I posted a photo of Franklin and his sister Peyton and Truck the cardigan a while ago and its gone completely viral! I am seeing it EVERYWHERE now! Here is the original photo

They started a photo shop battle on reddit with this photo and there are tons of variations now:

and so on and so forth. Its amazing to see this photo on tumblr, reddit, 9gag, some corgi facebook pages, and a ton of other sites! I feel so flattered! Lol. Now if only Franklin got some recognition for being the totally adorable corgi on the left! Lol

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love it!!!   I have seen this pic a few places too.  How cool, its Franklin and crew!!!  I would totally buy that shirt!!!

I've personally seen the 2nd one circulating the most (the one where Franklin's wielding a battle axe lol) so it's definitely viral! Soo cute :)

Great! Congratulations!!

All of us know that Franklin is the most photogenic Pembroke ever!

HAHAHA I love the three corg moon one. That is fantastic. :-D That photo brings such a smile to my face!!

People are so creative! You should feel proud of your excellent photo and beautiful dogs that inspired such delightful responses. Love the t-shirt!

I've seen that several places.  Haven't seen all the variations but they are so cute.

thumbs up! I miss truck :(

Sam I gotta say, I miss him sometimes too! Especially after the chaos that was Kirby! If he wasn't dog aggressive he'd definitely still be here with me! I miss the tail wag. 

I saw the one with the battle axe. Didn't realize it was Frank. That's awesome!

Yay! I have had friends post this to my FB and I tell them that I know the Corg on the left! :)

That is great! I saw that photo on fb the other day!


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