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Can't resist the Corgi merchandise!

I was so happy with the corgi purse I bought from this site a couple weeks ago, I went back and bought the matching wallet. It arrived today and I am so happy with the image as well as the quality of the wallet. I'm sure it will make me smile every time I take it out of my purse!

The website is

The artist, Sandra Coen, is a wonderful sweet lady. If you are looking for… Continue

Added by Geri & Sidney on February 14, 2009 at 10:00pm — 1 Comment

Happy Valentines Day! : )

Hope everyone has a great Valentines Day! Lance wanted to send his wishes to everyone to have a great Valentines Day as well.

Added by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on February 14, 2009 at 12:24pm — 3 Comments

Oh, Superstar....why at 5:00 am?!

Hello everyone! Superstar is growing like a supermodel--beautiful, sassy and elegant! Anyways, I went to bed at 3:00am. But then, I hear Superstar whimpering at 5 am. I took her to the bathroom at 2 am so I thought that she would be fine like always. But when I woke up at 5 am...She had pooped everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!she was full of poop like she was playing in the mud and the living room was smelly!!!!!!!!!!!So I gave her a nice bath ( which she HATES), and I cleaned her crate. She had diarrhea… Continue

Added by Boots and Superstar! on February 14, 2009 at 9:33am — 6 Comments

Valentine's Day

Pascal and I would like to wish everyone a very happy and lovely Valentine's Day. :) Also have a wonderful weekend and hope everyone is well. :)

Added by Rachel on February 14, 2009 at 1:21am — 2 Comments

Have a favor to ask of everyone

I'm sorry to bother everyone but I have a favor to ask. Could everyone that reads this take just a moment to send prayers/good thoughts to a little momma to be, Megan. First and foremost that she comes through this just fine, she is taken excellent care of but this is her first litter. Second that the puppies are all healthy, see we are fortunate enough to be allowed to get one of her puppies for our very own. They are due very soon.

We lost Tedi in December after 12-13 years of joy with… Continue

Added by Marion and Vern on February 13, 2009 at 11:48am — 4 Comments

Ein is officially four months old.

And he's having a pretty bad day too :(

Yesterday I discovered that the right side of his mouth was very swollen, of course I freaked out and called the vet right away. He said it's because Ein is teething and has been chewing on things more than usual which caused the swelling. He pretty much just told me to wait it out. And that is KILLING me. It's clear that Ein is uncomfortable, you can't touch his mouth at all without him getting upset, he keeps shaking his head and liking his mouth… Continue

Added by Carleigh and Ein on February 13, 2009 at 9:04am — 3 Comments

The Queen's Corgis

The Queen has a new Website and I thought this would be of interest:

The current Queen is, of course, associated with the Corgi. The breed was introduced to the Royal Family by her father, King George VI, in 1933 when he bought a Corgi called Dookie from a local kennels. The animal proved popular with his daughters and was described as ‘unquestionably the character of the Princesses’ delightful canine family’ and ‘a born sentimentalist’. A second Corgi was acquired called Jane who… Continue

Added by Christine Glossman on February 13, 2009 at 4:32am — 2 Comments

Hachi at the beach!! =D

My boyfriend and I took hachi to the best the other day.

In Perth, i think there's only 1 beach that you're allows dogs on it, and its only for certain times

of the day. (Sucks huh?)

but funny thing is that it is located between the normal beach, and the nudey beach. So its kinda

funny to watch dogs running around nude ppl...

anyway, she was having the best time of her life, first time seeing the beach and first time

seeing so many other dogs. Xcept she was… Continue

Added by chocky on February 13, 2009 at 2:14am — 4 Comments

You guys were wondering about ingredients in chocolates..

According to the HomeAgain lady:

the first thing she asked me to look for in the ingredients with an x, like Xylitol. There is another x word also but i dont remember.

She said that when dogs consume too much chocolate it goes to their pancreas and irritates it, causing alot of extra insulin to be produced and causes their hear to race too fast.

Dogs can get pancreatitis from overdosing on chocolate.

The best thing to do when your dog eats chocolate is to… Continue

Added by Dragster and Bailee on February 12, 2009 at 10:29pm — 2 Comments

Izzie's Spay

Thank you for the support and advice getting Izzie through her heat. She refused to keep the diaper on (no surprise there) and got little splotches everywhere, but 2 weeks and a lot of bissel carpet cleaner, we got through it. Today she went in for her spay and did well (I think.) She was a little pathetic when walking out of the back room, she couldn't walk with the Elizabethan collar on, poor thing! She is also struggling with not being allowed to jump on the couch right now. Mostly she's… Continue

Added by Rachel on February 12, 2009 at 9:08pm — 1 Comment

It's Official -- Corgis Are Cutest Puppies Ever

When Bertie Wooster was a pup, we lived in the Upper West Side of Manhattan. Walking a Corgi puppy in the city was not an easy proposition -- any 10-minute errand run would turn into a 3-hour discussion group, as we couldn't got more than 2 feet before someone would rush up to us and exclaim, "That is the cutest puppy I've ever seen!" I, of course, would blush and shuffle my feet and do the Corgi chitchat, while B. Wooster would simply bask in the attention and the constant hope that if they… Continue

Added by Susan Stanton on February 12, 2009 at 4:19pm — 6 Comments

If you haven't already...

Vote for Dax!


Added by Amanda on February 12, 2009 at 2:04pm — No Comments

Vote for Ein!!!

Vote Ein as Bissell's MVP (Most Valuable Pet Photo)!


Radical Melissa Danger and Ein :) …


Added by Ein Danger on February 12, 2009 at 1:00pm — 2 Comments

First night away from home

Last night was the first time Ein spent the night away with me. It was pretty uneventful minus the fact that he made 5 new friends, Tucker and Sally (chocolate labs), Lilly and Jake (great danes), and Bear (german shepherd). Needless to say there was lots of tail wagging, butt sniffing and poor little Ein having to avoid being stepped on my paws as big as his head lol

Overall it's been fun, though we've had a few accidents in this house since he isn't used to it. Other than that, everyone… Continue

Added by Carleigh and Ein on February 12, 2009 at 9:29am — No Comments

I'm not sure about this but...

I'm thinking about taking Scout and Bindi kayaking. (Hence the reason why I asked about life jacket sizing.) Has anyone tried to do this with their corgis??? Was it enjoyable? I really would like to take them but I'm not sure how they would do! Do they just sit there????? Any help would be appreciated!

Added by Robyn on February 11, 2009 at 9:39pm — 4 Comments

Ein's First Week

My boyfriend and I got Ein exactly one week ago but it feels like we've had him for so much longer already!
Ein settled in pretty well but is still getting used to us and all of the attention, our vet says he just isn't used to people having time for him because at the pet store he was only touched when necessary.
He's already had his first visit to the vet and will have to go again on the 19th for his second coronavirus shot. Neither of us are looking forward to that...

Added by Carleigh and Ein on February 11, 2009 at 7:10pm — 6 Comments



Added by Amanda on February 11, 2009 at 5:34pm — 3 Comments


OMG! if its not one thing it's another!! lol.

Everyone knows Dragster just got over the deer tick disease.

Well last night i went into my room and discovered that he had gotten into 2 boxes of V-day chocolates.

One was a medium size suger-free kind containing 12 peices.

the other was a small one containing 4 peices.

Of course i started freaking out because i know dogs cant have chocolate.

I called HomeAgain- which i have on speed dial… Continue

Added by Dragster and Bailee on February 11, 2009 at 5:28pm — 6 Comments

Always keep an eye on your doggy

I was just getting ready to leave for a meeting, but this news came up on the local TV station and I just had to blog before I get on the road. All I can say is, there are some very disturbed people in this world, don't leave your pets unattended, keep an eye out, be a good neighbor.

Added by Sam Tsang on February 11, 2009 at 4:55pm — 8 Comments

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