Corgi Book Club


Corgi Book Club

This is a group for those Corgi owners who enjoy a good book. It is much like any other book club, only we have Corgis. Come talk about the latest book you read, get recommendations on what to read next or just talk about your all time favorites.

Members: 97
Latest Activity: Sep 5, 2013

Discussion Forum

Book to Movie

Started by Alice. Last reply by Shippo, Gidget & Sheldon Feb 3, 2012. 11 Replies

How Bad Can It Be?

Started by Alice. Last reply by Potus Sep 11, 2011. 30 Replies

The Favorites

Started by Alice. Last reply by Potus Sep 11, 2011. 24 Replies

Reading "The Passage"

Started by Summer's Mom. Last reply by Julia Jun 26, 2011. 5 Replies


Started by Alice. Last reply by Alice Jun 23, 2011. 9 Replies

Things we love about our Corgis

Started by Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ). Last reply by Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) Jun 23, 2011. 7 Replies

Meet the Character

Started by Alice. Last reply by Alice Jun 22, 2011. 12 Replies

Getting to Know You

Started by Alice. Last reply by Buddy & Wynstan Nov 28, 2009. 28 Replies

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Comment by Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) on August 27, 2010 at 3:58am
Thanks, Bev. I want to see the movie. I like to read the book, when possible, before the movie. I really loved the first of the trilogy. Couldn't wait to read the 2nd. By the 3rd, I wondered if the same person authored and edited all three. The third was a big disappointment. If I hadn't read the first two and wanted to know how it all ended, I would have tossed it. Too many names: streets, people, name it. Random fillers to use up pages. The three books could have easily been two or even one.
Comment by Bev Levy on August 26, 2010 at 8:36pm
We just watched the movie "Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" and loved it. I almost did not watch it because it is Swedish and in sub titles (usually don't care for sub titles no problem with Swedes!) but it was done really well and grabbed you right from the beginning. I know it is not a book but... still thought you guys would be interested.
Comment by Lisa on July 27, 2010 at 1:27pm
We (Lisa and I) are happy to join a literary group page.
Comment by Tiffany-Rose Perry on July 24, 2010 at 1:49pm
I read Bram Stoker's Dracula years ago. I'm an advent lover of vampires (of the non sparkly kind.) It does drag a bit in the beginning but good non the less. Its more of a romance than a horror though. I suggest going with the Harry Potter! Such a great series! I'm currently reading Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol.
Comment by Edward and Gemima on July 24, 2010 at 12:52pm
So.... got caught up reading a compilation of Merlin stories(The Mammoth book of Merlin) have been watching the series on Sy Fy network and am hooked. Also took a trip to our local library(hot and humid here) and started a young adult book by Meredith Ann Pierce called "The DarkAngel" a myth, fantasy, storytelling tale involving Vampyres of course. Fun, light and fast reading!!!
Comment by Edward and Gemima on July 12, 2010 at 8:15pm
Ok so busy summer so far but am getting in a couple good books. First I am with Bev on the Percy Jackson series, funny and good...much better and different then the movie was(book much better as is almost always the case) I am almost done reading Bram Stoker's Dracula and I must admit it is a challenging read but really good! I wanted to go back to the start of all this vampire craze and had seen the movie but never read the book. Found it going thru our local thrift shop and couldn't pass it up!!! I recommend it if you are a vampire lover. First few chapters drag a little but it really picks up and goes strong thru the whole rest of the book. I am torn between starting the Deathly Hallows Harry Potter or Sookie Stackhouse series??? Any suggestions??
Comment by Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) on July 4, 2010 at 8:08pm
I'm on the last of Stieg Larsson's Trilogy that began with The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Have any of you read these books? I loved the first and was eager to read them all. The 2nd (The Girl who Played with Fire) wasn't nearly as well-written as the first. I'm over 100 pages into the 3rd (The Girl who Kicked the Hornet's Nest) and it's slow going. Too many character names and not enough action. Hope it picks up. I'd love to hear comments from others who have read the trilogy.

Nora Ephron wrote a hilarious 1-page parody of these books in this week's New Yorker (Shouts & Murmurs)

This is a must-read for anyone who's read Larsson's books. I was literally LOL
Comment by Alice on June 29, 2010 at 12:28pm
I read the Prince of Mist (as I mentioned below) and it was quite good. You can tell Zafon was younger when he wrote it and you can tell it is a young adult book but it is still well written and has a good story though I can't say a happy one.

I also read Water for Elephants which I fell in love with from the first page. I can't wait for the movie to come out next year so I can see it on the big screen! Such a great book. Gruen's next book Ape House will be out soon and I'll be reading that for sure.

Now I'm in the middle of Greggory Maguire book called What the Dickens. I read Wicked and Son of a Witch by him and really liked them. This story is different though and the first 100 pages or so were a bit dull I thought. Almost halfway through it picks up and becomes interesting. It's a story about these children who's parents are somewhere (we don't know where) and they are at home with their older cousin while this huge storm is going on and seems like the end of the world. To distract the kids from the fact that they don't have power or food, the cousin tells them a true story about a rogue tooth fairy. We'll see how it ends. :)
Comment by Tiffany-Rose Perry on May 25, 2010 at 5:51pm
Im currently reading Banewrecker by Jacqueline Carey. Its a 2 book series but I like her newer series better: Kushiel's Legacy. Thats a 6 book series. I cant wait till June 1st. Thats when another one of her books comes out! Ive been waiting for it to come out in paperback. lol and I read a lot of manga (Japanese comic books) and another one in a series I read is coming out then too! YAY!
Comment by Alice on May 25, 2010 at 5:24pm
I just finished book 9 of the Sookie Stackhouse series which has caught me up. Number 10 is out in hardcover so I'm waiting for paper back before I continue. Book 9 was very good though. Two people that I really liked died though. :(

Next I'm going to read The Prince of Mist. It's the new Carlos Ruiz Zafon book. It's not actually new but newly translated into English. It's one of the first books he ever wrote and it's young adult but it sounds good and he's an amazing writer so I'll read anything by him. :)

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