June 2010 Blog Posts (120)

First Agility Class! Jack is a good boy, we have a blast, but Jack does get attacked by a poodle

After much delay, we finally had our first agility class tonight! Jack was so good, I'm so proud of him! We spent the first 40 minutes doing ground work, and to be fair it's all stuff Jack and I have worked on before, so he was a star. We did sit/stay off the left and right, then the handler runs forward a few steps before releasing the dog with "ok!" to come running up next to you. We did restrained recalls and some other stuff.

It was during the restrained recall that the standard… Continue

Added by Beth on June 4, 2010 at 8:54pm — 6 Comments

Darla's newest game!

So there we were sitting in the living room, Darla was laying at our feet rolling around on the carpet when my sister suddenly had the urge to blow up a balloon from a packet we had gotton that day. The balloon was small and I we had the idea of throwing it to Darla. At first she just barked at it, then after realizing that it wasn't leathel, hit it with the tip of her nose. As the balloon floated back down she hit it again. Then we through it at her and she hit it back to us. THE GAME OF… Continue

Added by Meaghan Lopez on June 4, 2010 at 8:00pm — No Comments

Mr. Fred

Howdy all,

Well, it's been a week or two and I thought I'd type out an update on Fred. He seems to be adjusting well to living with our pack. There have been a few moments, but there have been less than I expected. He pretty much ignores the cats, even when they fish at him when he walks by their perch. He is somewhat guardish about his food, but we're working on it. He is excellent with my grandson, who will reach a year old this June. He tolerates being patted and pulled on…


Added by Desert Corgi Pack on June 4, 2010 at 7:27pm — No Comments

Kitty Question!!

My kitty Cole is 10 almost 11 yrs old now and he has a balding spot by his tail stretching about mid way up his back . I can not find any fleas(although I gooped him up with his stuff) his appetite is normal his water intake is normal and ditto for his activness. The skin is normal no redness,scabiness,or other indications that it's infected. I don't see him scratching or licking the area either. Doe's anyone have any ideas as what might be going on? His vet reccomended stopping his vaccines…


Added by christy fry on June 4, 2010 at 1:01pm — 3 Comments

Looking for an adult corgi to adopt

I have had corgi's since I was a kid. I want to adopt an adult corgi if anyone has suggestions. I live in Las Vegas. Thank you

Added by MATT KING on June 4, 2010 at 11:00am — 1 Comment

Lyla's a Nurse!

Not really, but she did get her RN (Rally Novice) title this weekend... 3rd place every single day, lol. I am so proud of her. She has come a long way in a short amount of time. And I can really see a boost in her confidence level since we've started training for Rally. Now the next step... Rally Advanced... off lead! Scary!!

Added by Sky and Lyla on June 4, 2010 at 10:59am — 6 Comments


Somedays i wish i lived by myself... im tired people telling me how to raise my puppy... if im playing with my dog and he is barking SO WHAT it is play it will not turn him into a yapper ugh... Ace doesnt bark at everything and if he is barking while we play it doesnt mean anything... ugh.. im frustrated.. I loved being out at my brothers house this last weekend with Ace because there was a respect out there... John was trying to help me with Ace and his training and wasnt comprimising it...…


Added by Ace and Jen on June 3, 2010 at 11:35pm — 3 Comments

End of the journey for Gandalf

Sadly, our dear brave Gandalf is gone. He got through 5 chemo treatments without side effects. It looked like his heart tumor was gone. The 6th chemo seemed to affect him a lot. He aged several years almost overnight. Last Sunday, almost 4 weeks later, he became listless with labored breathing & no appetite. All symptoms of congestive heart failure. A chest xray confirmed pericardial effusion (blood in the heart sac). With no vet available to remove the fluid until the next day, we decided… Continue

Added by Deborah Smith on June 3, 2010 at 1:46pm — 23 Comments

Still Sick...Maybe Doing Better?

We moved Casey's crate to just outside our bedroom last night so we could hear if she needed to go to the bathroom or threw-up in her crate. She threw-up at about 2:30am, and I took her outside where she had a very runny diarrhea poo. After cleaning up her crate, I offered her some water which she refused. I then went and got some vegetable broth (we didn't have any chicken…


Added by Carla on June 3, 2010 at 10:17am — 4 Comments

Top 10 Dog Pet Peeves

I found this on another site that I use..It made me smile!


1 Blaming your farts on me..... Not funny... Not funny at all !!!

2 Yelling at me for barking. I'M A FRIGGIN' DOG

3 Taking me for a walk, then not letting me check stuff out. Exactly whose walk is this anyway?

4 Any trick that involves balancing food on my nose. Stop it!

5 Any haircut that involves bows or ribbons. Now you know why…


Added by Lynne Cerny on June 3, 2010 at 8:49am — 5 Comments

How can I get my dog a Secret Paw?

I've heard of some dogs having a "Secret Paw". They get random gifts for anonymous people. Does anyone know how I can get my dog one?

Added by Brittany Nelson on June 2, 2010 at 10:30pm — 4 Comments

What color is my dog called?

I've heard dogs called fawn and tri-colored. My corgi is black and white. What is that called?

Added by Brittany Nelson on June 2, 2010 at 10:29pm — 2 Comments

Sick Puppy!?!

Casey has been sort of lethargic today, which I chalked up to the warmer weather. She ate her food same as usual this morning, and had two normal bowel movements (one first thing in the morning, the second at around 11:00). She had a fair amount of water throughout the morning/early afternoon too. I gave her a kong around 1:30 and she didn't eat it; wasn't interested at all, which is unlike her.…


Added by Carla on June 2, 2010 at 10:00pm — 2 Comments

Charlie's growling

Charlie is a 4 month old sweetheart. He is the sweetest dog unless he has his bone treat/bully stick! bout 2 month ago, I have him bully stick and he loved it! I would hand it to him and he wouldn't care if I pet him or touched the bully stick at all. Until one day my brother brought home a bacon flavored nylabone about a month ago and gave it to him, I tried petting but he really loved that bone, growled at me, showed his teeth and even bit me really hard! I didn't know what to do then so I… Continue

Added by Alexsandra Papoban on June 2, 2010 at 8:50pm — 3 Comments

Doggie Spa Treatment

The other day I bought a kiddie pool for Quin. When we go for walks she always digs in the cat water dish when we get back from the walk so I thought she would like a pool. Now we live in the desert on four acres so I have the pool up on the deck other wise we would have mud. So today she went outside chased the cat around for a while then came up on the porch and started digging in the water dish so I filled up the pool and we splashed around for a while. Then she decided to go…

Added by Kari & Quin on June 2, 2010 at 4:03pm — 9 Comments

Looking for a Pembroke Corgi . . . .

Probably a tri-color this time around. Health, personality and great looks from a reputable breeder of course.

Anyone know of litters existing or expected? Southern California area would be best for me since I live in Santa Barbara. I'm experienced with Corgis as I've had two.

Thank you for… Continue

Added by steve ruggles and Ziggy on June 2, 2010 at 12:20pm — 3 Comments

Update on Tot

Well, here it is, and I feel like the world's worst mother...Tot got beat up while he was outside with some of my other dogs. I've determined it had to be my tri-color corgi, Miley, and my corgi/aussie shepherd mix Pandy-Dawn, but can't figure out why. My vet says he has puncture wounds, bruising, and will tell me more when I get there tonight. I feel sick, like I let him down. They've always gotten along, never a problem, never so much as a snarl let alone something like this. So, he's not…


Added by Ann Boege on June 1, 2010 at 2:50pm — 7 Comments

Tot's at the vet...

Hi everyone -

Thanks so much for your kind words, prayers and lovely thoughts for Tot. He's at the vet today so hopefully we'll know something later this afternoon. He stayed pretty still all day yesterday, did drink but didn't eat, went out a couple of times with me carrying him. He had a couple of small accidents in the house, but hey, don't we all - ha ha. He was a little more alert this morning, slept in his 'big boy bed' next to mine all night with not a peep. As soon as I know…


Added by Ann Boege on June 1, 2010 at 9:23am — 6 Comments

desperately seeking fluffy

Helloooooo corgi lovers. After six years of lusting after corgis, doing extensive research on corgi ownership, I'm finally... almost... there to full blown corgi-hood. Since I'm pregnant with the idea of being corgi'd -- I'm officially starting The Epic Search.

Anyone have any leads as to who tends to have the somewhat rare autosomal recessive fluffy in their litters? I realize that "fluffies" aren't breed standards -- but I don't care. Willing to go wherever the fluffies…

Added by DeeDea & Pudge on June 1, 2010 at 5:25am — 4 Comments

New Trees.

We got three new tree's for our back garden and Gwenie was thrilled. She loves her tree's. We have a raised Veggie garden because she eats the veggies right off the bushes and plants. We had to remove the cactus she wanted to eat them. I think she has us well trained. We love her she is so much fun.…


Added by Kitty Kirwin on June 1, 2010 at 12:46am — 4 Comments

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