September 2011 Blog Posts (77)

Surprise!!! Someone Has Allergies!!!



10:30 - Went out for a potty break.

10:50 - Sat scratching her nose on the carpet.

11:00 - Her head was an inch wider on all sides

11:01 - Called vet ER, crying, thinking she was going to die.

11:15 - Why do they always have to stick a finger in her butt?

11:30 - A shot and a treat.  Puffy face for 6 more hours, but…


Added by Katie & Mitzie on September 30, 2011 at 7:06pm — 4 Comments

Ellie's First Boo-Boo

Little Miss Ellie went in for her spay on the 17th.  What a trooper she's been!  She was her usual self from the moment she returned home (the Vet kept her overnight for observation, which is standard practice at their office) and was as playful as always.  I, on the other hand, was a total wreck about it last week. 


I knew she wasn't in pain and all would be well, but I felt absolutely horrible about keeping her confined to her crate nearly all day long.  Why not…


Added by Yuki & Ellie on September 30, 2011 at 4:18pm — 2 Comments

Agility Training Session 9/29

I've started an actual training schedule for Baxter, with a bunch of different exercises we can do to keep things interesting. We will competing for the first time in November and I want to feel more prepared. So I'm going to post about our training sessions here so I can chart Baxter's progress. Last night's drills:

  • Weaves - 6 closed poles, with guides (the last guide was missing because I miscounted although the missing guide…

Added by Bax & Zigs & Rosie on September 30, 2011 at 9:50am — 2 Comments

Rushed to the emergency vet tonight...

I woke up to Dakota throwing up, then moving around her pen. I got up to check on her and she was acting weird and suddenly she stiffened up. Then she started shaking and foaming at the mouth... I'm assuming seizure. It lasted probably no more than a minute and she was petrified after.

Her vitals are good. I am calling her regular vet tomorrow. It's her first time and it really freaked me out. She's acting like her crazy self now, but I am just sick with worry over this. :(

Added by Jenn on September 30, 2011 at 2:50am — 7 Comments

Hysterectomy:May need help with my corgis in Jacksonville Florida.

I know this might be a bit awkward for the guys (maybe the ladies too) but I need a hysterectomy. I had back surgery July 28th and I am still in pain and bending down and opening the sliding glass door etc still really hurts. I know this maybe too early to ask but I might need some help with the corgs (babysitting them). I don't know yet about what schedule DH will have or DD will have, she works at McDonalds. I just wanted to put this out there in case my corgs need to go somewhere for a… Continue

Added by Nicola Porter on September 29, 2011 at 10:08am — 4 Comments


lol so it seems real recently i have been running into more and more corgi owners.. I ran into Mary and Rosie recently

I found out a girl in my Asian Ball Joint Doll Meet ups has a boy a year younger then ace ^_^

and I just found out my Photography teacher has two :D

lol it was funny today i was like "wait you can bring your dogs to class?" she was all shhhh and i was like owo could i bring mine? and she was like what is yours? and i was like a corgi :D and she was…


Added by Ace and Jen on September 29, 2011 at 2:41am — 5 Comments


I know this might be a bit awkward for the guys (maybe the ladies too) but I need a hysterectomy. I had back surgery July 28th and I am still in pain and bending down and opening the sliding glass door etc still really hurts. I know this maybe too early to ask but I might need some help with the corgs (babysitting them). I don't know yet about what schedule DH will have or DD will have, she works at McDonalds. I just wanted to put this out there in case my corgs need to go somewhere for a… Continue

Added by Nicola Porter on September 28, 2011 at 2:30pm — 9 Comments

Something old, Something New

Our adventures this week took us to the top of an old, favorite trail in the Seattle area, Mt Si. A standard conditioning hike for experienced hikers and a challenge for newbies.  We have done this one once before, in the rain, so decided that with a sunny day ahead to brave the crowds and the heat and see the view that everyone raves about.…


Added by Kathy Losacco on September 28, 2011 at 9:37am — 4 Comments

Caesar in Houston area needs a home! Please read!

From time to time I see if there are any Corgis in shelters in the Houston area, where I live, and I came across this guy and his story broke my heart.  He was born without front paws and his breeder stuck him in a shelter.  I don't know anything else about him other than that, but it just broke my heart and I started crying (still crying).  I don't know how anybody could NOT want to love this Corgi, he has his Corgi smile on even though life has been bad to him.  If only I could adopt…


Added by Jessica & Johann on September 28, 2011 at 12:08am — 4 Comments

Two College Degrees - wasted.

Evidently Goldy drank the last of the water a few moments ago because as I sat here typing up a handout for school I hear Bear quietly bark.

I ignore it - assuming it's a request for tug of war.

A few moments later - BARK BARK!   I ignore - focusing on my work.

Then, BARK BARK BARK and walks over and headbutts MY LEG!

As I look up, he walks back over to his water bowl and BARK! 

I thought I was a teacher, it…


Added by Stephanie on September 27, 2011 at 7:30pm — 6 Comments

Gromit Turns Two

My big, hairy friend Gromit turned two years old today so I grabbed the camera for his official birthday pictures, or as he likes to call them, "whelpday pix." 



Added by Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug on September 27, 2011 at 1:30am — 28 Comments

New Puppy Rescued

My brother and sister-in-law adopted/rescued this little sweetheart that they named Elly this past Friday. It's all kinda crazy how it all happened. It all began when I started the process of adopting my puppy Harrison, my brother and sis in law were interested in getting a puppy as well. So, they began looking for a doggy in shelters and rescues. After several failed…


Added by Harrison & Melyza on September 25, 2011 at 11:26pm — 6 Comments

The Pup.

So, yesterday, my family and I went to our corgi breeder's, Diana's, house to see our future family member. He is already cute enough when she sent me the photo, but when I saw him up close and personal, HE IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. The little puppy fits so well in my hands and he is just so delicate and small, I cannot help myself from wanting to protect it with all my heart. After I put him down, he would sleep and dream while twitching…


Added by Joyce Lee on September 25, 2011 at 8:06pm — 3 Comments

Ah i love my Boy~

Ring around the rosie

Pocket full of Corgis~ *sing song*

lol i get home from work Ace fallows me to the bathroom as i change

i walk out of the bathroom and he fallows me to the computer room <3

I plop in the computer chair and he hops in my lap like "Hey I miss you!" so cute <3 like i havent been home for this whole week XD; then i start spinning in the computer chair and he runs keeping pace with my feet like he was wanting to play too

He is so fun~



Added by Ace and Jen on September 25, 2011 at 5:36pm — No Comments

Mastiff attack!

Most traumatic walk EVER! (I would appreciate it if I could vent to corgi nation for therapy purposes)

We live in a suburban neighborhood with big fenced yards. Almost everyone has dogs, and we never have a problem on our daily walks beyond barking from behind some fences.

Today, however, my girls and I were AMBUSHED by a mastiff and a bulldog who had escaped from their yard. It all happened SO FAST. The mastiff had Luna down on the ground, with his huge head on her belly making… Continue

Added by Elizabeth, Hermione and Luna on September 25, 2011 at 2:30pm — 8 Comments

5 Days' Freedom, Glacier Peak Wilderness.

This is our 5-day Labor Day trip.  Buck Mt. is 8570', not difficult technically, but one of the Washington Cascades' larger peaks, and fairly remote.  It had been a goal for a long time (30…


Added by John Wolff on September 24, 2011 at 6:30am — 7 Comments

Corgi and me

So almost as of January 27th it will be the 3 year mark of Owning Ace and the day he came home was joyous to me but it was hell at the same time.. my family was heavily against me having him.. because well they didnt want another dog.. (we had Buffy... my moms dog and scrappy my brothers pittbull) but since then i have been dropping hints that i want Ace to have a sibling or cousin his size to play with.. well in the recent days mom has been asking me questions about our Corgi rescue we have…


Added by Ace and Jen on September 24, 2011 at 1:30am — 2 Comments

Want to adopt a corgi in the Dallas Texas area

I am located in the Dallas Texas area and want to adopt a corgi. I have experience with corgis and have a corgi-friendly house / yard / environment. I've been searching the local rescues since August, but haven't found my little new companion just yet. I recently lost my little companion to liver cancer and a have a big old empty heart just waiting to give a little corgi a whole lot of love.

If anyone knows of someone in the North Texas area who is wanting to re-home their corgi,…


Added by Sandy StJohn-Yewbee's 4ever mom on September 23, 2011 at 3:30pm — 2 Comments


I feel accomplished and VERY pleased with the dogs i live with :)

Both of which HATE baths (ace is weird he looooves water but haaates baths XD)

First I cleaned buffy.. she is harder to do since she cant stand for more then 2 seconds in the tub and the weight of the water doesnt help.. so i have to use my leg to prop up her backside with~

She's a Golden Retriever mix so its not like i can bathe her as easy as i can ace XD

she did sooo good.. I called her from the front of the…


Added by Ace and Jen on September 23, 2011 at 3:03pm — No Comments

Pink nose and ears

Some days Wrigleys nose and ears are very pink and others the color is not so evident. He is 11 months old and very healthy and energetic.Just wondering why this would change; hydration, time of day, weather....??? Also I will be trying to clean out his ears with a cotton ball, should I use a dry cotton ball or add something like water or alcohol to better clean the area? Thanks for your opinions!

Added by Derrik and Wrigley on September 23, 2011 at 12:00am — 3 Comments

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