April 2010 Blog Posts (101)

Cute corgi mix

I found this really cute corgi mix on petfinder. His name is tank and he is part corgi part Schnauzer. I really want him but of course my fiance doesn't want anymore dogs so if anyone in the ohio area is looking for a cute corgi mix you should adopt him. He is in the cell dog program being trained by inmates and he is only about a year old. …


Added by Emily & Lily on April 19, 2010 at 10:24am — 1 Comment


This morning Shelly and I passed the CGC Test!

Added by Nichole and Shelly! on April 18, 2010 at 3:07pm — 13 Comments

Grumpy Dogs Go Night-Night

So Teagen and Jordan had a bad couple weeks a little while ago and then were fine with each other for a little bit but it didn't last now their right back at it again. So all toys are gone and they go night-night at the first sign of grumping at each other. Before talking to the daycare girls the aggressor was put into time out but now both go to bed instead. I asked the girls about Teagen and Jordan and how they got along at daycare because of the altercations they are having at times at home… Continue

Added by christy fry on April 17, 2010 at 11:56pm — 4 Comments

Keys Stolen at Dog Park!

There's a lost and found/flier board in the middle of my dog park - it has sliding glass doors on it. For the last year, when I come into the dog park, I have put my keys and leash in this little spot.

Today, when I got ready to leave, my leash was there. My keys were gone.

I have never been sooo angry in my life! There was a thuggish looking kid there, with a pit bull that wasn't fixed and peed on about 10 different people. I did see him looking…

Added by Stephanie on April 17, 2010 at 7:40pm — 5 Comments

Overdue Update

Well, Hannah went to the vet today for all her yearly shots and tests. She was surprisingly well-behaved! She weighs 25.2 lbs. now at 1 year and 5 months old. The vet said he'd like to see her down a few pounds, so we may be cutting back on food slightly. Her eating habits have actually slowed down considerably, and she doesn't act as if she's starving when she's fed anymore, so I don't think this will be too devastating for her.

Unfortunately, we are still having issues…

Added by Jamie on April 17, 2010 at 3:11pm — 1 Comment


Today was the day I took Gromit to the vet. The contract hit on his boy parts had come up due. He came through the surgery just fine but as you can tell from the photo above, he wasn't quite tuned into the world yet when we got him home. In due course he got to feeling a bit better as the meds wore off. The only thing that seems to have really bothered him was finding next to…


Added by Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug on April 17, 2010 at 12:00am — 18 Comments

Needing to find a home for Max- Tulas area

I have a corgi mix, male, 1 yr old that I am needing to find a home for. Max is a sweet lil guy, but is a very active dog and requires more attention that what we are able to provide him. Max is crate trained, LOVES the backyard, he does gets along well with our other dogs, but does think he is the boss. He does well with children, my son is 9. Max is not fixed and is due for his next round of shots. I am only looking to find him a good home, one that can give him the attention he needs. He…


Added by Tonya Westerfield on April 15, 2010 at 6:31pm — 1 Comment

Confused about the potty training!

Ok, so I have a question!! My 9 week old pup is doing awesome with his potty training, for the most part! Last night, the little guy didn't even want to go out! I made him go out at 5:30 this morning. He goes for 3 to 4 hours at a time when I am at work, no accidents! BUT, about 5 mintues or so after he has gone out, he is in the house, and potties a little spot! I go out with him, do the bells and whistles when he goes outside. Sometimes he will even go more than once and still come in with… Continue

Added by Michelle Anderson on April 15, 2010 at 4:27pm — 6 Comments

Thunder Storms and Corgis

Does anyone have any suggestions how to keep your Corgi calm during a thunder storm. Since Muffet has Addison's disease (she shouldn't get stressed), I get more worried than she does!!! I tried the Kong with peanut butter...a loud TV...rubbing her ears and whispering to her to calm her down...and finally just letting her run the house and bark...I don't think she is afraid. I had a dog that was terrorized by storms and hid in the shower stall...Muffett wants to run outside and bite the… Continue

Added by Peggie Walsh on April 15, 2010 at 11:30am — 16 Comments

St. Luke's Canine Crusaders

Lizzie and I recently graduated from St. Lukes United Methodist Church Canine Crusaders program. We are able to go and visit nursing homes and bring a little Corgi Cheer to residents. And we all know that a Corgi's smiling face brings joy to everyone who see them! I was hoping to post a You Tube video from our graduation however, I am having difficulties so here is the Link if anyone is interested in viewing. The Service included the childrens choir singing a wonderful little song about God and… Continue

Added by Emily, Lizzie, and Oliver on April 14, 2010 at 7:52pm — 3 Comments

Teddy's Crate

Teddy: Hey! What's that cat doing on top of my crate?

Teddy: Get off! Get off! That's mine!

Miss Mooch: I don't care. It's comfy. I like the blanket. Go away.…


Added by Lawren and Teddy on April 14, 2010 at 7:02pm — 6 Comments

My trip to pet land :(

So yesterday i went into the pet store pet land just to take a look at the dogs and man i felt so bad for all those dogs. There weren't any corgis but there was a shar pei it looked so scared but the worst one had to be this dachshund. It was pretty thin i could really see its hip and leg bones sticking out. I haven't seen any dachshund puppies before but I'm guessing that is not the shape it should be in. It has just been really bothering me and i wish i could do something about it. I know all… Continue

Added by Emily & Lily on April 14, 2010 at 6:45pm — 1 Comment

Curse you Bob Barker, and your silly attempts to control the pet population!

Little Fergie was spayed yesterday! She doesn't seem upset about the loss of her ovaries - just the addition of the e-collar.:)

Added by Gina Mac/Fergie & Minnie on April 14, 2010 at 12:53pm — 7 Comments


LOL this is how baby Jackson ate his kibbles this morning. What do you think? Hahaha.

Added by Kari & Jackson on April 14, 2010 at 12:21pm — 2 Comments

Pittbulls and Corgis

you hear all these bad stories on Dog fighting and your mind goes to Pittbulls... when a person hears pittbull they immediatly jump the gun and say its a ferocious breed of dog... I thought this once myself.. i was probably 15-16 years old when i decided they were anything BUT that.. it all depends on how a dog is raised... A weiner dog could be just as dangerous i think.. When my niece was about a year and a half my brother James got a…


Added by Ace and Jen on April 14, 2010 at 2:02am — 5 Comments


Corgicomics.com has a new look!

Added by wasabi on April 12, 2010 at 4:37am — 3 Comments

Corgi sighting??

So Kirstie Alley has a corgi! On her new show- Kirstie Alley's The Big Life! Hes super cute!

Anyone seen it yet??

Added by Libby and Dyddy!! on April 11, 2010 at 10:36pm — 9 Comments

Needed Home for Corgi---maybe not

We have a 4 yr old female tri pem. needing a home ASAP. She is a good dog....but agressive towards other dogs. She was a rescue for us, and we thought we could work with her, but we have a new baby in the house and don't have time. She would be a great ONLY dog, but doesn't play well with others. She has gotten into many fights with our other Corgi. Her name is Carli, she is crate trained and house broken. She will come with a crate and collar. Please help us find her a happy, loving home…


Added by Epinephrine "Epi" and Carly too! on April 11, 2010 at 5:30pm — 4 Comments

Rally-O NO!!!

So LaVerne and I have been taking Rally Obedience classes and she is the star of the class. We are beginners but she does all the exercises like a pro. She goes through the course looking up at me adoringly, ( Ok so she is looking up at me smiling, tongue lolling, in hopes of a treat ) and has WOW'd the teachers and students alike so when we received information about a Rally-O trial coming to a town near us everyone said it would be a crime if I didnt take LaVerne, so I signed her up… Continue

Added by LaVerne & Shirley on April 11, 2010 at 1:18pm — 8 Comments

Central Florida Corgis April 10th Playdate Photos

In stark contrast to last month's rain, we had perfect weather this time! We counted a total of 17 corgis making this playdate. We look forward to the playdate at University of Doglando later this month (Sunday, April… Continue

Added by Stanley & Charlotte on April 11, 2010 at 10:30am — 3 Comments

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