I am specifically looking for a breeder that does not dock tails and hopefully would be within 8-10 hours driving time of Minnesota.I really am looking for a red/white or a red headed tri. I am starting this search now with hopes to find one that may have a pup mid to late summer.I haven't been able to find much around here and am hoping that one of you may have come across such a breeder!



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Jane, I don't specifically know someone but try contacting Izzy's breeder. She is in the Lansing, Michigan area and her corgis are Honeyfox bloodlines. I doubt she would not dock because she shows but she may know someone in the mid west. Her web site is corgibreeder.com. Good luck! I would love to see docking be banned here in the US too but I love Izzy tail or no tail. Bev
Thanks Bev,

I will check into this when I get home...I am currently snowed in at my grandson's...snowed in but hope to get home today!
Oh bev,

I just checked out Izzy's breeder! I love her dogs! I did email her also! Thanks! I also asked about the tails and if she knew of anyone that didn't dock!
Hi Jane, Yes I love her dogs! They are beautiful as well as sweet. I do think it is unlikely she would not dock but she seems to know a lot of breeders here and is active in the clubs so maybe she can help. We certainly feel like we got a very special pup in Izzy. She was a left over non show quality puppy but she is incredibly sweet, good natured and smart. I think she is a beauty too!

I don't know if the breeder where I got Charlie docks or not. But charlie is a wonderful dog, and they have had many beautiful dogs. The website is http://www.adamswelshcorgicuties.4t.com/ They are in Ethan South Dakota.
Yes I have already been in contact with them and they will likely have a litter from Max around then! Who are Charlies parents?
You are entitled to your opinion! That doesn't mean people have to agree!
Standards can and do change, and all it will take is one or two name breeders deciding not to dock for everyone else to sit up and take notice. Indeed, I would not be surprised if there is much discussion about it already. Our Jack's sire is from Finland and stood stud here for a year or two, with a tail, and created quite a buzz. He was in a show or two and actually did fairly well. He's on the ROMX list now and back in Finland, but with all the interest in foreign bloodlines and so many other countries not docking, I think with Corgis it's only a matter of time. They are in all other respects shown as a "natural" dog, and I think the tails will start to have a lot of appeal to enough influential people for us to start to see a change.

Unlike some of the hunting dogs and terriers, there was no functional reason for the dock to begin with and it was purely a tax thing.
Assume your talking of Dundee, he is still making a splash. But I am like you, I wouldn't mind the change in standard to leave it an option but don't necasarily want to see it outlawed either.

I have known some Beagle breeders who dock their puppies tails because when they hunt, they come back all mangled and bloody from the brush and Beagles aren't even supposed to have them docked. These are breeders who were obviously very much involved in real hunting of their hounds, not just field trials, but the rabbit the hounds chase are part of the hunters every day diet and way of life.
Yes, Dundee is Jack's sire. The breeder we got him from was happy enough with the litter that she sent another bitch to Dundee (or ordered the delivery, more likely) the next year. One of Jack's littermates did very well in the ring.

I checked out your page and you have two very handsome stud dogs. :-)

I grew up with both docked (springer spaniel) and undocked (pointers, beagles, labrador) hunting breeds and can attest to the fact that the undocked ones frequently come back with bleeding tails. The trouble is once they open up, simply wagging and hitting the wall can make them bleed again. Nothing like cleaning up blood-splashed walls all the time....
I think that's a slightly polarizing "us vs. them" sort of view. It's not just animal rights people who have an issue with cosmetic docking and cropping, and many of us greatly enjoy seeing a wagging tail.

There are natural bob lines in the Pem, but most lines are not.

Saying that changing the standard to give breeders a choice of whether or not to dock puts us on the PETA path to outlawing dog breeding all together is really quite a stretch of the imagination. You are entitled to your opinion. I have no respect for PETA and their ilk, but I also don't think that cosmetic docking holds much justifiable purpose beyond "that is how it's always done!" The Great Dane standard now allows natural ears and the world as we know it has not ended.


AKC Standard
Ears - shall be high set, medium in size and of moderate thickness, folded forward close to the cheek. The top line of the folded ear should be level with the skull. If cropped, the ear length is in proportion to the size of the head and the ears are carried uniformly erect.


High-set ears, be they cropped or natural, highlight the outline of the Dane head and create the desired alert appearance. Low-set cropped ears detract from the smooth lines of the skull, and the low-set natural ear gives the skull a round, hound-like appearance. Lack of erectile ability in the base of the natural ear will also give a hound look and should be faulted. Although it is desired that the cropped ear be of a length to properly balance the head and be carried uniformly erect, so long as the set of the ears is correct the dog with too short or too long an ear or with imperfect carriage should not be unduly faulted for this man-made error. There should be no preference between cropped and natural ears, either being correct.
I'm on the other side of the world so can't help with your search for a breeder, but just wanted to wish you luck. Here, 'good' breeders don't dock, its illegal, and I love our boys tail. Keep us updated on your search!


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