Monica, Orion, and Laika's Blog (23)

Orion is the deepest sleeper ever

How deep Orion sleeps is definitely working out to be a fantastic quality. There was an outrageous storm tonight with roaring thunder, buckets of rain, and a few hours of power outage but since Orion had fallen asleep before it started he slept through the entire thing. Another good thing about it is that he can fall asleep anywhere in the house and I can easily transfer him to his kennel and he has no idea that anything happened. He's fitting in the family very nicely and I'm finally starting… Continue

Added by Monica, Orion, and Laika on May 18, 2010 at 1:54am — 5 Comments

Longest two days of my life!

The past two days have been absolutely exhausting. Went to bed about four o'clock thursday morning, woke up around 8, took an organic chemistry final, came back, packed my apartment and moved it to storage then drove two hours to Hillsboro, Texas, getting in at about 1 in the morning. Then woke up at 9 o'clock, drove to the breeder's house in Scurry, picked up my beautiful new puppy, drove back to Austin, packed more while my pup frolicked around the apartment, then journeyed back to San… Continue

Added by Monica, Orion, and Laika on May 16, 2010 at 2:21am — 8 Comments

The wait is killing me!

I was informed by my breeder that my pup is happy, healthy, and ready to go! It killed me to have to tell her I wasn't going to be able to pick him up until May 15th. This is the last week of school and I'm moving back home over the summer so the next week and a half includes five tests and packing up and moving my apartment into storage. I decided that it wouldn't be the best environment to bring my baby into but I have my last final friday morning, the 14th, and as soon as I'm done I'm… Continue

Added by Monica, Orion, and Laika on May 5, 2010 at 3:35pm — 5 Comments

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