I know I have been posting a lot of questions and you guys have been wonderful! I am so happy I found this website. Georgie is going to go to puppy school after the Thanksgiving holiday! To help with the I don't think I like dogd thing. :)
But here is something else that I have tried to look up and I am clueless. Everywhere I have read said that corgis are full of energy...etc. Georgie is about 3 years and all she does is sleep. She sleeps A LOT! Today was the first day I had to go back to work after getting her (yes it is day 4 - I am a worry wart)...she was in her crate - I get home and we go on a walk for and 30mins, she does her business. We come back and I feed her. She looks a little bored so I take on a short romp around the block. And now she is asleep again...I can not get her to play. All she wants to sleep on the floor near me, or she jumps in my lap gets lots of hugs and kisses and moves back to the floor and goes to sleep again.
I don't think I have ever seen a dog sleep so much. She has been like this, since she moved in. Thing only thing I can chalk it up to is that she is still adjustung to her new lifestyle and is just really stressed and sleeps because of it?