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Gromit and Holly Watch "And Man Created Dog"

I told Gromit and Holly about the National Geographic special "And Man Created Dog." They were keen to see it, family history and all that, so I recorded it on the DVR and we all sat down to watch it together after dinner. I was able to catch some of their comments on parts of the show. Much to my surprise Gromit watched almost the whole show with Debbie and me but Holly bugged out before it was over. Here's some of their thoughts on the program:…


Added by Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug on August 14, 2010 at 10:00am — 22 Comments

The Nastiest thing's your corgi's ate?

My Jordan eats yucky stuff all the time, like the grasshopper he ate last night he love's those since they only show up for a short time every summer and they do things such as hop YES! I said hop. He gazes at them in amazement for a minute before pouncing and crunching....but his personal grossest was the frog at the lake when he was a puppy...I wanted cute puppy among wild flowers and got this… Continue

Added by christy fry on August 14, 2010 at 9:26am — 12 Comments

Daisy - Such Sorrow

For those of you who have followed my Daisy with her struggles of in and out of the Doggie Hospital. Yesterday she came home just after 11:00 a.m. and by 2:45 she couldn't stand up by herself. I called the Vet and told her I was bringing her back and she said OK she would get a room ready for her. I started my car and went to pick her up and she whimpered as I gently lifted her and she passed away in my arms. I couldn't stop crying. I held and hugged her. She worked so…


Added by WhiteDove on August 14, 2010 at 9:00am — 12 Comments

Discipline Help!

My corgi is 6 months old now and I really need some help with disciplining her correctly. Every where that I've read stated that it's normal for Corgi puppies to nip at ankles due to their herding instincts and you should use a loud "NO" or a loud noise to help correct this behavior. Since I've been trying that for about 4 months now, I've become a little desperate. It's not just the ankle biting (she's actually gotten a little better), my main issue is that she'll snap at you at certain…


Added by Jennifer Cornacchia on August 13, 2010 at 4:41pm — 7 Comments

When Corgis Attack! A short comic by Allison Strejlau

I thought some of our Corgi friends would enjoy this adorable comic by artist Allison Strejlau, it's entitled, "When Corgis Attack" Please come visit our site to see her lovely work. She captures the personality and gumption of our beloved Corgis, very well.

Happy Friday!

Added by CorgiTales on August 13, 2010 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Pee pads are of the devil!

Why on earth Apollo's breeder thought feeding him and letting him potty all in the same area was a good idea but now we're having a hellish time with crate training. He's gotten better with waiting to poop outside but the moment we put food in the crate he pees all over himself =/

Added by Christine on August 13, 2010 at 12:23pm — No Comments

Corgi Tantrums

So I ended up finding a really awesome corgi puppy which we named Odin ( some might know that we had orginally had our eyes on another corgi and wanted to name him Odin but it just didn't work out, but Odin just seemed to really fit our little guy now so we stuck with it). Well I just got him recently and he is so much fun to have around and the other pets in the house(2 yorkies) are getting along with him now. But i just wanted to know if these little tantrums are common with this breed? If…


Added by Alaina, Dyer and Odin on August 12, 2010 at 12:55pm — 4 Comments

This Corg means serious business...

I always love it when I catch photos of Buddy looking "angry" or "serious" because it is hard to catch him without a smile on his face! I wanted to highlight a couple..

^ not so angry, but I love the serious face and the glowing eyes!

^ Favorite Toy is serious business. (yes my carpet is covered in hair, I vacuumed 2 days ago!)…


Added by Kevin and Buddy! on August 11, 2010 at 11:00pm — 3 Comments

Corgi Noir

[Last year, Bunny Butts solicited ideas for an article in the Pem-Welsh Corgi Assoc of Canada magazine.  Sam suggested "crossing the Canadian border with your corgi".  This is the final rewrite of Al's contribution.  He's been reading too much Raymond Chandler.]

Border Corgi

Yes.  Crossing the Canadian border with your…


Added by John Wolff on August 10, 2010 at 2:00am — 5 Comments

Settling In Just Fine...

Hi everyone! I wanted to update everyone on our progress over here. If you've seen my blog (my how time flies), you'll know my 10 month old pup and I just made the move to Southern California from San Francisco. He is adjusting so well and I think we're both really going to flourish here.

The above picture is of my workplace, which is amazing enough to…


Added by Kari & Jackson on August 10, 2010 at 12:30am — 8 Comments

Please vote for my furless brother!!!

Hi everyone! My younger, furless brother is in a photo contest & needs everyone's help... He needs votes *daily* in order to win!!! Here's a link to his picture: Be sure to vote for him & pass the word on! If he wins, then that means a vacation for my family… Continue

Added by Laura & Lola on August 9, 2010 at 1:00pm — 1 Comment

Say it dont SPRAY IT!

lol ok this may sound weird but... Does anyone else's Corgi SPIT!... LOL my mom brought this to my attention Ace Spits when he barks XD i didnt believe her until he barked at me and my leg became wet from him bark spitting XD

I think its cute but... ya XD anyone else have this problem?


My Little Man is going to be going in and getting his Jewels lopped off T^T Oh boy! Its gonna be interesting since well he loves running >: but it needs done x.x;;

Added by Ace and Jen on August 9, 2010 at 1:51am — 3 Comments

Acting like a freak??

Does anyones Corgi's have any unusual characteristics? When Hurley gets excited he immediately begins to run full speed at the couch and precedes to run from the couch to the loveseat jumping on both and the more i yell at him, the faster he goes! Very cute to see!

Added by Garth and Hurley on August 8, 2010 at 9:33pm — 4 Comments

Apollo's first day!

Wow what a day. Apollo joined our little family today after what seemed like an eternity! He's done fairly well given he's only 8 weeks old (as of yesterday). Poor little guy is tiny and misses his family a ton still. He probably could have benefited by staying a few more weeks with his parents/siblings. He practically cried the whole way home. Unlike our other puppy Artemis, I have a hunch Apollo is going to be the more rebellious one out of the two. He's incredibly vocal and playful already.… Continue

Added by Christine on August 8, 2010 at 9:30pm — 4 Comments

Baths and Stress

Today I decided to give the beasts a bath. Their last bath was in February I think- so I figured it was time. After Goldy's bath, she was frapping crazy around the house and as she worked her usual track from the couch down the hall to the bedroom and back, she missed the couch - hit the front of it, yelped, and hobbled down the hall on 3 legs and hid in a corner. I immediately called my neighbor, thinking my sweet girl had broken her leg. It's a nightmare to try to look at one dog as the other… Continue

Added by Stephanie on August 8, 2010 at 7:31pm — 3 Comments

Frankie da Fwuffy!!! Coming to join us on Sept. 8th.

Added by Cindi on August 8, 2010 at 11:54am — 18 Comments

First doggy park visit since neuter!

So I woke up extra early this morning to take Buddy to the dog park for the first time in nearly 2 months! He hasn't been since he started expressing "ungentlemanly" behavior. Well he's fully recovered from his neuter and got his stitches out a couple days ago. I was chomping at the bit to take him to the dog park, I think i love it just as much as he does!

When we got there, he was a little unsure for the first couple minutes but quickly warmed up to all the pugs! I swear there were… Continue

Added by Kevin and Buddy! on August 7, 2010 at 12:00pm — 3 Comments

Guard Corgi!

Many of you may be able to find more corgi items but around here they're scarce! So I found this at a grocery store and bought them all!

Added by Jane Christensen on August 7, 2010 at 11:09am — 18 Comments

One week old and counting...("Boots" and "Bubba" )

posted some pic's of Momma dog. Pixie~D is a great mom. The puppies turned one week on Thursday and are thriving. My dh's mother is keeping the female. She has named her "Boots". We will call the male "Bubba" untill we can find his forever home. For some reason it is a huge deal to post pics. I will do so soon of pups ;)

Added by val on August 6, 2010 at 10:32pm — No Comments

Everything I Need to Know, I Learned from Bertie Wooster

Some time ago, one of my god-daughters was going on a weekend retreat before her confirmation (in the Catholic Church), and the organizers asked that their godparents…

Added by Susan Stanton on August 6, 2010 at 3:03pm — 14 Comments

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