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Vacation...far far away!

Hey just a heads up to let everyone know, we are leaving for vacation today for 1 wk. We have a friend sitting our Midas and gave her the website, password, all that jazz. I told her if she has any questions, concerns, or just wants to check this place out she would be able to get answers quickly and that you guys are super helpful and amazing. So don't disappoint! Hope all goes well and we will be back soon! I'm think I might miss this place:(

Added by Zach and Lisa on March 13, 2009 at 9:45am — 2 Comments

Grain free diet vs traditional diet

Ok I know this is another feeding question and there are a ton of them on this board but I am really getting confused. My Maggie will be switching to adult food soon and I have been researching the benefits of a grain free diet. There is not that much information out there to support it and what I did find was really interesting. One study I found was not in favor of a grain free diet due to the fact that grains such as rice, oats, and barley when digested turn into tryptophine which in turn… Continue

Added by Amy on March 13, 2009 at 9:16am — 3 Comments

Keeping those hot corgis cool..

With the slowly approaching spring and summer months (finally, yay!) I was wondering what measures you take to keep your corgis from overheating? Vic and I are planning a road trip down to my hometown, in Georgia, and as any of you southerners know, it's incredibly hot and humid during the summer months. What do you do to help keep your corgis cool? Do you get them a special summer "haircut" and if you do, what do you ask for when you go to the groomer? Any suggestions, or comments are always… Continue

Added by Carlie on March 13, 2009 at 8:27am — 9 Comments

Le-Le's close up

We just did a photography shoot of our house this week. I realized recently we have not had visitors to the house since we have had Le-Le. We travel too much and when home just were not entertaining. So I was a little worried when I realized we were doing a photo shoot here which can be disruptive and that Le-Le might not handle it well. Well she did great! She did not let the editors near her but she was curious about it all. She even let us pose her for some photographs. She knows sit and… Continue

Added by Anne on March 12, 2009 at 11:56pm — 4 Comments

A different kind of stumpy

From -

The message to the fire brigade is always the same: Come quickly, a poor little pony has got stuck in the mud.

Four times rescuers have raced to the banks of the River Test to help the stricken animal – only to see her happily trot away.

Not sinking, just… Continue

Added by Cam on March 12, 2009 at 11:30pm — 1 Comment

Skipping and Playing

Emma is certainly right at home with us now. She knows her way around the house, so we really have to watch her. I'm hoping to borrow another baby gate to help keep her out of the bedroom area. She is eating like a pig! She inhales her food, then looks everywhere for more. I've had to take up Phoebe's food because she'll eat it too. She's great about going outside, but there are still accidents around, sometimes. She has some favorite toys now, mostly balls. She loves to push them around and… Continue

Added by Beth on March 12, 2009 at 9:24pm — 2 Comments

4 Days in Her New Home

Emma joined us on Monday, and I don't think life will ever be the same! I just got the idea to do this today, so I have some catching up to do. Emma is one of 6 puppies, all girls. She loved to play with her sisters, so she did not like being taken away. She whined a lot the first couple of days we had her, but she was better yesterday. She especially did not like being outside since it was so cold. She would do her business (hooray!), then hide between my feet, shivering and whining. It's… Continue

Added by Beth on March 12, 2009 at 9:22pm — No Comments

To the Park

We took both Phoebe and Emma to Hard Labor Creek State Park yesterday to play. They both had lots of fun. Emma got loads of attention - everyone wanted to know what kind of dog she was, and some of the kids had to come up and pet her. She's definitely being socialized! She ran and ran and followed Phoebe around and chewed on some sticks. She had a good day…


Added by Beth on March 12, 2009 at 9:00pm — No Comments

Bum Leg.....

My boyfriend and I took Sophie to the park to play the other day. We were having a great time running around and playing with her big red ball, when all of a sudden she ran off to the side and sat down, and when she got up she whimpered and started to limp. She was not putting pressure on her back right foot. She has been limping around for 2 days now. She lets you touch it and pull on it without crying. I looked to see if maybe there was something stuck in her paw pads, but I didn't find… Continue

Added by Jenn & Sophie on March 12, 2009 at 6:54pm — 2 Comments

My first blog post and some of my corgi art.

Hi everyone! I joined a while ago, but I'm just now posting a blog. I really love corgis but unfortunately my husband and I aren't ready financially to have a dog. Anyway, enough of the sad stuff. Since I don't have pictures of a real corgi to contribute, I thought I'd share a picture I drew today. It's not colored yet, and still a little rough in some parts but I really tried hard so far. I'm pretty much self taught.... It's supposed to be me and my possible future corgi playing in the snow in… Continue

Added by Abbea and Vivi on March 12, 2009 at 4:05pm — 16 Comments

Updated Rabies Laws

Many states are FINALLY adopting 3 year rabies vaccination standard (that is how long the rabies vaccination your dog gets every year is good for)!!! Check out and sign up to receive email updates at Tennessee is 3 years now - YEAH!!!!!

Added by Mari Garner on March 12, 2009 at 1:32pm — 2 Comments

Suri seems relieved that silly we finally figured it out! The idea of baby Corgi's

has sunken in, and now that I am over the initial shock, have learned a LOT, and am anxiously awaiting them SURI seems --relieved! I can sense a new sort of satisfaction or something in her...! Perhaps it's due to the enormous cooing, coddling, fussing and hugging she's getting which is WAY over the top! Thing is, I had 8 births. I remember how important it was to be CHERISHED during those pregnancies. I want her to know "I GET IT"! She's morning sick ( I thought it was the food); she's taking… Continue

Added by Suri's (Sugar Magnolia) on March 12, 2009 at 10:59am — 3 Comments

12th March 2008, Thursday. Sunny.

Sometimes, you just can't help but wonder why people are so unfriendly?

The day started out fine actually. Until Kazu (my bf) had an accident with his phone (really silly accident) and had to get it fixed before we went to the park. But it's not about that that I'm really upset about.

I met this couple and another man at Beppu Park about 1 or 2 months ago. They were both corgi owners and I was so excited to finally be able to meet other Corgis and their people! They were… Continue

Added by tefutefu on March 12, 2009 at 8:57am — 6 Comments

Should I get another corgi?

I see this question arise frequently and thought I would share my experiences over the years to help you make a good decision. This is something that should be well thought out and knowing what you may face could help you make a good choice.

First may I tell you that getting two pups at the same time is rarely a good decision. Most reputable breeders would never give you this option because it poses many great difficulties. Raising a puppy can be a full time job if you are a dedicated… Continue

Added by Sam on March 12, 2009 at 7:03am — 9 Comments

Wafl's first trip to Cannon Beach OR July 2005

This is the screensaver on my computer. Summer 2005. Everywhere we went, people would say" "Oooooooh, is that a CORGI puppy?" It was so funny. Then we met a lot of people who said "Oh, I have a Corgi, but we left him/her at home." We had entered a new world of being Corgi owners.

Wafl was the sweetest puppy. No whining, took to kennel readily, chased our two cats only in the most gentle way, and very outgoing with people and animals. I read that dogs can have a vocabulary of 2000… Continue

Added by SoozenEss on March 11, 2009 at 10:44pm — 1 Comment

Obedience Lessons FTW

Tonight was Rocky's first obedience lesson. I'm so excited about his lessons. I already have a much better idea about how to keep his attention and everything.

Good stuff.

Added by Rockstar on March 11, 2009 at 8:58pm — 1 Comment

Bailey's Surprise Puppies

My first time momma Bailey was due for her pups Friday at the earliest. I moved her to the Nursery on Tuesday (just so she would have time to settle in). Much to my surprise on Wedesday (5 am before work) I open the door to say "Hello" and hear PUPPIES!!! Needless to say I had to call off work and stay home to help with puppies - she had 3 when I found her and ended up with 8 - all are doing great. Way to go… Continue

Added by Mari Garner on March 11, 2009 at 7:00pm — 2 Comments

Maybe getting another...

I'm going on Sunday to look at a female puppy, I won't be able to take her home for another 6 weeks if I decide to get her. It's really exciting, I hope Faulks takes to her :)

Does anyone else out there have multiples? What is your experience with them? I know that they should meet someplace that is more common ground so Faulks won't get territorial of his home...but does anyone have other advice to give?

I've enclosed a picture the breeder sent me of some of the puppies from… Continue

Added by Kelli & Penny on March 11, 2009 at 4:46pm — 2 Comments

an adventure!

mom just told me that we're going on a road trip tomorrow! she's gonna pack up my kennel and we're heading to my grandma's house! she's moving out and she needs some help so we're leaving SA for the valley. it's gonna be my 1st trip since i was brought home from porter! i'll sit in the back with my big sis addie. she's pretty cool for a human! she always has little baby treats for us to share :) we'll be there for the weekend then it's back home since mom has class on monday. i'm so excited!… Continue

Added by Ein Danger on March 11, 2009 at 3:22pm — 1 Comment

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