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When all else fails....

break out the laser. lol I have been sick and feeling bad for Copper because he has been bored. I take him over to my dad's and let him play over there for a bit while I rest but he's used to us always going. So, I made him a toy out of a 1L bottle. cut some holes in it and put some treats in it. He LOVES it. I also found that him chasing the laser means that I don't have to get out of bed while I'm not feeling good and he's not bored and he gets exercise. Oh the technology we have today lol… Continue

Added by Ashley and Copper on March 22, 2010 at 2:32pm — No Comments

Murphy's Law

At what point do you admit defeat? When the new puppy gets a case of Giardia that refuses to go away? How about when another dog injures his knee? Or maybe it's when the injured dog is going stir crazy from the past week of crate rest and the puppy (who has been doing fine for a month) magically comes down with horrid diarrhea again early on a Monday morning? Wherever the "defeat admitting point" is, I think I'm almost there. Dog-wise (aka budget- and sanity- wise) it has been…


Added by Sky and Lyla on March 22, 2010 at 11:00am — 8 Comments

Spring is here

The flowers are blooming, the bugs are buzzing and the Corgis are frapping. Murphy has been enjoying the warmth of the sun quite a bit lately and getting two walks daily. He just loves it. We've had him on the front porch with us a lot lately too and he likes that also, but i know he would prefer to have the entire yard to run. We'll be getting a fence for him either next month or in May. I'm really excited.

Last evening while we were sitting on the porch on the laptop looking for… Continue

Added by Alyssa & Chris W. on March 22, 2010 at 8:59am — No Comments

Every day is a new day

Fleta hid her favorite "buddy" biscuit under my pillow last night. Then she slept in her own bed on the floor.This morning she did not take it downstairs, leaving it there for the day is like having her own little stash of goodies, unless she left it for ME? She hides her occasional treat everywhere in our house and in the studio. Often we find them in the most uncanny of places, yet we have no other animals. She has just learned to do her own banking!…


Added by Lian Brehm on March 22, 2010 at 7:04am — 6 Comments

Good evening all

Well I uploaded all the pics of ace i took the last couple days

I was gonna upload a few vids buuuuut >.>; it says the files are too big x.x;

Oh well i was thinking of uploading them to youtube and posting them that way =)

i have to be up early tomorrow to head up to my friends house to take care of the pets lol i have to be at work at the normal time im usually over there

Ace and i slept till noon today we played so hard yesterday lol and im…


Added by Ace and Jen on March 22, 2010 at 2:23am — No Comments

First Overnight Trip

We took our first overnight trip in almost 11 years this weekend and that meant the boys went on their first overnight trip also. We found a pet friendly hotel and off we went on a 5 hour road trip. They always do well in the car but I was worried (since they are both big on barking at unknown noises at home) how well they would do in a hotel. They make such an impression everywhere they go that the minute we went to walk through the lobby people wanted to pet them. They have met very few… Continue

Added by AkMotleyGal on March 21, 2010 at 9:15pm — No Comments

Cloudy eye scare

Note to self: Brian= 20.5lbs @ 7 months and 1 week.

My Brian has had eye discharge and was somewhat squinting with his left eye for 3 days. The squinting would come and go. Bf said that he's fine, just give it time. So I reluctantly gave it time. But today, when I woke up, I found his left eye to be discharge-y and cloudy. I panicked, afraid that he was going blind in one eye!

So for a peace of mind, we rushed him to the vet today and… Continue

Added by Aj on March 21, 2010 at 9:00pm — 4 Comments

I swear im dumb sometimes XD

sooooo apparently i cant count, Ace is gonna be 5 months old this month not six like i thought... I wonder why i was trying to make hima month older then he was lol

oh well =) gives me an extra month i guess lol maybe

speaking of little killer i tuckered him out hard core last night.. ran him rugged, had him chasing eeyore all over the place, he dug a hole and he got a bath and ran spazztastically around the house lol came 10 o clock last night both him and me…


Added by Ace and Jen on March 21, 2010 at 5:57pm — 1 Comment

Central Florida Corgis March Playdate Photos -- Rained out!

The weather made it difficult to take pictures, but we managed some:

Despite the awful rain, we still had about 6 corgis that were able to play together before it got really bad. We ended up spending most of our time across the street from the park at Paw Park Place* ( They're a doggie boutique that also sells baked items, rents dog washing stations, and grooms dogs. They have a… Continue

Added by Stanley & Charlotte on March 21, 2010 at 5:00pm — 2 Comments


I saw on Dogs 101 that the boston terrier is the gassiest dog, I disagree I am pretty sure Georgie is the gassiest dog and it smells so bad sometimes we have to banish him to another room because he makes us sick. And it is not just Georgie Rosie to has an absolutely horrible smell, my friends agree that my dogs are by far smellier than theirs. Is this a corgi thing or am I feeding them the wrong food?

Added by Steph & Matt on March 21, 2010 at 1:23pm — 7 Comments


So im barrowing my sister in laws camera and am having fun taking pics of ace he is being wakey lol i think he is energetic hopefully if this keeps up when we go on the car ride up to my friends house he will pass out in the booster seat again lol

got some really cute pics of boose (ace) and my niece together he really loves kids =)

I get the day off tomorrow so imma take him to the park and let him loose =) and take pics etc etc =)

eeyore needs a bath…


Added by Ace and Jen on March 20, 2010 at 8:00pm — No Comments

Here it comes!

YAY! lol so i was playing tug-o-war with eeyore and ace and Ace tugged really hard on the eeyore and i see this white thing fall out and little blod spots on Eeyore my first reaction is O.O! and i rushed over to him and opened his mouth sure enough that tooth is gone and i have one of his Baby teeth :D im so happy i thought he would swallow them all but nooo i got a baby tooth =) just cleaning him up now and gonna soak the tooth then put it in a treasure box where i got my cat's baby teeth…


Added by Ace and Jen on March 20, 2010 at 4:30pm — 2 Comments

Today is Our Adoption Anniversary :-)

Happy Jack and I became buddies 6 years ago today and we've been fast friends since.

When I was a little girl we had a Corgi named Sammy (Samantha). My parents owned a Corgi because they were "horse people" when they were younger and fell in love with the breed. I adored the dog but she died of old age while I was still just a young child. In 2004 my mother passed and my dad had been gone since '88. I was an "orphan". I had been wanting a Corgi for a while but I traveled with…


Added by MissB on March 20, 2010 at 3:40pm — 3 Comments

Our first raw bone experience

I went to a butcher shop today and asked for beef knuckle bones.

Man: "Marrow bones?"

Me: "No, beef knuckle bones."

Man: "Marrow bones ARE knuckle bones"

Me: "Oh, okay... I'll take them then."

He told me they were in the freezer so I headed over to the freezer and saw two different kinds of… Continue

Added by Aj on March 20, 2010 at 2:00am — 13 Comments

a Little bit of something

Well my brother is working again THANK GOD lol i love him to pieces but him sitting on his bum playing videogames or watching tv or sleeping all day for the past year has drove me up the wall.. i work hard even if it isnt lifting steel and stuff im just glad he is working, soon his buddy will be working there too hopefully =)

but that means Nick looses his play buddy while im at work which is fine =) mom and Dad had him pretty entertained while i was gone for 4 hours today =)…


Added by Ace and Jen on March 20, 2010 at 1:37am — 1 Comment


Hello everyone,

My baby Romeo is turning 1 next month =). Anyway Romeo fell down the stairs a while ago. He didn't get hurt and it wasn't his first time. But this time I think he really got scared. Because now he is scared to go down the stairs. I always have to pick him up and carry him down. How do I make him not scared anymore? I tried putting him on the middle of the stairs and calling him down, but he starts whinning and panicking and make me eventually pick him up again.…


Added by Rachel & Romeo on March 20, 2010 at 12:39am — 5 Comments

Look what I got!

Yes, the picture is bad as it was taken on my cell phone in bad light because I was just so eager to share.

I was dragged to Bellevue Square today. Shopping is not my favorite thing to do but as I was walking by I saw this in the corner of my eye and had to have it. I found it online for those who might be interested.…


Added by Lawren and Teddy on March 19, 2010 at 11:33pm — 3 Comments

Eddy's been bit

I really would like to continue going to my dog park despite recent attacks and incidents that have happened because Eddy has so many friends that go there. But Eddy was bitten the other day by a dog who was, assumedly, one of his friends. It is a 2 year old (neutered, before anyone asks) german shepherd mix. This dog has played with Eddy many times and is always gentle and calm. It's a lazy dog that usually lays around. They walked by each other and the dog struck Eddy, one bite, no…


Added by Sunni A. on March 19, 2010 at 6:04pm — 7 Comments

Can you help the corgis reach first place?

Sidney and I are part of a team involved in raising funds for the Humane Society. Our team is called "Team Low Rider! We are very excited, as the walk is only 10 days away!

Here are Sidney and Bruce on last year's walk.

And here's two tired pups on the way home from last year's walk!… Continue

Added by Geri & Sidney on March 18, 2010 at 7:48pm — 17 Comments

Why is it that when it rains it pours????

Darla and I are still grieving over the loss of my cat and her brother Mejio. But this is just the latest of my problems. A few months ago Darla was mauled by a Rottweiler Mix while walking home from school with my sister and mom. I was at school taking a test when it happened. Darla loves people, but every time she sees another dog she starts barking and goes nuts, for some reason she does this only when she's on a leash. So when my mom saw the other dog approaching, she stopped and asked the… Continue

Added by Meaghan Lopez on March 18, 2010 at 5:09pm — 22 Comments

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