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9 days!!

That time of season is here again, and may I say that here in Iowa, we are CRAZY for our Hawkeyes!  This year we are totally you can see, we have some of our team in tip-top shape and ready to play!  Seanna is our linebacker, and Jackson our quarterback. 



Added by Jennifer Markley on August 24, 2011 at 2:39pm — 1 Comment

Pay It Forward

We adopted LeeLoo through a rescue.  The amount of time, gas, patience and work that went into getting me my dog is incredible, especially from people who rescue or foster for no money or recognition. 

I have been a volunteer for the Vanderburgh Humane Society for about 6 years now.  On Sunday, I'll be helping with my first transport since adopting LeeLoo and it finally makes sense to me why this is so important.  I have no plans for Sunday and an 8 year old Brittany Springer Spaniel…


Added by Stephanie Starkey on August 24, 2011 at 12:42pm — 1 Comment

Long time no see!

So it seems like its been forever!!! lol

Been pretty busy with Ace took him to the beach earlier this summer turns out he LOVES swimming.. lol gonna hopefully get him a life vest here soon ish money permitting.. my job hasnt been working me that much and its hard to be able to get him one x.x;;

he has been in love with his pool i got him last summer that he was afraid of LOL he loves the hose more then usual AND now has an obsession with sprinklers XD;

I have a new…


Added by Ace and Jen on August 23, 2011 at 11:49pm — 3 Comments

To crate or not to crate that is the question

I am a new dog owner and I've heard crating a dog is a good idea while some feel they are cruel...

can someone help me.

Added by Roman Trinidad on August 23, 2011 at 11:28pm — 16 Comments

watching him sleep

as i type ah jai is sleeping next to me, breathing gently in and out, totally undisturbed by the turbulence caused by the flickering of my fingers. he sleeps so peacefully, so comfortably, and so full of trust, that it's as if nothing is ever going to harm him as he shut down all his senses to the outside world, because i'm here with him.

and i'm suddenly…


Added by ding u on August 23, 2011 at 12:30pm — 5 Comments

Corgi door mat

If anyone is looking for a cute Corgi door mat, Amazon has a few - I ordered this one--


Corgi door mat

Added by Maggie Moo & Guardian on August 23, 2011 at 9:15am — No Comments

Lando Oliver and fetch.

Gets a little embarrassing. Every time people come over he is all over them to play fetch. I tell him no, but he won't listen. We never crated him so I don't have anywhere to put him. What can I do?

Added by Nicola Porter on August 22, 2011 at 7:19pm — 7 Comments

Quest forAl-titude

Many in the pacific northwest are obsessed with the search for big foot.  We, however, spend our weekends trekking the trails in search of Al, the Great Mountain Corgi.

This weekend we bagged our first peak.  So, Al, if you are out there, watch your tail (oops) I mean, little corgi butt.  We could be right behind you.…


Added by Kathy Losacco on August 22, 2011 at 6:41pm — 7 Comments

Ellie the Poopster

It's been awhile since my last blog post!  My laptop decided to burn out (literally!) and I don't often have time to boot up the 'ol desktop system.  Luckily, I'll be getting a new one soon!


My little Ellie girl is growing fast!  She's up to 10 lbs. already (averaging about a 1 lb. gain each week) and is just a little bundle of energy.  She has learned how to sit, lie down and shake.  She has one more booster shot to go before she's finally done for the year (I think!) and…


Added by Yuki & Ellie on August 22, 2011 at 2:03pm — 3 Comments

Flowers & Weeds

Whenever I pull up weeds from my lawn (which is often), or overgrown pacasandra, Pippy is convinced I'm going to throw it and tries to chomp on it. She is always expecting me to throw it, as if it were a ball. Sad thing is, Pippy still hasn't learned to retrieve.

Another thing Pippy likes to do is "help" us out in the garden. However, she doesn't know much about gardening, and frequently sits on the flowers, cracking a big smile and looking satisfied with herself.

She can act…


Added by Pippy & Ralph on August 22, 2011 at 12:52pm — No Comments

We love you so much, little Roscoe, RIP.


Today Derek and I had to say good-bye to our little boy. Roscoe caught a very strong string of Parvo, and passed away within 36 hours of being diagnosed. He had 2 of the 3 boosters for Parvo, but he was just wasn't old enough for his last one. We were very careful about contact with older dogs, and are floored that this could happen to our little one. The vets said that we did everything possible, but the virus was just too much for Roscoe's body to handle. He was only 10 1/2 weeks…


Added by Katie MacCallon on August 21, 2011 at 8:14pm — 28 Comments

Roscoe has Parvo.

Hey all.


Just a little update about Derek's and I's little one. We took him to the vet yet again this morning, and his Parvo test came back positive. Roscoe and I are back home with every method possible of helping Roscoe fight this virus. Support and advice, per usual, is always welcome and very much needed. Thanks y'all.


Katie, Derek, and Roscoe.

Added by Katie MacCallon on August 20, 2011 at 12:41pm — 23 Comments

Mitz, the self-appointed lifeguard at the dog park.

Morning all!


I have to share, because I think only corgi owners can appreciate this as much as I do.


Mitzie has made herself the lifeguard of the dog park.  She doesn't go there to frap, sniff, or make friends.  She has a higher calling.  Now, when we get there, she climbs on top of a picnic table and polices everyone.  If anyone is playing too rough, barking too much, or making a child squeal, she launches off her table and flies over to investigate.  If…


Added by Katie & Mitzie on August 20, 2011 at 11:04am — 6 Comments

house training

My 12 week old puppy is still having trouble with house training.  Does it take some pups longer to learn the ropes or am I doing something wrong?

Added by Sheila Maly on August 20, 2011 at 7:58am — 5 Comments

Colorful Custom Corgi Art

Have you ever wanted a colorful, unique art work of your favorite pet in your life. If you're interested in a custom painting of your corgi or (any breed for that matter, or a cat, hamster, ferret, bird you get the picture =P)  Please contact me via or my email I work from your photos. Each painting is done in a Cartoon/animated in acrylic style by yours truly






Added by Atlas & Trinity on August 20, 2011 at 1:02am — 1 Comment

HELP! Our little one is sick :(

Hey all!

So real quick question/post. Roscoe is our 10 week old little boy, and we tried to switch to a healthier food for him. His poor little tummy didn't like it one bit. He was fine on Wednesday, which was the first full day on the new food. Thursday morning he didn't eat, and around noon he started having horrible diarrhea. He was sleeping A LOT during the day and would only get up to potty or throw-up. Last night at 8-ish we got him to eat some green beans and rice. Later on he… Continue

Added by Katie MacCallon on August 19, 2011 at 10:26pm — 5 Comments

Going North

Bonnie and Cylde leaving soon for TN for Four months. They were featured on 8/15 on the Saying bye to Floirida pals for awhile. Have a great summer and fall and.

Added by Carolyn Flynn on August 19, 2011 at 2:15pm — 3 Comments

What makes a bed wetting disaster worse?

It's spraying profusely on the crime scene super concentrated housebreaking spray, thinking it was deodorizer. >_<

Added by ding u on August 19, 2011 at 12:30pm — 3 Comments

Socializing a middle-aged Corgi

We took Buddy and Chase to our local dog park this afternoon. We don’t do this often; in fact, it has been quite a long time since we took them to a park to roam free. This is probably why we are having a problem. Buddy (8yrs old) was socialized a lot as a puppy and he could really care less about other dogs. He will go up and sniff them but will lose interest quickly. Chase (7yrs old) is another story. He didn’t get socialized much as a pup. He is pretty good with other dogs about his size…


Added by Stephani Shively on August 18, 2011 at 6:53pm — 8 Comments

My vision of the perfect life

My vision of the perfect life is to live in a countryside cottage surrounded by trees and flowers and grass, with a narrow stream of water flowing gently by.

The neighbours will be friendly, and there will be a lovely local pub where people hang out and chill.

And i will keep three Pembroke Corgis who're lively and playful and perhaps a golden retriever (though I am afraid being a pushover breed he's probably gonna be bossed over by the corgis), and there will be a field for…


Added by ding u on August 18, 2011 at 12:00pm — 9 Comments

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