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Contest Results

Toki placed third in the cutest dog contest at our local pet store. Out of over thirty dogs it's not to bad. The contest was set up to whichever dog raised the most money won so obviously it would not be a fair fight. She was beat out by a 5 year old picture of a not as cute dog and first place was a tiny chihuahua that can sit in the palm of a hand. Kinda sucks that the new spokes dog can't even fit in dog clothes. But we did walk away with a gift card and a picture frame so all in all a good… Continue

Added by Marti & Toki on May 16, 2009 at 11:26pm — 3 Comments

A close call

Today, I went to take Ein for his shots. From what I saw in the parking lot parked about 20 feet away from the mobile clinic, was a family by their car with a German Shepard and a chihuahua. All of a sudden, a big black dog (maybe a German Shepard mix) without a leash, comes rushing at Ein, furiously barking and growling. My bf grabbed a hold of the black dog as I quickly picked Ein up. I felt Ein growling(?) and trembling. Then the father of that family came and took his dog away with a leash.… Continue

Added by Aj on May 16, 2009 at 8:02pm — 4 Comments

New post

Check out our latest blog post!


Added by Esther and Winnie on May 16, 2009 at 5:47pm — No Comments

An addition to the family

Toddy is happy to announce we are adopting another corgi thanks to our connections on this website! We will be picking him up on Memorial Day - he'll be about 8 wks old then. We found another corgi lover nearby, Nancy, and learned that a new litter was imminent and drove by to visit. We can't wait to have our new pup! We love this website...

Jayne & Toddy

Added by Jayne Wagner on May 16, 2009 at 4:02pm — 5 Comments

Poor Koby

Poor Koby has been licking while I am at work and not watching his every move so now he has to ware an Elizabethan Collar!!! Poor little fellow! He is banging into everything, but he is still making it fun. It doesn't seem to bother him too much. He is able to eat and drink ok. The cats poofed up and hissed at him when I first brought him home!! lol They didn't know what that big plastic dish was. He is getting a little more used to it, but has to ware it for a week! They also had to staple his… Continue

Added by King Koby of the Treasure Coast on May 16, 2009 at 1:23pm — 3 Comments

Baby knows mommy is not feeling well.

So, today I had oral surgery... nothing major; but boy am I sore. Kyuubi has been such the care taker. He has layed next to me and been really gentle with me. I pet him and he gives me a look like he is wondering if I am ok. He and the cat have been playing a little bit. Its nice to see them starting to really get along. The cat is a little older and never was the playful type. Kyuubi as I write this is laying next to my feet as Daniel is fixing the door. Its really nice to have a dog that is… Continue

Added by The John Family on May 15, 2009 at 10:48pm — 2 Comments

haircut disaster!

So, summer is heating up here in Vegas, I could tell my little ones are getting too hot and shedding so much!... so hubby decided that Chloe needs a haircut, so I told him yeah go for it I think all she needs is a little trim... so off he went and here;s what we have 2 hours later!....

Needless to say, i was very upset!... she didn't even look like the same!... now she looks lik she needs a tan real… Continue

Added by Taco Vaquero on May 15, 2009 at 10:01pm — 7 Comments

I'm in love with this face and it breaks my heart...

I have been in love with this little face I saw online at least 6 months ago. How I wish I could have one more dog. Parker must be the cutest non-corgi I have ever seen. Although being a dachshund he does have the cute short little legs advantage. I'm so sad to see that he still needs a home... but at least I can still dream that I'll be able to adopt him someday...

Added by Mochi on May 15, 2009 at 9:08pm — 3 Comments

So many corgis on petfinder that need homes!

There is an overwhelming amount of corgis on petfinder right now. At least in CA. If you are looking for a corgi there are some super cute dogs on

Added by Mochi on May 15, 2009 at 8:54pm — No Comments

My Turn

Dear Weeders

Dis is Daisy. I am Daisy. Daisy is ME!!!! I thought I should writes something my ownself instead of relying on Skeezix to get it down correctly. So dis is my first time using a typer thingie, but Skeezix sez it isn't so difficult as I would think, so here I am.

I am glad to weport dat Momma moved the big scary silver thing from in front of my ramp from the deck. Skeezix sez it iz called a twuck . . . whitch he sez is bigger than our kar. I sort of likes our… Continue

Added by Melissa Bee on May 15, 2009 at 8:53pm — 1 Comment

Puppy Mills

I found this story to be very sad, but very informative. It doesn't matter if it is a Corgi or a Great Dane the inhumanity that is in our world needs to stop and only dog lover's like ourselves can get the word out to not buy puppy's from puppy stores. View this link and please pass it along.

Added by Brent & Mona's Bunny Butts! on May 15, 2009 at 6:36pm — 2 Comments

Waiting on a New Addition

Hi all...

I'm in contact with a wonderful breeder of cardigans. We hoping for her female to be pregnant in the next couple of weeks. If so, we're hoping to get a puppy. Keep your fingers crossed for us!

Added by Cindi on May 15, 2009 at 10:31am — 3 Comments

kind of unrelated details

So this isnt really related to corgis... well not directly. I was sooooo excited today when i did my weigh in that in the last 6-7 weeks i have lost 18 lbs. I am trying very very hard to lose a total of 40 lbs by 08/02/09 which is my wedding day... for two reasons i dont wanna be super chub at my own wedding and i wann fit into the dress i already bought lol i would rather it be taken in ... it cannot really be let out much. So i was soooo excited i had to share this news with every community i… Continue

Added by Kimber-Leigh May on May 15, 2009 at 12:47am — 9 Comments

Just joined!

Our first blog post as members :D

Check out my youtube channel and blog!

Added by Esther and Winnie on May 14, 2009 at 11:54pm — 3 Comments

Strange Little Hormonal Girl

So I am very happy to report she has stopped using the potty in her crate and the jumbo crate she gets to stay in should I have to take Milo to work with me. Freya's crate is a little more manageable for me to carry than the huge one we got for Milo. But in some way, mine is better constructed than Milo's.

Since having to quarantine Freya, which I loathe and wish the vet would let me spay her right when I asked...we have had some improvements. I know about when she needs to go to the… Continue

Added by Corgibyassociation on May 14, 2009 at 10:38am — No Comments

Randy's first frap

Randy is doing his first frap cool. Leo is showing him the ropes and they are going like crazy. The boys are getting along so well, I am so pleased. The size difference is still a bit of a problem as Leo is just so much heavier than Randy. Randy gets kind of mad when Leo plays with him and he acts like a badger..snarling and growling. Leo does not get mad which is a very good thing, he is even good when Randy is badger-like and biting his cheek (Randy's favorite place to attack his… Continue

Added by Boo Buchheit on May 14, 2009 at 9:45am — 2 Comments

Happy 6th Birthday, Payton!!!

Csear 's famous quote " You may not get the dog you want but you get the dog you need." This is sooo true for when we first got you, Payton. But once we got you home, you've been wanted and loved more than I can even express in words!!! You are my baby, my snugglebug, comfort, my friend. I am so proud of the strides we've made in lowering your fear of new poeple and things. I"m pleased the walks are now wokring to keep your weight in check since the seizure drugs make you want to eat everything… Continue

Added by Jill M on May 13, 2009 at 8:19pm — 1 Comment

Dragster is now two-years old!

Dragster had a party last friday for his birthday!! He loved it sooo much. We went to our local dog park and he played with his dog friends and made new friends. I made pupcakes which i got from Rachel Ray. They turned out great and all the dogs loved them. I made them with yogurt instead of sugar because i know sugar can be bad for dogs and plus drag has such stomach problems i figured it would help keep it settled. I posted videos of some of the party! my baby is growing up!!

Added by Dragster and Bailee on May 13, 2009 at 4:10pm — 1 Comment


Hello all,
Yes its hot in AZ. Walkies are very early or very late. Gwenie likes to sit on her patio and I call her in she just minds the heat at 95 or better. I give her loads of water and she gets ice cubes anytime she wants. She barks at the fridge for them!!! Have a cool summer.

Added by Kitty Kirwin on May 13, 2009 at 3:43pm — 4 Comments

What do you think of this little girl?

The previous owner that gave up this Corgi said she was a purebred (Pembroke) and her coloring was acceptable. It doesn't matter as we just love her and she isn't going anywhere, but I'm just curious what other Corgi people think of our Alice? She has all the Corgi mannerisms and really strong herding instincts. She weighs about 30 pounds and has pretty course hair but blows like any other Corgi I've seen. Don't know really what else to tell you about… Continue

Added by Jeanette on May 13, 2009 at 10:32am — 16 Comments

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