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Woo Hoo!!

Today we had a breakthrough while practicing our training (with Uno). I've learned that cheese does wonders!! it's like magic! Doesn't get him TOOO excited, but just enough to capture all of his attention so he can work properly. Ahhh good boy! Can't wait til handling class next Tuesday.

Meeting up with Sarah (his breeder) this weekend to watch her show in West Springfield.. and then we will discuss plans for Uno to debut in the ring at the Thanksgiving Cluster show the week before… Continue

Added by Tiffany on October 14, 2009 at 2:28pm — 4 Comments

Medical Alert Corgi

My corgi-x, Henry has occasionally alerted me to the fact that my blood sugar was dropping. I’m an uncontrolled diabetic, and I thought this was the most wonderful trait! Yesterday, Henry lost his number one position when it comes to diabetics.

Imagine a corgi helper dog! I met a woman yesterday that had a Cardi as a helper dog. Because the dog was not working I was able to talk to her about her dog (and of course admire the cute girl). The dog is her second corgi used as a helper dog. She… Continue

Added by Suzanne on October 14, 2009 at 1:45pm — 8 Comments

Chesney is corgi of the day today on The Daily Corgi!!

Woo hooo todays the day!! She can be seen on The Daily Corgi blogspot or on Facebook!

Here's the link to the blog!!

Added by Corgi lover! (Misty) on October 14, 2009 at 1:35pm — No Comments

Goldy's is HOME!

Bear growled a bit at her in the car, but now they're making nice.

Added by Stephanie on October 14, 2009 at 12:09pm — 12 Comments


After 8 corgiless months, we picked up our baby yesterday. He is so sweet and
affectionate, a very good boy. I was awake all night waiting for him to wake up and
need to leave the crate. He slept and I didn't! I have a question: This pup is 3 months
and the breeder told me no stairs until he's 6 months. This is hard as we live in a
split level, but we'll go along unless we hear differently on good authority. Anyone
else have experience with this?

Added by Jill Andrews on October 14, 2009 at 10:16am — 4 Comments

Super Beau to the Rescue!

I love dressing up Beauregard for Halloween!

Added by Patricia, Beauregard, and Tegan on October 14, 2009 at 1:49am — 11 Comments

Never though I'd see the day...

where Teddy and my old grouchy black and white cat, B, would be playing together. But they did!

I was so happy, I had tears in my eyes.

B was very unhappy when Teddy came into the house and I thought they would never get along. There have been a few times where B decided to ummm, chase Teddy and while it was amusing to see a little puffed up nine pound cat chase a 25 pound dog, it didn't bode well for harmony in the… Continue

Added by Lawren and Teddy on October 13, 2009 at 11:03pm — 5 Comments

Bear tries to convince me he's still a little puppy.

The night before Goldy comes home - I pull out Bear's old bed for her and what does he do with his 26 pound butt??? Squeeze it into the puppy bed of course...

Back when he actually fit in it...

Added by Stephanie on October 13, 2009 at 9:00pm — 12 Comments

Romeooo has dandruff?

i was petting romeo and found a bump with lots of dry skin on it. So i decided to brush him. After i brush him and checked the brush i saw lots of dead skin on the hair. What should i do? should i go to the vet? Or should i change his shampoo. Any reccommendation.? Did anybody went though this?

Added by Rachel & Romeo on October 13, 2009 at 12:44pm — 19 Comments

Free Halloween Bandana at

Get ready for Halloween with a free bandana!!! Buy a shirt from and receive a FREE Halloween bandana of your choice! When you purchase your shirt, send me a note saying which bandana you would like.

Added by Kristin on October 13, 2009 at 11:46am — 1 Comment

A new trick

So I taught Scarlet this new and amazing trick: when you point your finger her like a gun, and say "Bang!", she rolls over and plays dead.

I am SOOOOO happy she learned this. It took 2 days, and that's it. I'm glad she's so young so I can mold her mind!

I'll get it on video someday soon.

Added by Molly Przybelinski on October 13, 2009 at 8:19am — 3 Comments

Happy Act pet tax credit

The HAPPY Act (HR 3501) in Process – Pet Tax Credit Introduced by Congressman Thaddeus McCotter (R – Mich)

I just became aware of this. I wonder how this is going to work? This might allow for some pet parents get even more medical treatment for their pets.

I fully agree pets do add a lot of value to our lives.

Added by Chloe's parent Liz on October 13, 2009 at 12:17am — 3 Comments

Looking for a corgi puppy

Since I lost my corgi Casey to cancer last month, the house has been much too quiet! Do any of you have puppies available?

Added by Barbara & Bailey on October 12, 2009 at 9:12pm — 9 Comments

what color is KC?

Okay, this will probably seem like a dumb question to most of you, but what color is my corgi? I think she is a sable, but I could be wrong. She's mostly red but her back has a distinctive saddle that's darker, like the tips of her fur are black. Hopefully you can tell by my picture (more on my page of course)... Just wanted to double-check. :)…


Added by Kristin P on October 12, 2009 at 4:38pm — 6 Comments

Please Vote for my Corgi Puppy! :)

Please Vote for my Corgi Puppy! :) It only takes 1-2 minutes

Thank you so much!!!

Added by Daniela Valadez on October 12, 2009 at 2:05pm — No Comments


Nellie graduated from basic obidience class on Saturday. It really was a suprise! You had to get 30 out of 40 points to pass, and she got 38! We practiced extra hard the past week. She is pretty good at all the commands, we were just concerned that she wouldn't be able to perform around all the people and doggies. She made it happen! I am so proud. It makes me want another puppy.

Added by Simon & Anne on October 12, 2009 at 9:52am — 2 Comments

A Hike at Lake Hodges...and a snake!

Today was a beautiful autumn day here in San Diego...meaning it was NOT sweltering hot, and a nice breeze was blowing, so we tried a new hiking trail today. It is called "Piedras Pintadas", which means "painted rocks" and winds through former Kumeyaay Indian grounds. There was a creek, a waterfall, informative sign boards and a nice view of the lake.

We took SIdney and Bruce, who is 14. I was a little worried about bringing Bruce due to his advanced age, but he plugged along like a… Continue

Added by Geri & Sidney on October 11, 2009 at 8:00pm — 6 Comments

2009 Corgi Picnic in Palm Bay

We were just wondering who will be attending this year's picnic? We plan on going, though we may only take Trixie, since Corrie still needs a little more socialization. Not sure if the mass socialization will be a good thing or not! Anyway, now that Trixie is older, she can enjoy it better! We look forward to being there! Feel free to say hi if you see us!

Added by Dawn Murray on October 11, 2009 at 5:30pm — 5 Comments

A Walk and Good Nutrition

After seeing an earlier post on walking dogs...and feeling a bit guilty for my lazy nature...I decided to put on the coveralls, the heavy boots, glove and hat to take the dogs out for a romp in the recently harvested corn field. I love to walk in the harvested field since it is easier to walk six dogs off leash, no concerns for traffic and lots of room to run.My little blind Corgi is just esthatic to be off leash and I know she will stay close and go right down the rows with me. The pack uses a… Continue

Added by Kristen on October 11, 2009 at 3:11pm — 9 Comments

HELP! Jumping puppy!

I'm writing this blog to ask anyone if they have experience training a puppy.

Scarlet gets excited when ANYONE is around, or anything for that matter. When my mom comes over (and my mom just recently had knee surgery) Scarlet jumps up and licks and tries to love-nibble my mom's hands and face. She constantly pulls on the leash and jumps up when people pass us by at the park.

I know training is a consistent and soemtimes lengthy process, but I'm not quite sure how to get Scarlet… Continue

Added by Molly Przybelinski on October 11, 2009 at 1:27pm — 5 Comments

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