Natalie, Lance &Tucker's Blog – September 2008 Archive (4)

Eewww...Eating mouthfuls of dried cut up grass!

Okay so we have been walking in the neighborhood past the school where they cut the grass but leave behind the clippings. Well Lance just thinks that is the best treat ever! He will keep eating chunks of it. It is like he cant get enough of it! I do notice that his poop has been firmer since he has been eating the chards of grass.

I have heard that eating grass settles their stomach and can make them throw up. Lance does not throw up from eating grass and never has. Lance has eaten… Continue

Added by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on September 29, 2008 at 8:52pm — 13 Comments

A Proud Moment

So today Lance and I took a short walk before I had to go to work. We came back and sat on the front porch for a little while and down the block is a lady pushing a wheel chair. Lance was watching the whole time. He started to bark and I told him to settle down and he did. They get to our house and Lance so badly wants to go say hello, so I got up and tried to have him walk to them, but he wanted no part of that. He dragged me to the new people and very politely said hello, not barking once.… Continue

Added by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on September 17, 2008 at 4:16pm — 5 Comments

Rainy Days Dilema

Well as you know it has been quite rainy, its nice to see the grass getting some water but enough is enough. Lance doesnt like going on wet grass he puts on the brakes, all paws are glued to the cement!! Eventually I will get him to go into the wet grass but he is very picky what section of the wet grass he will go on??? What a funny dog! He will go out into the rain to pee if he really has to go but anything other than that he just rather hold for better weather or just go inside! Lately with… Continue

Added by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on September 14, 2008 at 10:46am — 8 Comments

Halloween Fun

Before you know it Halloween will be here! Debating whether or not to bring Lance along trick or treating with the kids, that could be fun, or could be more work than fun. Not sure how he is going to like everyone dressed up in costumes! I think it would be fun to dress him up and bring him along for the walk. All the strange costumes could put Lance in a very barky mood. Hmmm...well I have awhile to think about it. What is everyone elses experience with Halloween and their corgi? Maybe I will… Continue

Added by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on September 6, 2008 at 11:53pm — 6 Comments

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