Puppy home for several days and looking for encouraging words!

Bella arrived on Friday evening and everyone was so excited, however, I will preface the next paragraph (or ten) by saying no judgement please and just need sage words and/or advice.

Were I to do this again (getting another dog, of any kind) I would not get one from so far away.  A few things that have me miffed about the breeder first of all...is lack of communication.  I had questions that were not answered and when they were I think they were done so in a snippy fashion.  Although through e-mail things like this can be misunderstood.  I had the dog flown to me across country.  Was charged $45 bucks for the crate and $50 for a "health certificate".  The dog did not come with second shots and the ones that were given were given by breeder.  Puppy was "never to a vet" other than for the "health certificate".  I was also told the dog weighed 5 lbs, and with the crate, the shipping weight would be aprox 20 lbs.

Well Bella gets here and everyone is happy.  Sadly I note the $45 dollar crate was old and used.  (rusty hardware, nicks, scuffed up.)  The $50 bucks for the health certificate was merely a paper stating the dog  was healthy enough to fly on a plane along with a signature from the vet.  A quick trip to the scale with myself and dog quickly determined what I already knew without even weighing her...she was certainly not 5 lbs!  She was more like 12!  Supposedly she is 13 weeks, if that is even true.  The first evening we also noted red eyes and discharge.  Next morning they were less red but some green discharge.  *sigh*  Used common sense and have been wiping with saline...all is well now.  What upsets me the most is I contacted the breeder with my concerns...even sent pics of the puppy at home...and no response.  Email was sent out Saturday.  We are now at Tuesday.  I'm just hoping at this point that we actually get her "papers".  Obviously despite all this...we are moving on.  Money paid...water under the bridge.

Now we are trying to get through routines.  The pup was living in a kennel, so came with absolutely no knowledge of house training and has probably never even been in a house.  Bella also came from a different time zone.  3 hours doesn't seem like much, but it is.  :)  I also haven't seen my cats in days.  LOL  They have completely vacated the area for the exception of a couple mad dashes to the litter box and food bowl.  :(

I'm just going to come out and say it.  I'm frazzled.  I'm stressed.  I'm feeling the "buyers remorse".  Its terrible but its true.  I've read articles online and talked to many family and friends and they say it will get better.  Everyone goes through it.  I'm just far from feeling like "It will be okay!"  I can say that today has been better than the last 4...but then the "accidents" start occurring again.  haha  I just feel like one step forward and then another one back.

Despite my own Post-Puppum-Depression....dog is/seems healthy.  Family is happy.  I need to move on, just having trouble.

Can anyone sympathize?  Have you been here yourself?  :/

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Thank you.  Yes, she is scheduled for her first vet appt this Thursday.

just saw this after  i already replied, but yes, good idea!

How you got her is water under the bridge as has been said.  I would keep at the breeder until you have her AKC certificate tho.  Have you had her to your vet yet?  That should be top priority...to have her checked by someone you know.  I can't add to the explanations of house-breaking cause I would be saying the same thing.

As for the cats...they will adjust.  After Bella is there a bit you may have to referee because she is going to want to play with these strange creatures and may well get her nose smacked more than once.  All your cats may take to her, some might not but that's fine too.  As long as it's a peaceful co-existence.  My cats have been thru new dogs coming in and existing dogs have been thru new cats joining our family.  It can be a bit hairy at first but they do settle down.

Main thing is....you have your sweet Bella there now.  So have fun, relax and yes...it will all work out.  Takes a little patience, they never quite grow out of the toddler stage.  When she is old enough take her to some puppy classes...have fun with them, it's a great bonding experience and will make for a happy corgi and for her being welcome places and around people.

Well said Linda:)

It's okay to feel that way. It is difficult to move on because you feel like you've been duped/had, and then you read up on all the signs you could have looked out for to avoid it, and then you're filled with all sorts of mixed feelings on the issue and maybe even on your puppy. But do not fret - you must move forward from here, and we are going to help you out by being the people who will listen to you when you need to get this all off your chest!

First thing I'd do is write up a review and put it on this site, under the "Breeders Review" subforum. Obviously the breeder involved in this is someone of dubious moral quality and you would do well warning others of it so that they do not fall into the same trap. You could prevent a lot of similar heartache, sadness and frustration!

Anyway, about the house training - if your puppy piddles inside at this age, it's your fault. Yep, sorry to be kicking you when you're down, but a puppy of 12 weeks is frighteningly little and still VERY much a baby. You are expecting far too much if you give her free rein and expect her to NOT make a mess. Read the FAQ located at the top of the site, and you'll realise how many mistakes we humans can make that impede the progress of getting a puppy housetrained!

Best of luck and hang in there.

Do like athletes do....picture in your mind what you want to happen.  Keep that focus and before you know it, it will be reality.

Have you taken her to the vet?  No matter where/how you get a puppy, within the first 48 hours it should visit your local vet for a well-puppy exam.  Plus, the vet may have some suggestions to help you adjust.

Bogart was already 6 months when he came to us, but I STILL had to get up in the middle of the night, every night for almost three weeks, to let him out.  Working full time, that was exhausting, and I was completely frazzled, my eye even started twitching so my boss noticed at work!! The first morning I stepped in a warm turd in my bare feet, squish, right up between the toes!! After Bogart began sleeping through the night, the twitching stopped, thankfully!! So I completely sympathiaze with you.  Not only that, but my husband was in a state about it all, not having had a dog for the last nine years, and it was more than stressful.  Now, six months later, everything is wonderful and you will have many happy years with your dog to look forward to.  HANG IN THERE!

A lot of good advice has already been offered, I wanted to add that you should look into a puppy class after Bella is UTD on shots and has had a chance to settle in. It will really help you get into a good state of mind and give her a chance to socialize. If she did have a less than stellar upbringing, you need to start getting her used to the world around her, including other dogs. I would highly suggest a positive/reward only class.

Loo at your finances and after the vet visit, think about insurance. (I do not work for any insurance company.) It might be worthwhile (and it's cheaper while she's young), especially if there is a genetic predisposition in her parent's lines. Also, puppies get into everything, including things that make them sick.

I have to say I'm surprised.  I seen your other posts asking about the breeder and I didn't say anything because I don't have any direct dealings with her but am very familiar with her bloodlines.  She has produced many AKC Champions which would lead one to believe they would know how to put their professional foot forward.  I am a breeder and am disappointed about how it went as it reflects on us all.  Like I said I don't know her personally but know she's been in this long enough to know how to maintain a good reputation.  I was really hoping and expecting a better outcome than this.   

To be fair, the e-mail was sent out on a Saturday that happened to be Easter weekend.  It is not terribly hard to believe that the breeder was simply not in contact with her e-mails over the holiday.   The eyes could have happened on the plane.  The weight had to be a misunderstanding (no thirteen week Corgi would weigh 5 pounds!).   

And their Facebook page shows pictures of puppies in an ex-pen with shavings or similar bedding;  they don't look like they are in a "kennel" though I could be wrong.


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