February 2008 Blog Posts (64)

Miles' first Furmination

So we Furminated Miles for the first time last night and of course I was there to document it. =)

It was a lot of fun, maybe not for Miles though haha at some times he really seemed to enjoy it.

and some times he was not too pleased with us


He braced himself for some serious fur removal…


Added by Miles McDougal Carman on February 29, 2008 at 2:36pm — 4 Comments


We just got our furminator in the mail today! I'm so excited, I'm going to furminate the hell out of Miles tomorrow =). He and his daddy just moved into a cute little apartment in Los Angeles on Venice and the entire thing is hardwood. It makes it so much easier to clean but Miles hates sliding around. We got a bunch of rugs and even an adorable little doggie bed for him but he refuses to use it =(. I'm not sure why but I swear one day he'll learn to love it.

Added by Miles McDougal Carman on February 27, 2008 at 10:30pm — 5 Comments

We are certainly the busiest Corgi in the world these days. Yesterday was spent running in circles with the various toys to hide, demolish or toss in the air. The ball no longer makes a sound....whic…

We are certainly the busiest Corgi in the world these days. Yesterday was spent running in circles with the various toys to hide, demolish or toss in the air. The ball no longer makes a sound....which is to be expected.

We also got a lecture on asking for permission to things-Jake picked up his water bowl and decided he wanted it closer to his bed. Of course, the water spilled on the floor. So, my mother gave him a lecture on needing to ASK for help with such things and the water… Continue

Added by Becca [Formally Siduri] on February 27, 2008 at 8:33am — 1 Comment

Is my spoiled little princess becoming a royal brat?

Ginny is one week away from graduating from her puppy kindergarten class… They grow up so fast. Before I know it she’ll be dating, moving out and going to college. Well, maybe not. But I am trying to enjoy these sometimes trying puppy days because I know she’ll never be this cute and little-- again.

Anyways, I had to talk to her trainer a bit last night because she has been Little Miss Jealousy with me and other dogs. If I pick up poor old Abbie, Ginny goes bonkers! She starts… Continue

Added by Ginny and Diggory on February 26, 2008 at 4:18pm — 4 Comments

Stairs, Part II

Winnie is now going down stairs like a pro, even though two days ago all the cheese in the world coun't have bribed her. She continues to amuse me with all of her quirks and moods.

We got more snow last night, good packing kind, so Winnie chased snow balls around for 2 hours. i think she would have stayed out all night if we had let her. Dog loves her some snow.

Added by winnie_the_dog on February 26, 2008 at 3:13pm — No Comments

Haha, we had a sleepover last night. Becca took Jake's crate into her room and they had a sleepover. He was rather puzzled at first, but I think he was happy to have company. And he snores apparently…

Haha, we had a sleepover last night. Becca took Jake's crate into her room and they had a sleepover. He was rather puzzled at first, but I think he was happy to have company. And he snores apparently...

It was a busy day for him once again...he loves to empty his toy bin and select what he is going to play with that afteroon. Today he got up early as my mother is out for the morning. We are really not a morning Corgi...

I found this… Continue

Added by Becca [Formally Siduri] on February 26, 2008 at 7:57am — 1 Comment

My first time outdoor walking!

Daddy and mommy took me outside for a 10 mins walk last night! Over the weekend mom and dad bought me a dog collar. I dislike it and refused to move. I don't like the feeling with something surround my chubby neck! Daddy and mommy figured it out so they went to buy me a harness instead. This time I am happy. It's a beautiful maize and blue harness. After I wore it we practiced walking a few times at home, this time it did not feel that hurtful!! Daddy and mommy also praised me and gave me lots… Continue

Added by ManTau 饅頭 on February 25, 2008 at 7:43pm — 3 Comments

Yesterday was a fun day with yet more barking at the neighbors. They pay Jake no attention, but he thinks he is being Capt. American, clearly. I went to the store early to get odds and ends, and pic…

Yesterday was a fun day with yet more barking at the neighbors. They pay Jake no attention, but he thinks he is being Capt. American, clearly.

I went to the store early to get odds and ends, and picked up some cookies and other goodies. Looked for a new collar and harness but none were to be had. So, we got a big rawhide bone (big), new ball (the one he came with went out in the trash as he had punctured it finally and was biting off bits of plastic) a soft pillow toy and a rope toy.… Continue

Added by Becca [Formally Siduri] on February 25, 2008 at 12:30pm — 1 Comment

Brynn and the Ocean

Hey Everyone - Hope you all had a nice weekend :)

We took baby Brynn to the coast and the weather was lovely .! The car ride over was peaceful , Brynn slept most of the time, even with our music up loud ,and random singing fits .We let her out to pee, and drink water every hour, and she seemed happy to just be with us no matter where we were .

Stopping at numerous vista points along the way , we got to the ocean at last, and let her out on the sand for the first time . Brynn went nuts… Continue

Added by Brian Davis on February 25, 2008 at 11:26am — 6 Comments

Stairs -Yay!

Winnie went down the 6 stairs that lead from our house to the yard on her own 3 times thismorning for the first time ever. we are still working on the full stair cases inside, but I was so excited and proud this morning. No more carrying her out. yay!!!!!

Added by winnie_the_dog on February 25, 2008 at 11:11am — 2 Comments

chew chew chew

winnie loves to chew.... i am so happy it isn't destructive, but i wish i could find a toy that lasted more than a few rounds with her. at the cost of 10$ a toy and about 4 toys every two weeks we will be broke soon.

I feel bad as I am sure her teathing isn't fun but i don't understand how she destroys things so quickly. her wubba kong had one "leg" chewed in about 10 min of good quality chewing time... the first time we gave it to her.

In other news we have just started… Continue

Added by winnie_the_dog on February 24, 2008 at 9:04pm — 5 Comments

We had one busy Corgi last night. About one am, he began to bark. I thought he might need to go out, so I got up and put him out-nope. It was the crazy neighbor out there chopping wood and running hi…

We had one busy Corgi last night. About one am, he began to bark. I thought he might need to go out, so I got up and put him out-nope. It was the crazy neighbor out there chopping wood and running his truck up and down the drive in an effort to flatten the ice down. Shoveling the day before might be easier and certainly preferable, but no...Jake went ballistic and ran up and down the fence barking and growling. His voice still cracks a bit...

Today I got up early and went to the… Continue

Added by Becca [Formally Siduri] on February 24, 2008 at 1:15pm — No Comments

Lincoln's bed was shredded!

Came home from work and there sits all the stuffing ... in the crate, outside the crate, on top of the crate!

He has had the bed for about 4 days now and has been fine. What happened today?

He also pooped in the living room after being outside where he pooped and peed?

Is he upset with us for something?

Added by Lincoln is Corgilicious on February 23, 2008 at 5:17pm — 5 Comments

Such a mess out there today. Not fun to play in at all. The sleepover was a lot of fun, we had the undivided attention of three girls and we got so tired out, we had to go to bed early. Thank heavens…

Such a mess out there today. Not fun to play in at all. The sleepover was a lot of fun, we had the undivided attention of three girls and we got so tired out, we had to go to bed early. Thank heavens for cozy crates!

Jake took his ball out in the snow and had fun pushing it around. The girls threw snowballs for him to chase as well. And a big snow man was built. Which was scary this am, because there was much barking, growing and finally the lifting of the leg to be sure that big old… Continue

Added by Becca [Formally Siduri] on February 23, 2008 at 11:39am — 1 Comment

4 Corgi Meetup this weekend (CA,NC,FL,FL)

The San Diego Corgi Meetup Group

Saturday, February 23 at 10:00AM

Kearney Mesa Dog Park

3170 Armstrong Street

San Diego CA 92128


(83 attending)

Corgi meetup at Raleigh's Millbrook Exchange Park

Saturday, February 23 at 10:00AM

Millbrook Exchange Park

1905 Spring Forest Road

Raleigh NC 27615

(11 attending)

The Tampa Branch Corgi Meetup - Rowlette Park

Saturday, February 23 at 11:00AM

Rowlett Park… Continue

Added by Sam Tsang on February 22, 2008 at 9:24am — 2 Comments

Finally we are getting snow. Real snow. It has been the pattern that we get a lot of sleet, my plow guy clears it and then sends me the bill-and whatever is on the ground is long gone by the time I g…

Finally we are getting snow. Real snow. It has been the pattern that we get a lot of sleet, my plow guy clears it and then sends me the bill-and whatever is on the ground is long gone by the time I get it! I think this time I may pay a bill that is actually worth it, haha.

I am not sure Jake is all that thrilled although I think he wants someone to go out and play with him rather then be out alone. He is being naughty and was nipping,… Continue

Added by Becca [Formally Siduri] on February 22, 2008 at 8:39am — 2 Comments

Rhett, The Bar Exam, and the Flu

I have had an awful case of the flu this week! As I type I'm about to get a trademarked hot flash --- which is pretty awful let me tell you! So this week has been a bust in both studying for the exam (this does not bode well for a positive result) and in taking Rhett to doggy daycare to help him start to become socalized! However today I was finally able to drag my self up and out of bed for some quality studying time (not that it will really help at this point) and to take Rhett to a doggy… Continue

Added by Ashley on February 21, 2008 at 1:40pm — No Comments

Jake has a bad experience yesterday. While R had him out on the leash for his walk, a big dog came out of nowhere and ran at him. Somehow, he got out of his collar and ran! Fortunately, R went straig…

Jake has a bad experience yesterday. While R had him out on the leash for his walk, a big dog came out of nowhere and ran at him. Somehow, he got out of his collar and ran! Fortunately, R went straight after him, called him and he turned back and jumped into her arms. Good Jake! She carried him home and all is well. I was NOT happy that we can't even go for a walk without some loose dog bothering us. Well, that is how people take care of their dogs, just open the front door and let them out. Of… Continue

Added by Becca [Formally Siduri] on February 21, 2008 at 8:20am — 5 Comments

And We're IN!

It’s official!

We signed up for the Prereq Obedience/Good Canine Citizenship class.

This means we are that much closer to fly ball.

We will have some friends in the class with us that are quite as ill mannered as we can be, so our embarrassment level will be low.

Friends joining us?

Mattie = sheltie/border collie mix (WIRED!)

Murphy = australia Shep (Anxiety attacks!)

Rico = chihuahua (Attitude!)

And… Continue

Added by Kim on February 20, 2008 at 4:45pm — 1 Comment

Windy Wednesday.

Jake has decided barking is a wonderful thing. Last night he barked at our next door neighbor. Today he barked at the wind and the leaves rustling around in the yard. He sounds so cute, his voice is not quite mature yet-it starts out a bit deep and then suddenly it cracks. I had heard he did not quite have a grownup Corgi bark yet.

I decided to phase out the rawhide chewies as they are not a good idea overall. I have quite a few as I got a a few bags of them early on, but as long as… Continue

Added by Becca [Formally Siduri] on February 20, 2008 at 11:43am — No Comments

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