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Happy Holidays Everyone.

I am keeping my fingers crossed that by the time the holidays roll around next year, I'll have my Corgi.

I have been thinking about training him (or her) as a therapy dog for the Elderly. I work in an assistant living home and one topic that comes up most often is animals. Many of my residents had to give up their beloved pets when they moved in (although the Home does allow small pets like cats and toy breeds providing the resident can still care for them.) I think a Corgi would be… Continue

Added by Masa and Reznor on December 21, 2008 at 12:34pm — 4 Comments

Taz's first day/night with us

We got to pick up Taz yesterday! Everyone was so excited. Ok at first not everyone was excited but KC is warming up to him. We were really busy yesterday as we finally made it back home after being gone for five days. So we brought him home, unloaded the car, stuck him in his sisters new pink crate and had to go get some errands done before the new snow storm hit. It was funny because when he went to the bathroom he managed to somehow go so that it landed outside of his crate. Anyway, so he… Continue

Added by Laura Jones on December 21, 2008 at 10:26am — 1 Comment

Chesney is home!!

Well we got to bring Chesney home today. She is soooo cute and funny. After we introduced her to Oreo and they got used to each other she started to go up to him and get down sticking her butt up in th air and growling at him and then pawing at his face then she'd bark at him with her cute little bark and then jump on Oreo didn't know what to do! He just sat there looking at her like "what the heck are you!" Sooo cute!

Now potty training should be tons of fun seeing as how we… Continue

Added by Corgi lover! (Misty) on December 20, 2008 at 11:55pm — 2 Comments

One week of rest... kind of

I'm not sure if Owen made it through okay or if he will ever look at the vet sweetly again. On Monday, I drove in the snow to get Owen fixed, vaccinated (rabies), and have his front dew claws removed. All in all, I'm pretty sure this was equally tragic for all of us involved. I picked up poor Owen that afternoon, paws bandaged and drove home. He cried until he got to my lap and I cried too.. we are babies. He rested alot and that night whined and whined. Matt had to sleep in the hallway part of… Continue

Added by Owen's Mom on December 20, 2008 at 11:10pm — 1 Comment

Is that a new pillow? Nope, it's Camber.

Seasoon's greetings!

Lots of exciting things have been happening here. Everyday is a tiny miracle when it comes to Camber's disposition. One thing is that she no longer follows me around the house all the time. Before, I couldn't take a shower without a corgi chilling on the bath mat. She has become more independent and I'm happy about it. (Well, sometimes. I kinda liked her following me around...) She has a new bed which she likes to chill out in. Moses wants her with us all the… Continue

Added by Elys on December 20, 2008 at 11:44am — 8 Comments

Winter Indoor Games

For those of you who don't know - Bindi and I (Denise) are from Nebraska, and we are in the middle of quite a cold snap (they are forecasting a wind chill of -39 F on Sunday!).

I quickly discovered that when my little girl doesn't get her exercise, she is very bad at night (a la barking, biting, cat chasing, squirminess, and getting into all sorts of miscellaneous mischief). So, with it being too cold for her owner to bear a mile walk in the A.M., and a half-mile in the P.M. she has… Continue

Added by Bindi on December 20, 2008 at 12:20am — No Comments

We have a new intern :)

...and his name is "Skippy" ! He was surrendered to our rescue today :) Skippy's new role will be assisting Silvia around the office. So far everyone is getting along, actually we caught him and Vienna flirting quite a bit, Mocha is keeping an eye on them from a distant, so will there be an office romance or a love triangle? Only time will tell :)

The gang

Close up shot

Mocha keeping an eye on… Continue

Added by Sam Tsang on December 19, 2008 at 7:27pm — 29 Comments

It is snowing part 2

It started snowing last Saturday in Hermiston, snowed most of Sunday, and Monday. My husband got stuck in it for 5 hours trying to get to work. Finally made it home safely thank God. They called his work off for the rest of the week so we opted to brave it and go down to my parents house in Vancouver Washington. Fun trip down haha.

Spent a couple of days there, headed back up the gorge for The Dalles where my mother in law lives, got stuck on the highway behind some jack knifed semi's for… Continue

Added by Laura Jones on December 19, 2008 at 1:59pm — 2 Comments

Corgi apetites

DAISY is a really good eater. She loves everything it seems. She is always ready to eat too. Even eats vegies.

Added by nancy and daisy on December 19, 2008 at 1:24pm — No Comments

Ein's christmas/birthday presents have arrived!

Ein checking out the packages

Can't fit them under the tree...

I let him have his birthday present early, I couldn't wait until Sunday! It rattles, squeaks, and stretches! And he loves it!

Such a good boy…


Added by Aj on December 18, 2008 at 5:38pm — 12 Comments

The Garfield and Odie syndrome

I am not the only one who is getting anxous for our corgi. Our German Shepard Rusty is starting to suffer from an only dog syndrome.

He has grown up with two other dogs. Now that it is just my boyfriend, myself, and my cat he is having a hard time adjusting. Although the days we are both at work we take him to visit his old pack while we are gone. There is a total of four days (because my BF and I work different shifts) that he is home with one of us. Now we try our best to be… Continue

Added by Juel on December 18, 2008 at 11:45am — No Comments

Peanut butter!

This is awesome.

I have issues with giving leon anything other than all natural peanut butter. Can't stand the idea of all those crappy and unnessicary preservatives going into him. Organic peanut butter is so expensive though, so as much as he loves it, he's only able to have it on very rare occasions. Maybe it wouldn't be so rare though if I was able to get that, and I know it would more than pay for it's self… Continue

Added by Cam on December 18, 2008 at 5:46am — 2 Comments

Corgi Benji had crossed the rainbow brige on 9th dec 2008

Oh Buddhas & Bodhisattvas of the ten directions and the three times,

Please protect and guide BENJI on her journey.

May she be free from fear and clinging to this life.

May she have a favourite rebirth.”

Benji had crossed the rainbow bridge on 9th December 2008. He passed away suddently and peacefully on ripe old age of 14 years old . He had no special illness, I board him at Paw4 clubs in choa chu kang when i went Bangkok for 5 days. My husband bought him back on… Continue

Added by amy on December 18, 2008 at 1:39am — 3 Comments


Added by amy on December 18, 2008 at 1:30am — No Comments


Our puppy is home today :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
We are so excited!!!!!!!!! She is perfect. We have not agreed upon a name yet but we are close. We're thinking of these: Rosa, Cori, Daisy. Any suggestions?

Added by corgiluvr on December 17, 2008 at 9:17pm — 4 Comments

Caesar's Vocabulary is Expanding

The commands he knows so far - he learned all those in two weeks!!

Leave It
Go Pee
Tell Me
Quiet (He resists a little but he knows what it means)
Belly (well we're still working on that one)

I'm so proud of my baby!!!!!

Added by Caesar & Molly on December 17, 2008 at 9:00pm — No Comments

*sigh* Ein is so cute

Since it has been raining, Ein wasn't able to go outside in the backyard to play. So he's been whining because he wants to go outside or he whines when he has to go potty. So last night, Ein had been whining, so I went to go let him outside in the front yard instead of the backyard, since there's nothing but dirt (and now mud) in the backyard. When I reached the front door, there were 3 solid pieces of poop on the doormat (thank goodness to high-quality dog food!). I took Ein out to go pee and… Continue

Added by Aj on December 17, 2008 at 7:00pm — 1 Comment

It has been a while

Merry Christmas!

Madog and I have had a very busy two months. He has officially changed his name to Johnson (Peter Johnson Jr.) and he is a little joy when he is not being a little devil. I swear Corgi is Welsh for Satan.

We are no longer going into the office because since we worked in real estate we no longer have a job. I was thrilled. I gave a rousing rendition of "Don't Cry For Me Argentina" off of the mezzanine and I was out of there.

We gumbooted it to… Continue

Added by Madog on December 17, 2008 at 11:57am — 4 Comments

Doris Daylily at the start of her 6th day at home

When my sister Amy calls me, she always asks first about the puppy. I always reply, "She's completely perfect!" And she is. Doris is completely, totally, absolutely, perfectly perfect. Here are a few lessons I've learned in the last few days so I can catch up with Doris' perfection:

1. Doris doesn't have accidents. I do. I accidentally don't take her outside when she clearly tells me it's time to do so. That's not Doris' fault.

2. An empty paper towel roll is easily… Continue

Added by Bay in TN on December 17, 2008 at 11:14am — 7 Comments

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