Update: Maddie has now come down with the intestinal thing too, so Flagyl for her. Ugh.

It never rains but it pours.... after years of having very healthy dogs (except for Maddie's seizures), I have two sick dogs at once. Maddie has what appears to be conjuctivitis, and it has not cleared after waiting it out for a few days.

And Jack has some serious intestinal upset that has not significantly improves over 48 hours.

So off they BOTH go to the vet today. Wish us luck. Maddie is easy as pie to examine and I fully expect that some eye drops will clear her up.

Jack is nearly impossible to do anything with. They said he might need blood work and I replied I'd be fine with that, but he'll need to be sedated....

I will update back. I'm hoping it's dietary indescretion and not giardia or something else nasty. We are all exhausted after 3 nights of very interrupted sleep.

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Uh oh. Ruby's real interested in grackle droppings...almost as magnificent as goose poop. Not good at-tall.

Never a dull moment!

Cassie also had a conjunctivitis a few months ago. At first I thought it was allergies. Vet produced some eye drops that did the trick. Hope it works for you, too!

Urk! How does a dog get Clostridial Enterotoxicosis?

I hope they are headed towards a speedy recovery!


Beth...how is everyone doing?

Hope all is improving Beth!

Maddie's eye is looking much better (though it was already on the improve before we started the ointment).  

Jack had his shot of antibiotics on Thursday around 4pm and his first dose of Flagyl on Thursday around 6:30.  Let me tell you, I think antibiotics are horribly over-prescribed and can have long term health impacts by interrupting gut flora.  However, when they are what is actually needed, it is amazing how fast they work.  He had two tiny loose stools at bedtime on Thursday, then he slept right through the night.  I had to wake him up on Friday morning.  He didn't poop again at all til one little plop Friday evening.  No messy floor, no need to wash the poor dog's backside.  And this morning he got the zoomies and was doing laps.

He is getting used to the new feeding regime and I'm afraid I'm creating  a monster, but it helps rest his digestive tract so the inflammation can heal.  Tomorrow I'll start mixing back in a tablespoon of kibble and see how that goes.  

Between the two of them, we are dishing out 7 doses of medications a day.  I feel like a nurse!

I agree with you Beth...the overuse of antibiotics is affecting people and animals. They did not give Wiley any after her 9 teeth were pulled which I thought they would have. She is doing fine without them:) I work with people who have problems due to the overuse...and some doctors just keep prescribing:(

I do agree that since Jack does need them to improve his health this is OK.

Hope all keeps improving for you, Jack and Maddie!

So glad to hear that Jack is doing so much better!  The zoomies are a good thing. 

@Jane....I am surprised they didn't give Wiley antibiotics.  Max has 2 more days on his.  We've had him for 7 years and this is the first time he has ever been on them.  I do know that like with humans, dental work can leave an opening for bacteria to get into the blood stream and directly to the heart.  Maybe because it was cracked that had something to do with it.  He's on Clavamox and it doesn't seem to bother his tummy.

See update in original post. So yesterday after her walk, we noticed Maddie needed her backside cleaned up a bit. That is JUST how it started with Jack, so I thought "Uh-oh." This morning she seemed fine, and then she had a bout of liquid diarrhea. About 15 minutes later she went again.

So I called the vet and they don't even need to see her, just starting on the Flagyl. I hope this doesn't keep going back and forth between them. And that the cat doesn't come down with it.

Poor pups. I'm getting a bit tired of cleaning dogs and floors too.
Hopefully they get better soon. All the dogs in my neighborhood have had an intestinal bug recently. It is moving house to house. Becca luckily only had a 24 hour version. The poor dog across the street is on day four and went to the vet today.

Beth...oh no!  Hope you've caught it in time and she doesn't get as bad.  Lots of finger crossing that they won't keep giving this back and forth.  Maybe with Jack on the meds he won't get infected again.

Ugh!  I feel your pain, hope everything clears up soon.


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