Corgi Book Club


Corgi Book Club

This is a group for those Corgi owners who enjoy a good book. It is much like any other book club, only we have Corgis. Come talk about the latest book you read, get recommendations on what to read next or just talk about your all time favorites.

Members: 97
Latest Activity: Sep 5, 2013

Discussion Forum

Book to Movie

Started by Alice. Last reply by Shippo, Gidget & Sheldon Feb 3, 2012. 11 Replies

How Bad Can It Be?

Started by Alice. Last reply by Potus Sep 11, 2011. 30 Replies

The Favorites

Started by Alice. Last reply by Potus Sep 11, 2011. 24 Replies

Reading "The Passage"

Started by Summer's Mom. Last reply by Julia Jun 26, 2011. 5 Replies


Started by Alice. Last reply by Alice Jun 23, 2011. 9 Replies

Things we love about our Corgis

Started by Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ). Last reply by Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) Jun 23, 2011. 7 Replies

Meet the Character

Started by Alice. Last reply by Alice Jun 22, 2011. 12 Replies

Getting to Know You

Started by Alice. Last reply by Buddy & Wynstan Nov 28, 2009. 28 Replies

Comment Wall


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Comment by Edward and Gemima on October 19, 2009 at 1:34pm
I'm reading New Moon again(only my 2nd time) in preparation for the movie, plus out of the series I liked that one a little more than some!!! I have loved to read all my life, but have been busy raising my family so got sidetracked some. Starting to get back into it though!!!
Comment by Edward and Gemima on October 19, 2009 at 1:25pm
Hi Alice!! don't know if I can keep up with you guys, but I'll try!!
Comment by Alice on October 16, 2009 at 4:12pm
I too gave in and read the Twilight series and I enjoyed it. Granted, the writing wasn't the best but the story good. I love vampire stories and fairy stories. The Vampire Chronicles by Ann Rice was the first series I read that romanticized vampires rather than making them blood thirsty monsters. Her writing can be a little slow going but I really enjoyed the series.

If you want a good fairy book that has a bit of darkness to it as well, read Faerie Tale by Raymond E Feist. It is one of my favorite books. I also really enjoy the writings of Charles de Lint. He is a fantasy writer and he writes kind of urban fairy tales. Nothing extremely outlandish; it all takes place in the real world but he references a lot of Irish and Native American folklore.

Another one of my very favorite books is Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. He is a Spanish novelist who has quite a few books written, however Shadow of the wind was the first to be translated to English. The story takes place in post Spanish Civil War Barcelona. It follows a boy with a passion for books who comes across a book called Shadow of the Wind by an unknown author. The book takes off into the mystery surrounding the book and author as well as the personal life of the main character and it has a love story that I won't spoil for you. The prequel called Angel's Game just came out and I am reading it right now. Carlos Ruiz Zafon is an amazing writer and I can't wait for more of his books to be translated!
Comment by Laura Jones on October 16, 2009 at 3:33pm
I am a big fan of Katie MacAlister. Love her dragon series'. I am also a member of the Twilight Group on here because I finally gave in last month and read all four books, in five days. They were fabulous. I am getting into those kind of books, but they can't be too blood and gore. I am not a horror fan. I do like some mystery and who done its, once again as long as they aren't to blood and gore. I love Janet Evanovich too. And I have read most of a series by Laurien Bernard (may not have spelling right) she wrote a series about a single mom who gets involved in the dog show world and becomes an ameature murder investigator. Sorry about my spelling lol, I have only had a phone to type on for the past three months and very rarely get to use my keyboarding skills on a computer. Anyway, I love any sort of good romantic comedy too. One reason I love Katie MacAlister. That and her girls are always "real" sized women instead of little skinny things, no offense to you skinny people lol. Looking for something new to read right now. Any suggestions? I was a frequenter of the public library until my little darlings ate two library books and I now have fines to pay off before I can go back. Good thing I love those corgi faces :D
Comment by Alice on October 16, 2009 at 2:56pm
Hmm, I'll have to check it out.

What sort of books do you typically like? I read a lot of fiction/literature and some fantasy and the occasional mystery or horror and even a young adult book here and there as long as it doesn't sound too juvenile.

My husband and I are big book people. He used to manage a Borders bookstore and we bought so many books we had to move into a two bedroom apartment to make room for more bookshelves. When my friend is looking for something to read she asks if she can come check out a book from our library. :) I know what you mean though, fewer and fewer people enjoy reading these days. I opnly have one friend that reads for fun and my two brothers won't commit to anything more than a magazine. I just don't understand. I can't imagine not reading all the great stories that are out there.
Comment by Adrienne on October 16, 2009 at 2:39pm
I know.... Im hoping there are still readers out there. I just finished a great book " Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers. Im in a book club and we were to read 5 chapters a week for discussion and everyone finished the book the first week. Good stuff.
Comment by Alice on October 16, 2009 at 12:08pm
Hey Adrienne, thanks for joining! I thought it would be fun to discuss some books and we need members to do that. :)

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