Orion and Laika are completely enamored by children anywhere we go. If Orion sees a child in Petsmart he has to run up to them, put his ears back, have a huge grin, and wiggle his butt and looks absolutely adorable. Laika is starting to do this now too when she sees kids. We went to Home Depot today and Orion and Laika were riding in the cart and we ran into a family with at least 5 children and they asked if they could pet the dogs. Orion and Laika were too excited for words! They were insanely happy to see the kids and ignored the adults. Also when I go to the dog park Orion and Laika happily greet the owners before greeting their dogs. 

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Yay! Congrats in advance! Little kids and dogs together are just about the cutest thing ever. My brother, sister-in-law and I sit around and YouTube dog and baby videos haha
My theory is that corgis like kids because kids are short like them, and they taste good. :) Both of mine love kids too. Guinness has been around kids of all ages, and it's amazing to watch how he adapts to each kid. He's very calm and quiet around babies and toddlers. He sits and lets them maul him and never shows the slightest bit of annoyance. If it's a kid who's wary of dogs, he'll stand there with that corgi grin and his waggy little nub until they see that he is friendly. One friend of mine has a great dane and a jack russell at home, so her 7 year old is very used to dogs and she and Guinness play tag. They take turns chasing each other all over until one "catches" the other, then they go back the other way. it seems to me that Guinness truly understand the game.

One funny story: he tried to get my 8-month old niece to play fetch with him. It was the cutest thing. It was Christmas, so the whole family was at our house and it was crazy. No one was paying attention to him, so he took his toy and dropped it next to her car seat and nudged it with his nose like "Hey, will you throw this for me? Please?" He was so confused that she wouldn't play with him, he had the sad corgi face.

It's like he can sense how to act with each different kid. It's a little eerie, but it makes me happy to see how well behaved he can be.

yup, they taste good:

Beautiful picture, love those smiley faces!  My Corgi loves everybody, men, women, children, dogs, even cats I was told, but I've not had a chance to test that one yet.

Sully has to warm up to everyone of any age but it doesn't take long if the exposure is not too infrequent. We haven't had much exposure to small children so that is something we still need to work on for more socialization. Most people, especially men used to cause fear but that is now a thing of the past. More exposure to little guys will surely resolve the issue and they will be as well loved as everyone else. Of course I am always extra cautious with supervising when the two are together but most children seem drawn to the low riders.

Aww that just sounds too cute!!!

My Chubbs likes kids but I think he gets unsure of them sometimes, like he wants to say hello when we're outside going potty but at the same time going potty is super important, but when he can he'll lower his ears and put on a big ol' grin and walk up to little kids trying to get some pets from them!

Haha or it's very cute with toddlers he will stand up on his back feet so he's eye level with them and sniff their faces, it's so adorable!

:P But for us winter is coming and for some reason kids in puffy coats aren't as enjoyable, I don't know if he thinks their other dogs or something but he just isn't as preferable to them hahaha

I'd love to see a pic of these pups now.The picture is from 2010 :)!Our 2 pups are right around that same age.Anyone have contact with their owner recently?
Our Bogart LOVES kids, and if a baby is crying on TV he gets very anxious and paces back and forth! When he was 7 months old he got to play with our 1-year old grandson and they had the best time together!!!

Cassie has always doted on children. And cats... Not sure she can tell the difference. ;-)

Ruby the Pup seems to like kids, too.

One of the neighbors stopped to chat while we were walking the other day. He said he confused Ruby & Cassie with two other corgis that someone else in the 'hood has, and was surprised to learn that the two ladies are friendly. He said the two mystery corgis are distinctly unfriendly. Strange.


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