Oh gross.   My husband took the dogs across the street to potty while I was getting my coat on for our walk.  I got ready, ran across the street, and he was struggling a bit with two dogs and said "Jack's eating something that's crunching."   

I told him to leave it but he did not, so I went fishing in his mouth.  I think I was too late, and I am a bit concerned about what it was, but my more immediate problem is...

I immediately realized my mistake when a huge waft of some foul scent from the Bowels of Hell reached my nostrils.  I was wearing gloves at the time, instantly said "The gloves have to go" and tossed them to find Whatever had already seeped through to my hands.  

I threw out the gloves in an outside bin, and two hand washings and hand sanitizer failed to totally remove The Scent.  Anyway, we finished our walk and came home.  I cleaned up flashlight, leash, and wiped Jack's mouth area with baby wipes, then fed quite a lot of alfalfa treats (freshen breath) and a mint-flavored large dental stick.

I then gave an experimental sniff near his face and Blech!  Nasty.  I got some rags and a bowl of vinegar and water and washed his snout and the sides of his face and his ears (HOW did he get his EARS!).   Still gross.  So I sprayed some paper towels with a grooming spray I have (waterless shampoo/show sheen sorta thing) and rubbed the whole area.

That sort of helped but I think mostly masked it.  I can't really bathe the area well because it's his eye/ear area and of course I can't spray lots of water around his ears.  Any other ideas besides the vinegar water and show spray to help knock back the stench?

And I have NO idea what it was.  Smelled more of death than poop, but honestly both dogs have found dead mice, birds, snakes etc and never eat them; they roll in them.  So I think maybe it was fox scat or something similar?   

Hope my poor guy's ok but didn't want to make him vomit because if there was something picky in there that might make it worse....  They always say not to induce vomiting if you don't know what they ate. 

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You could try the tomato juice thing.. Since it works with skunks?(Does it? I never had that kind of experience, and I've only ever heard of it being used on the tele.)

Though.. I don't know how well that's going to go over with poor Jack haha.. Good luck and I hope that you find something!

Thanks!  I have no tomato juice in the house, though.   I went out and scouted the area and the good (????) news is it's definitely some foul-smelling animal scat, not a dead thing.  I say that's good because with dead animals I worry about poison.  With this all I have to worry about is the smell and intestinal parasites, which I can deal with. 

Triple yuck!

Tomato juice is not actually recommended for de skunking. I have heard baking soda and water but really do not know. My Buffy rolled in something disgusting once that made me gag the whole time I was bathing her. Breath is another issue though. Try brushing his teeth. A gas mask in the house might be helpful...lol! Hope he doesn't barf it all over tonight! Good luck.

Oh, gross! D: If only they made a Febreeze product you could spray on the animal with no problem... I can only wish you luck in this endeavor.

Guess who wanted to sit on my lap tonight!  Mr. Stinker himself.  I couldn't send him away, he looked so sad.  After about the 7th time I tried to call him to me for yet another scrub-down earlier, he looked at me and RAN in the other direction.  He did about three laps of the house before he relented.  It was pretty funny.  He does not enjoy being handled.

Ugh.  The scent was so vile that I do worry a bit that whatever, er, "created" the mess to begin with might have been ill. Hope he doesn't get sick.  He's so disgusting.  

Anyway, it seems that most of him except the tip of one ear is not too too bad now.  I gave him another Dentastix which helped with the breath and now its mostly the fur around his face that smells.  I'll see how he is tomorrow.  

By the way, this is the spray I use:


I don't use it often.  I've had it for years and it will probably outlast the dogs.  It has a VERY strong smell like a nice baby powder.  The dogs hate it, but it comes in handy if they need a spot-cleaning.  It also does a good job if they get a stinky butt and I don't have time to bathe them for a day or two.  Like I said earlier, partly it just masks odor, but it does pull out dirt marks so I think it cleans too.

A good homemade anti-skunk remedy that works on other stinky things is:

Within a large bowl, mix a quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide, 1/2 cup of baking soda and one teaspoon of dish detergent.

Franklin is the master of rolling in stinky things, he finds all kinds of awful things at the river like week old fish or bait or he even found a dead cat once. He LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVES to roll in the stinky stuff. I've had a lot of luck with just dish detergent or baby shampoo but the formula above is what we always recommended at the vet.

Peroxide!!!  That is what I was trying to think of.   I don't think I need a quart of the stuff for just his face, but I might mix a small amount together and redo his ears....

Definatly peroxide...I wouldn't live without it...and will also kill some germs if there are some from whatever he may have eaten...I use it to disinfect my sink every few days!

There's a spray available that I use often...all natural, food grade, and all that and safe to spray on your critter.  It's called Pure Ayre.  I use it on alot of stinky stuff.  It's an odor neutralizer.  Works on upholstery, too.  Not sure if it'll help in this situation but it's sure nice to have around! 

Beth, I am having trouble with this website and it won't let me send messages. I'm wondering if what Jack rolled in was vomit rather than feces? Since there was formed feces nearby it is pretty unlikely for there to be watery feces right by it and you said there was grass in the liquid.  Maybe another animal came by and marked the vomit with its own feces. Anyway, hoping Jack is feeling ok today! I would recommend maybe calling the vet and explaining what happened and seeing what their view is. So many different diseases in different parts of the country so its hard to say what the animal may have been exposed to. But to me it sounds like an animal ate something dead/rotting and vomited it back up and then Jack got ahold of it. Seems like dogs eat the grossest most vile stuff and suffer nothing more than an upset tummy so I'm hoping this will be the case with Jack! Let us know how he's doing and if you ever got the stink out!

Peroxide with a little lemon juice and water works good to. And for his breath, those little candy canes that are out now work great. I give them to my dog for fresh breath. And the pepermint  in them is soothing for their stomach. I do break them in half tho.


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