July 2008 Blog Posts (132)


Okay, well Kassie is doing really well after surgery. She healed up all nice and clean, though it's still funny to see half her stomach shaved. And she's back to eating, yay. Had to give her canned food for like two days and the she wouldn't touch her dry. I'm sure after chopped steak she probably thought we were nuts trying to get her to eat any other kind. But just put a little water into her dry and she likes it.

Funny story though, awhile ago, I was cleaning the drawers in the… Continue

Added by Ashley on July 3, 2008 at 3:59pm — 1 Comment

Corgi + Honda WOW Concept car - 2005 Tokyo Motor Show

This is oldie but goodie :)…


Added by Sam Tsang on July 3, 2008 at 12:51pm — 12 Comments

4th of July safety tips for dogs, From Bark Busters

I can imagine these tips would also be good for during thunderstorms or any other day that may have fireworks or such going off.

Independence Day cepebrations can be great fun for humans, but the noise and visual stimulation can be traumatic for a dog. By following a few precautions and being aware, you and your dog can have a safe and happy holiday experience. Following are some Independence Day pointers to protect your dog and keep it… Continue

Added by Cam on July 3, 2008 at 11:30am — No Comments

Guess what I found at Petsmart?

Couple of days ago, we found corgi products and promotional items at Target. Today we found a greeting card at Petsmart.

Added by Sam Tsang on July 3, 2008 at 11:26am — 3 Comments

Fatty McFatterson?

How heavy is your PWC? L'il Faye Valentine is 30.9 lbs. She is really chubz, but I heard somewhere that Corgis can be anywhere from 25-31 lbs. She's really heavy and too... rubenesque. She's 3yrs old and she used to be a breeder. That's not her ideal weight, right? I'm feeding her Canidae's Overweight & Senior Dogs formula just in case..

Added by Isabels FayeValentine & Katamari on July 2, 2008 at 4:24am — 5 Comments

Hot town, summer in the city

Summer is finally here and the heats are unbearable for me, autumn-loving fatty :) It will be nearly 90°F today, which is realy a HOT day for our country. Risa is doing fine, resting all day in the shade. I walk him no later than 8 am and no sooner than 7 pm. Often we walk round the castle, which is in fact water-castle and so Risa can cool out in the moat or in a nearby stream. Here's a picture of us going to the castle. My friend made it last week when she came back from her stay in Norway… Continue

Added by wendulik on July 2, 2008 at 3:30am — 5 Comments

How does your corgi react to fireworks all week long....leading up to the 4th?

I have noticed latelty that Lance is very barky......and also seems like he is on edge a bit. When he barked I would go to look out the front window and couldnt see anyone. This happened several times. Finally I have come to the conclusion that he must be hearing fireworks that we can not hear! The 4th of July is only a few days away. They have never really seemed to bother him much before, do fireworks bother them as they get older more? I know alot of dogs will go and hide but it seems like… Continue

Added by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on July 1, 2008 at 10:36pm — 7 Comments

Oh my, i am in corgi heaven -- my corgi cards came!

Yes, look, my very first ebay purchase and what are they????--- corgi cigarette cards from long ago!

The corgi lover in me not only loves the real mccoy---Kaley~corgi, I am always looking for cute and interesting corgi stuff!

oh, yes, extras ----such a good deal too, so could not resist. Never know when I might need that extra corgi card!

Who else out there in… Continue

Added by sandra on July 1, 2008 at 7:00pm — 7 Comments

Elvis has joined the family

It's been over a week now since we got Elvis. Actually he was going to be Eli, but he just has too much attitude for that name. At almost 9 weeks, he's doing very well, getting around much better, ears are nearly up, and he's quickly learning where to potty. He even understands "no" now, which is especially helpful when he's about to do something naughty across the room from me. What a guy he is!

We took him up north this past weekend to my parents, and he rode up there in the crate… Continue

Added by Bonny on July 1, 2008 at 1:07pm — 1 Comment

Happy Canada Day!!!

Happy Canada Day my fellow Canadians!!! We'll be celebrating this day by wearing red, driving our red Toyota Matrix, having maple syrup on our cereal, listen to Celine Dion and eat poutine for lunch… Continue

Added by Sam Tsang on July 1, 2008 at 10:30am — 11 Comments

under-active corgi

I just recently rescued a 3yr old corgi who was abused and was an outdoor-only dog. It's hard to leash-train and house-train her, but my biggest concern is that she's overweight and she does nothing but lay around and sleep in the house. Now, I take her outside and play with her and we run around. I even take her for a walk (as far as she would allow), but between those times she does nothing. What do you do to keep your corgi active by themselves? Or is this because she's just… Continue

Added by Isabels FayeValentine & Katamari on July 1, 2008 at 4:30am — 2 Comments

Cheez-it, you ate a whole wheel of cheese! I'm not even mad, I'm kinda impressed.

Oh puppy teenage angst, what to do about it, I have not a clue.

I am a runner, I run, and I run alot. Puppies have a ton of energy and while small I wouldnt think of taking them running, but it is something I hope the little Cheez-ball will enjoy someday. Lately he has been ever so destructive. Mauling toys, bones, reptiles, bottles, chewy sticks, beetles, worms, grass, his kennel bedding, the blanket I cover his kennel in at bedtime, part of my back-room couch(that was my fault),… Continue

Added by James on July 1, 2008 at 2:45am — 6 Comments

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