March 2010 Blog Posts (147)

A smile to my Face

I can always count on Ace to cheer me up after something stressful or hurtful happens..

I have never seen him so happy like he was earlier when i pulled Eeyore down off teh shelf .. Eeyore had to be handwashed and left out to dry outside.. Ace was not pleased.. But when there was Blood, Dirt, Slobber and whatever else was on the poor thing it was time he got a Bath.. then after he was done Drying outside i brought him in to let the Squeekers dry the rest of the way since they…


Added by Ace and Jen on March 27, 2010 at 12:24am — 1 Comment

Gromit-Land: The Movie

Above is some video snippets of Gromit after a few days practice, 5 - 10 minutes twice a day in Gromit-Land. He seems to enjoy the obstacles but at 6 months of age his attention span is still pretty short. He was a bit put off by the teeter totter for a day or so but finally decided it was no big deal, especially if there was a treat to be had on the other side. He pretty much does the obstacles as expected (ragged but does them) but the… Continue

Added by Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug on March 27, 2010 at 12:00am — 8 Comments

Circus Corgi!

A friend who is attached to (read: fanatical about!) her Corgi told me to watch this video on YouTube:

It may just be my middle-aged hormone-driven mood swings, but it made me cry. Of course, I sobbed through the first 10 minutes of the movie "Up" -- and there are quite a few TV commercials that make me teary....sigh. If the maker is on MyCorgi and…

Added by Susan Stanton on March 26, 2010 at 7:16pm — 6 Comments

just one of these days

soo I went over to my friends house to let their Bloodhound outand put him on his run and to take their 3 little dogs out potty well i got inside with the 3 little dogs and tomy Horror something was broken.. I had been using this HUGE baby gate to keep Bear *the Bloodhound* out of the Bathroom where they keep the kitten Billy's food and Bear had been eating Billys food so i used the gate to keep him out... well today to my horror the Gat was broken *catfood was untouched* and i paniced...…


Added by Ace and Jen on March 26, 2010 at 4:52pm — 2 Comments

Lily meets her sister!

Lily finally got to meet her sister Stella today for the first time. Lily is a little shy to new dogs so she was pretty standoffish. Stella would run and bark at Lily to get her to play but Lily just wanted to hide. She got a lil better after awhile but she still doesn't seem to know how to play with other dogs. Here are some pictures tho from the day and hopefully they will see more of each other and start to play. …


Added by Emily & Lily on March 26, 2010 at 4:16pm — 1 Comment

Things are Changin'

Sky and Lyla's bag of Evo Red Meat is getting to that point where I will soon see the bright, shiny silver of the bottom of the bag. And this means it's the perfect time to switch them to their new diet. I have been researching raw diets for the better part of the last 8 months and have finally decided to take the plunge. I never, ever in a million years thought I would be doing this, but here we go. Sky and Lyla's new diet will roughly be:…


Added by Sky and Lyla on March 26, 2010 at 10:55am — 9 Comments

Excitement! Excitement!

Sooo Im really looking Forward to next week =) me and my friends were talking about Taking a Trip up to Multnomah Falls wednesday before we leave thursday for Seattle i think it would be fun to take Ace up there see his reaction to the waterfall

Well tonight work is being chinsy on hours..

im only going to be there for 2 hours and 45 minutes YAY *not happy*

on a good note... my want that i was having so badly towards that pup last night has subsided.. i…


Added by Ace and Jen on March 25, 2010 at 6:32pm — 3 Comments

looking for another Corgi

I am looking for another Corgi. I have a 3yr old male and I recently lost 2 of my other dogs (1 Doxie and 1 Lab) both to old age, and he is very lonely. I would like a female with a great temperment since I am very involved with Therapy work in hospitals and residences for the handicapped population. I live in Chicago. Does anyone know of a good source near here?

Added by Barbara Sanders on March 25, 2010 at 1:38pm — 6 Comments

Smile on my face

Nothing i like more then walking down the street with ace and people pulling their cars over to ask questions =) as well as finding out they too own Corgis..

it makes me smile and feel proud hearing ace be complimented vs him getting talked down about because he is small... Pocket corgi is perfect for me =) so what if your 9 week old pups are bigger then my 14 week old pup.. nothing is wrong with small am i right?

But yes i love walking down the street and hearing…


Added by Ace and Jen on March 25, 2010 at 1:07pm — 2 Comments

Robert Culp RIP Corgi Fan

Thought I would share this picture of Robert Culp who passed away on Wednesday. A fellow Corgi fan...

Added by Stephanie on March 25, 2010 at 5:57am — 3 Comments

Oh No!

Lord help me... I have found a buddy that i wish I could get for Ace they call him Blu because he has one Blue Eye and one brown

The problem is we dont have room for him... x.x;; its driving me sooooo Crazy lol Im a sucker for Strange i guess one would say... I adopted my Current Male cat because he had an Outy belly button when he was a kitten lol and i have always wanted to adopt a three legged dog... i guess its because im Different…


Added by Ace and Jen on March 25, 2010 at 3:06am — 4 Comments


Well its now COunt down time, =) my trip to Seattle is coming and im goign to go stir crazy since ace isnt coming -tears up-

But good news is he is going to my friends house, They have a Chihuahua named Starlet that ace just loves to torment and they also have a new 8 month old Rat terrier mix named Abby =) so in all hopes im hoping that Ace behaves himself and that my friends Dad does not spoil him x.x;;; i left for 4 hours last time i was out there and came home to a Corgi…


Added by Ace and Jen on March 25, 2010 at 12:12am — No Comments

SMILE Shirley! It's your 1st Birthday!!!

Hard to believe my baby is a year old already. Time sure does fly since LaVerne and Shirley came to live with us. We have a full day planned starting with opening presents. Shhhhhhhh.....she is getting a new ball! Her favorite thing on EARTH! I do believe she loves to play fetch more than she loves to EAT! It's a perfect spring day so we will go for a long walk. She loves to prance past the house that has a chihuahua that races out to yip at us. She…


Added by LaVerne & Shirley on March 24, 2010 at 12:54pm — 23 Comments

Update on Team Low Rider

Well, the big Walk is in 5 days.

(Bruce and SIdney at last year's walk)

The Humane Society sent out a newsletter this week, and our team was mentioned!

Featured Pack: Sweet Pea and Jesse…


Added by Geri & Sidney on March 24, 2010 at 4:16am — 10 Comments


Last week I rounded up a bit more lumber both new and old, more paint, a box of deck screws and set about building the remaining agility obstacles for Gromit. We've decided to name the final result "Gromit-Land". When children come to visit they will be able to buy souvenir Gromit-teer hats with giant Corgi ears on them.

The dog walk and teeter totter were completed and like the A-frame are about 1/2 size from real… Continue

Added by Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug on March 24, 2010 at 12:30am — 19 Comments

Still going to obedience training

Well we have started year 2 of obedience training. Oz has certainly improved, but still wants to chase and herd everything. Some of the dogs in the class don't much care for that. He is so much happier nw that I let him run free in the park. He even comes back when I call him!

Added by Sue P on March 23, 2010 at 11:25pm — 2 Comments

Corgi Painting -

We ran across this website and decided to give it a whirl. We donated $20 to have this artist paint a picture of our little Midas. Well, today she came through! She emailed us a picture of the painting and we couldn't be happier.

This is awesome!!

She does "Free Paintings" and asks for donations. You can have her paint whatever you like, just be sure to tell her enough details or send pictures (like we did). What do you… Continue

Added by Zach and Lisa on March 23, 2010 at 10:20pm — 3 Comments

=) Again again

So i think imma be scrap booking with Ace as my Muse lol he just lost the same tooth just on the opposite side =D doing the same thing last time and thats tug o war lol poor eeyore needs a bath.. and ace's hole is bigger now lol =) little dork went back to digging after i had just given him another bath x.x;; oh well thats life lol =D

Added by Ace and Jen on March 23, 2010 at 5:38pm — No Comments

The big move

Well the big move with puppy went great. She whimpered a little for the first night but that was it. She had a great time at the acreage playing with her Assie friend Socca for the day. And Socca gave Adora her first lesson in how to heard horses. So much fun she needed a bath afterwards. We took her to the new house twice before we move the furniture in. To get her…


Added by Kimberlie on March 23, 2010 at 4:27pm — 1 Comment


So i been working on a few Tricks with ace and am very proud of how smart the little guy is =)

He came knowing sit and with in a few days i taught him laydown with tiny hot dog tid bits.. since at the time we didnt have chicken bits and he wouldnt do the tricks with a regular puppy treat

I taught him Stay with meal time so now he sits and stays and waits till i tell him its ok to eat.. i feel guilty for it because i feel if its meal time its meal time but i was told…


Added by Ace and Jen on March 23, 2010 at 12:48pm — 2 Comments

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