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Crate training

Short post/update


Just wanted to let everyone know, We started crate training our 8 week old Oona the night we got her (Saturday 1-15-11), and tonight is the second night in a row she has "gone to bed" with zero crying/whining!


I don't think 4-5 nights is bad at all! I am proud of my little girl, proud of Nate and Myself for being strong in the face of puppy tears (the most heartwrenching sound I have ever had to endure), and proud of Roslyn for being such a…


Added by LaRissa L. Head on January 20, 2011 at 12:36am — 4 Comments

Ancient Texans loved dogs!

Ancient Texans loved dogs.

To eat.


An interesting thing to think about when thinking about how our domestic dogs came about. Bred to be guards, hunters and in a pinch, food insurance.


Added by Sarah C. on January 19, 2011 at 6:43pm — 2 Comments

A couple of things

First of all, I'm going to be starting up a blog soon on .  Right now I'm working on making a background for it, and because it is called "My Dog is Fun Sized", I decided to go with the theme of dogs in chocolate bar wrappers costumes.  I thought it would be fun to come up with some corgi themed candy bar names to put on them. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions.  These are the ones that I've…


Added by Angela Kau-Forsberg on January 19, 2011 at 12:34pm — 5 Comments

Dog Survey!


Name? Rowdy

Age? 2 1/2 months

Breed? Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Fur Colour? Brown, red, and white... don't know if he'll be sable or not yet

Fur texture? because he's so young, super fluffy undercoat

Eye Colour? dark brown, almost black

Size? 10 pounds! (he sat on the scale today)

Sex? little man



Where did you get him/her? A breeder in…


Added by Kayla Rae and Rowdy on January 19, 2011 at 2:33am — No Comments


Hello everyone, im sad to say that JD did not make it. I had to let my baby boy go. the toumer was to intertwined in to his organs, the vet said once it got a hold of him there was no hope. :( :(  I know we all will miss him and cared for him deeply. But thank you for all of you that had him in your prayers.

I will love and miss him so!!! R.I.P. JD u will deeply be missed



Added by Sheila Wiggins on January 18, 2011 at 10:48pm — 23 Comments

First day alone

Today was Picadilly's first day home alone for an extend period of time while my mom and dad went to work and I had classes. She was good and didn't wreck or go potty anywhere and we were so proud of her. We were kinda worried how she would handle it because since we had her whenever someone would leave she would sit at the door and cry and scratch the door until either that person came back or someone would get her from the door. I know that when I left it took a lot out of me to not want…


Added by Stephen and Picadilly on January 18, 2011 at 8:06pm — 1 Comment

Phoenix,AZ 2 Lisbon Falls,Maine

Well its been a little while since i've been on here been very busy. Back in July I moved back to Maine from Phoenix After finishing school. I was pretty worried about my Stump on the ride home and the dramatic change in weather. It took us 3 days to get back because of some set back like a burnt up battery and a blown tire on the 4th of July (NOTHING IS OPENED). Stump wouldn't eat at all the whole ride home but he didn't loose his spunk. We made in back safe and sound and of corse the Humidity… Continue

Added by Kimberlei on January 18, 2011 at 3:58pm — 2 Comments

New Puppy! Oona!

Hey Everyone!

It's been a whirlwind couple days, but puppy is home and doing well! She has the most adorable half blue eye!

Housebreaking has been so far pretty simple... but time consuming. I work from home all but 10 hours of the week, so I have a regular schedule that is programed into my phone to remind me to take her out every two hours.

We are using a small pet carrier as a crate currently (I hate dealing with those moving dividers), and she hasn't had any…


Added by LaRissa L. Head on January 18, 2011 at 2:27pm — 9 Comments

Rescued Special Needs Corgi

Mowgli is a approximately 18 mos to 2 years of age.  He came to his Lakeshore Pembroke Welsh Corgi foster home in the fall of 2010.  He was turned over to the rescue because he was diagnosed with Addison's disease.  His previous owners were afraid through lack of knowledge that his treatment and maintenance for Addison's would be more expensive then they could afford.  The expensive part is done which is the regulating process.  Now Mowgli receives  prednisone once a day and once a month, a… Continue

Added by Kerri on January 18, 2011 at 3:21am — 2 Comments

The darkness of night brings the darkness to my heart

If funny how night time effect mood. I'm laying here in the dark, the only one left awake, and I just start feeling the sadness creep in. Sometimes it's overwhelming. I miss my companion Tally so much. She was so gentle, attentive, and could always sense when I needed to pet her. She will never be forgotten. Ein's not quite there yet, but she's still a rambunctious puppy whose a pretty self centered. LOL She'll get there. I'm lucky to have her helping me through the grief. I suppose going to…


Added by The Geek's Wife & her Corgi Ein on January 18, 2011 at 2:22am — 6 Comments

Pray for JD

I'm just letting everyone know, JD is having another brush with deth. He has to go in for surgery tomorrw. The vet found a softball toumer inside JD arund his tummy. there is a chance he will come out ok, but if not the vet wants me to trust his judgment and make it so that JD wont wake up and wont suffer any more. So please everyone pray for my baby boy. :(


Thank you,

Sheila and JD…


Added by Sheila Wiggins on January 17, 2011 at 6:33pm — 18 Comments

Hello all

Hello all, I figured I would just introduce myself and my cute little girl Picadilly. First off the boring stuff, about me, I am a college student and have always wanted a dog. A Corgi in particular, I have always been drawn to the breed since I can remember. My mom has for the first 23 years of my life said no to not owning a dog and those first 23 years I have been begging and pleading my case. Well my 24th year she finally said yes, as long as its a rescue. So I complied as I felt the…


Added by Stephen and Picadilly on January 17, 2011 at 1:03pm — 9 Comments

Stuck on The Stairs

After a few minutes of searching for him the other day, we discovered Dewi stuck on the stairs.

Not a big deal really, except that he had been stuck for about 10 minutes like this:

Only ONE step from the bottom!

Oh, the humiliation.…


Added by Elizabeth on January 17, 2011 at 11:17am — 13 Comments

Videos of Bear and The Wobbler :)

The first one is the "I'm figuring this out."

The second one is the "I THINK IT'S EMPTY MOM - REFILL…


Added by Stephanie on January 16, 2011 at 3:01pm — 6 Comments

long time no post....

man-o-man have I been neglecting mycorgi. I've added another Cardigan to the pack (Izzy) she's a little black and white female. Grady is 1 now, Nora just turned 2, and Coop with be 4 in Feb. Holy moses does time fly! I added some pictures of Izzy to my profile. Hope you enjoy them!

Added by Cooper, Nora, Grady, Izzy & Jax on January 16, 2011 at 1:00pm — 1 Comment

After Last Night

Last night was rough. My corgi pup was spayed yesterday, and it caused her A LOT of discomfort. I gave her as much pain meds as I was allowed, but every little move or twitch caused her to shriek loudly or whine. So of course she was waking herself up (and me) every time she'd try to reposition herself in her dozing off stage. She was also having trouble moving around inside her crate with her cone on. So I made the bold move of letting her sleep all night outside her crate, on her soft little… Continue

Added by The Geek's Wife & her Corgi Ein on January 16, 2011 at 3:58am — 9 Comments

Window to the Soul

Getting ready to go out to a concert by a local band tonight.  My poor kids are my test subjects as I'm going over my settings on my D90 before leaving...and I caught a reflection of the window in his eyes.…


Added by Guinness & Rosie on January 16, 2011 at 12:13am — 3 Comments


Well, it's been a rough week, but it ends well.  Tag A Long was taken to the vet to have some lumps checked and two of the three needed to be removed.  The third merely needed to be drained and have some medicine put in it.  Due to her respiratory issues, there was much concern over the anethesia.  She went in on Tuesday and made it through okay.  Her Mom decided to go ahead and have her spayed as well, having had that put off for so long due to concerns over the anethsesia as well.  The day… Continue

Added by Desert Corgi Pack on January 15, 2011 at 8:52pm — 4 Comments

Happy Birthday to my little guy Griffyn!!

4 Years old today!!  You are a joy to me every single day!!  Your happy face greeting me every morning!!  Your happy boy dance!!  Your little "wookie" noises you make to say good morning and good night!!   And the list goes on and on!!  Soffie, Dawn and I are blessed to have you in our lives!!  Happy Happy Birthday, my sweet boy!!!…


Added by Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn on January 15, 2011 at 9:55am — 10 Comments

Every two hours? What have I gotten myself into?!?

Well, I am leaving here in a couple minutes to make the 12 hour round trip to pick up my new 8 week old puppy. It is snowing peacefully outside my window and is a complete contradiction to how I feel inside.


Confession, This will be the first puppy I will have had since my childhood. On top of that, my memory is missing anything having to do with training my first dog (which mind you I had no hand in), and is only focusing on the (now) glaring mistakes I made while caring for…


Added by LaRissa L. Head on January 15, 2011 at 8:44am — 10 Comments

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