Hello, been reading from this site for a bit now, and finally decided to join and post a question thats been bugging me.

My pembroke corgi Kit has recently (at about 5 months) started to become comfortably with going up and down stairs, before he was scared. Perhaps he didn't see/realize the progression and just saw the end result. He also started to jump off couches and beds at about the same time.

My question is if he's still too young to be jumping off the couch and bed (bed is pretty low, about his height) and at about what age did you see your corgi able to actually jump UP on things? I keep lifting him up on the bed and couch, and I don't know if he's just curious of whats going on or if he actually wants to get on the bed/couch so I'm looking forward to him being able to make up his own mind if he wants on the furniture. :p

Thanks in advance

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I "tried" to keep it to a minimum until they were a year old. It was easier with the first one but when there was one to copy it was a lot harder. Try to keep the jumping on and off to a minimum. It is safer for their growing bodies.
How old was your corgi when it started to jump up on things?
I am pretty sure Sparty was 6 months and did not do a flight of stairs until he was a year. Izzy had Sparty to watch and she did it right away at 4 months. I just tried to keep them from jumping back off because that seems the most stressful to their joints.
My girl Gem was more agile then either one of our boys, Phinny or Edward. She was early going up and down stairs and can jump up high to our bed no problem. I still lift Ed to the bed cuz he won't jump that high he is 7mos old and just started to jump up on the couch and such by himself about 1mos ago.(he is kind've a chicken). I guess it is good for not getting hair all over the furniture tho. I can't stop Gem or Ed from jumping up or down if they wan't to go that way, but I know there are little steps u can purchase if u are worried he'll get hurt!
I bought the steps, Bear won't go near them. ugh.
Treats! Try making a trail of treats up the steps.

I taught my aging cat to use stairs to the bed, but it took some time.
Twinkie is a year and a half years old and I don't see a time that she will ever be able to jump onto our bed. She jumps off but I don't really like her to. I think its just too tall. She started to jump on the couch at about one but it is a pretty low piece of furniture. Twinkie makes it know when she wants on the bed by just standing very clost to it and giving me the eye. Not exactly a clear communication but it works for us. I guess what I wanted to say that six months is probably too yound for both jumping down and onto furniture. It will come and then you will be powerless to stop it!
My darlin' Doris Daylily wasn't able to jump on the couch until she was really very big. Once when she was young -- perhaps three months -- she accidentally hit the edge of the couch *just right* so she ricocheted onto the sitting cushions. I thought she would remember that and start jumping on the couch then. But no! She didn't. It was many, many more months before Doris started jumping up onto the couch reliably.

Basically, every corgi is a unique individual. Don't worry until your pup is way older.

I must have a couple jumpers because Jordan was up and down by about 6 months and Teagen just turned 8 months and has been coming and going as she pleases for about 2 months. I will say none of my furnishings are super tall and I have carpet through out...I beleive there was a flooring post latley....I also try and pick up and put down should I notice their going to go one way or another
Potus, at just over a year old has finally mastered jumping on the bed. He was jumping on the couch at around 5 or 6 months, but its a low couch.
my dog princess
she could jump ok but she has had trouble withher back legs there was a joint out but she id =s fine now have it checked by the vet
At this age they are not big enough to jump up on the spot and not smart enough to know to run first, like small dogs do. Shiro couldn't figure it out either. He started being comfortable with jumping at about 8 months old, he now can jump on our very high bed. It was very funny to watch him, he'd just try to crawl his way up.
Watch out for jumping down though. Corgi's back is very long and at this age is fragile, easy to damage. He shouldn't really jump down on a daily basis. There's a big chance to fall down or twist etc. Get him pet stairs or a ramp, a lot safer that way.
You don't need to encourage jumping at an early age, he'll get to it by himself when he's ready.


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