Frosty can go, go, go with the best of them, but geez, I think he might just be the laziest dog I have ever owned!!  He will be 2 in a couple weeks and he just sleeps ALL the time lol!  Literally, as soon as I stop moving, he is asleep in about 30 seconds.  He is completely healthy, in good shape, not overweight, gets lots of exercise, but still sleeps like 22 hours a day.  He used to at least play with his toys for awhile if we were busy and couldn't play with him, but now, he just sleeps.  All of the pictures I get of him anymore are of him sleeping!!  lol!!  Is your corgi a lazy sleeping couch potato too??

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My thought is that either they're going full blast OR resting so they can go full blast...mine are often just snoozing until they go out and then it's full speed ahead:)

This is Izzy on a trip to the dog park. Every other dog was running around and Izzy went to sit with Grandpa! She is always walking slowly behind us on walks and resting comfortably at home. What a difference from Sparty who is almost always up for a game at 12 years. Izzy is only 4 by the way.
I WISH!!!! Mine is go go go go go, unless I run him HARD for at least 1/2 hour or 45 min and then he sleeps for about half hour and is ready to go again!!! Interactive toys have been my saviour since I can't take him out 50 times a day.
Mine are both pretty busy. Left to her own devises, my girl would be low-key at home. But, she's a busy body and since my boy is ALWAYS on the go and she can't stand to not snoop and see what he's doing, she's pretty busy too.
Mine have always been pretty easy going either way. If the kids are outside or doing something fun then they are right there with them but it is very common for all three of them to be spread out, usually within ten feet of me, during the day being lazy. Taz has always been the one that is the least excited about anything to do with exerting energy. Even as a puppy. He hates the word walk, and if you take him to the end of the driveway to check the mail he will stop next to the car like "can't we just use this?". Taz and KC are both only 2, Molly is around 6 but she would much rather sit and watch the "kids" play then join in her self.
Sounds like something's wrong with Frosty. Al & Gwynnie never exhibit any kind of lethargy or somnolence. Have you had him checked out? Thyroid? Nutrition? Hope he's OK.
What could you do for him? Get him a puppy? A herd of sheep?
[evil grin]
He is such a good-looking fellow. Almost makes me want a bigger dog. Almost.

Nothing is wrong with him physically. I have talked with our vet. And if we are moving around the house or doing anything, he is right on our butts lol. I tried explaining to my husband that Frosty is lonely and really needs a puppy to play with, but he says no way to 2 dogs and 3 cats in the house. Which will last only as long as it takes to find the puppy I want lol!
Lol, I have 3 dogs and 2 cats and my husband is none too happy about it!
Some days when he is making me really mad, I look at him and think to myself... you know, if you weren't here, I would have room for 2 more dogs! lol!!
i know the
I was just kidding y'know.
We're up to three corgis (one with special needs) and five cats. It's fairly chaotic, but the new puppy has made Ragnar a much better dog. He's one of those full tilt all the time types (although he's currently passed out like a little angel) and he gets incredibly annoying if he isn't taken for a good three walks, one of them a run. Now that he has Kelso, they entertain each other and play all the time (and I think Kelso would be a total couch potato in the future if he didn't have Rags to keep him going). So, it's actually less work to have more---maybe that will help convince your husband ;)


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