give a warning to watch your dog to make sure it doesn't throw up and if it does administer another thanks. I thought it was the Trifextis that almost killed my friend's doxie but it was the Comfortis.
We use Frontline Plus and haven't had any issues with it. Never used a flea bath.
I also use Frontline plus. We don't normally have any flea problems and 1 dose usually does it to get rid of the ticks since our season is not long here. I use people organic shampoo on my dogs and the very few times we have had a flea...I wash them in's very gentle and works for skunk odors too...
A natural flea and tick repellent is diatomatous earth, available from garden centers and health food stores. Non toxic and easy to use, sprinkle the powder on bedding, or put 1/2 tsp in food daily to get rid of internal worms. We take constant day trips out in Colorado high country searching for agates and semi precious stones and never have a problem.
My husband introduced me to the wonders of camping last year and we have plans to go camping frequently this season. We did take Yuki & Ellie with us last year and didn't need more than just their regular Frontline Plus. However, recommended products are different based upon where you live. For example, some areas have fleas/ticks that are resistant to Frontline and other products are recommended by the local vets. My region, thankfully, doesn't have such problems as of yet.
Regarding ticks specifically, I do get both of my dogs vaccinated for Lyme. I live in an area that does see some problems with the disease and, after talking it over with the dogs' veterinarian, we decided it was worth it to vaccinate. Try giving your veterinarian a call and discuss what sorts of things he/she recommends for dogs that are active and frequent wooded areas.
I like going the all-natural or homeopathic route if I can. The last few years I have given Radar garlic to ward-off the fleas and ticks. This year I learned of Bug Off Garlic Chewables. They are made by Springtime Inc. We HAVEN'T tried them yet, but the order will be placed in the next few days. They "Provides a 24 hour shield against fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, gnats, etc." Nice, safer alternative to spot-on products. Not that we ever had a problem with Frontline, but I didn't like all the stories I was finding.
A friend who owns a doggie bakery sells K9 Kelp. It's a Conditioning Spritz that has a few health benefits, one being that it repels fleas and ticks. Just spray it on before walks for added protection. Doesn't need rinsed off.
Megan....garlic only works as a repellant if you humand do. Dogs don't sweat so using garlic as a flea/tick repellant for them is useless.
I don't think it's known why it works. It may be due to the odor released through the dog's skin as the compounds in garlic are metabolized. Fleas and ticks have much more sensitive sense of smell than humans so it doesn't take that much in the dog's system for the little critters to realize that lunch won't taste good. I know it takes weeks of being on it for it to become completely effective, so it must have to get deep within their system however it works.
All I know is that I've used fresh garlic for two years now with great results. Only flea problem was when I went on vacation and the dog sitter didn't do it. Had to use spot-on treatment to get rid of the fleas once Radar had them, but garlic worked for prevention. Started using K9 Kelp at the end of last season, more for skin irritation. The woman who sells it swears by it for her three Spaniels who are walked in rural parks daily.
Megan....please read this from the ASPACA. It's a list of things that can harm your dog. Scroll down to Onions, Garlic. Garlic is more dangerous to your dog than onions are and even more so in dried concentrated form. Using garlic as a repellant is an old myth that continues to hang around because people will buy into the whole holistic way of treating their pets. Some breeds are even more sensitive to it. Not every "natural" product is good for our pets or for us.
Google it...along with lots of ads to sell you a garlic product for fleas look for the for sites that aren't trying to sell you anything...ASPCA, veterinary sites and so on where they are actuallt looking to keep your pet healthy.
a bit of advice ,don't give your dog a bath ,within two days before or after placing frontline .i did without knowing ,and my poor pup ended up with 3 tics in no time ugh
Megan I'm with you. I am currently using Frontline but I don't like the thought of putting chemicals on my dog. We are not in an area with high lyme disease problems so for some they may need extra protection. I am getting my Bug Off from Springtime today. I use some of their other products and have been really happy with them. I know personally of people that use it and never have problems with fleas or ticks. As far as the dangers of garlic here is a link showing garlic is not harmful to dogs in small doses. If you click on the studies tab it gives many documented articles. I'm not suggesting everyone give it to their dogs. Just do your research and do what you think it right for you dog. It's like with kids, not everyone is always going to agree. What I think we can agree on is we want what's best for our furbabies.
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