I know many of you are completely against visits to the dog park - so if you are - stop reading now.  Bogart is VERY social and since he is an only dog I arrange play dates, go to meet ups and also to the park that is 5 minutes from our home. The dog park has a small and large section. Small is for under 20 lbs so we don't really qualify.  Today there were only two lab mixes in the large section so we went in there. Everything was fine, and then someone approached with two dogs, one of which seemed aggressive.  Before I could put the leash back on Bogart, and EVEN though I asked the incoming dog owner to WAIT until I got out, he completely ignored me and let his mean, aggressive dog in and that dog immediately tried to attack Bogart. Luckily got him out of there quickly before anything could happen.  But why, I ask, could he not have waited 30 seconds for me to get my dog out before entering??? My next dog park vent topic is WHY can't there be 3 sections at dog parks? One section for teeny tiny dogs - maybe 10 lbs and under, then a medium section for 10-30 lbs, and large section for anyone who wants to be in the large section??? I have written to the two park departments that administer the parks we go to, with this request. It would be easy for them to section off part of the enclosure and add a gate, for the smallest dogs.  So far, no dice.  I think more Corgi owners have to chime in...

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Wow! Thank goodness Bogart wasn't hurt.

It escapes me why people do that. I'd like to say they're stupid, because that sounds kinder than speculating that they're mean. But it sounds like this clown was just flat mean and vicious.

Even though yeah, I'm one of the chuckleheads who wouldn't take her dog into a dog park on a bet, I believe you have a right to be safe when you choose to do so. And also, the fact is people like this -- and their dogs -- are everywhere. A pocket canister of pepper spray might be a useful tool. I carry a shilelagh myself...putatively to discourage coyotes, but some of the coyotes around here have two legs. ;-)

There are no dog parks where I live but there are a couple of dog owners in the neighborhood who are in total denial about how aggressive their dogs are. One is a tiny Chihuahua so the fear is minimal, but the other is a huge shepherd that is well trained when its owner is present, but both dogs managed to escape at least once from their owners and one attacked my dog and another small puppy. Fortunately the shepherd responded immediately to a "down" command and dropped the tiny puppy before it could be harmed, physically at least, and the Chihuahua that tried to bite Sully never even got through her thick double corgi-coat. I like the owners, but I am amazed at how much the shepherd owner downplayed the attack. I am sure it is very hard to admit the dog you love so much is dangerous, but explaining it away is so not smart.

There's surely something to be said for the "fluffy" mode in Corgidom. A loose Ger-Shep attacked, Cassie, too, while we were walking a good block away from where its moron humans were wandering around. It tried to pick her up and shake her, rabbit-prey style, but because she has SO much hair around her neck, it couldn't get a good enough grip on her. Sure terrorized her, though.

Bizarrely, Chihuahuas can be pretty aggressive. My mother had a long-hair Chihuahua...this was back in the day when we all walked five miles to and from school in the snow, uphill both ways. She never bit anyone, but she sure was fierce -- had what we might call a hair-trigger temper. This was decades before the cute ad that made everyone and his entire extended family go out, get a Chihuahua, see the light, and dump it at the nearest dog pound. If they were feisty then, imagine what a few years of overbreeding has done for them.

This is getting to be one of my hobbyhorses. Dang it! Dogs shouldn't be licensed; PEOPLE should be licensed to have dogs.

I find when out walking with my pair that its not usually the dogs' body language that needs to be most closely monitored but that of the humans at the other end of the lead: Sunny, open human expression, sunny open dog; tight, aggressive human expression, tight aggressive dog; nervy, highly strung human expression, nervy dog. Parents who swoop their children away at the approach of the killer corgis...(though I will admit there could be biohazards depending on what they managed to eat on their journey through the fields!). In all cases where I feel an unsolicited approach by my dogs would not be welcome, I try to get them leashed and walking to heel. By contrast, where fluff and cuteness is appreciated, they can frolic to their hearts delight. 

With regard to the dog park, its probably a zoo that's required for the less evolved bipeds.( The're the ones who give certain breeds of dog a bad reputation by being inadequate dog owners)

Alternatively use the under 20lbs section of the park and if asked, explain that your dog is blowing his coat & that is why he looks so bulky!!!

"Parents who swoop their children away at the approach of the killer corgis..." Heeeeee!  Too, too true!

Then there are the ones who ask if it's OK for the kid to pet your dog, after the kid is already sticking its cute little hands in your dog's face. :-D

Okay, okay, I know...it's not funny. But still... Nice thing about Cassie & Ruby is that neither inclines to disconnect hands from small children.

I  have driven to the dog park close to us but never had the guts to take my dogs in due to the large dogs and not wanting to take the chance of what could happen. Something could happen no matter where we go. I have not checked out the new ones closer to us...I guess I'll have to someday:)  My dogs love big dogs so it's not about how big they are but how they act. Play dates with dogs that I know are much more fun and less stress.

We live in San Francisco without a yard, so dog parks are our only option when it comes to running Jerry around and interacting freely with other dogs.  It's our reality and it's really helped his socialization from his puppy age.  Jerry also has a dog walker part of the week while we're at work and he attends dog parks then too.

What I'm saying is, I don't have anything against dog parks, so I'm with you :)

My problems now are mostly centered around Jerry's bad behavior so we've been shortening park trips and using them more as a training ground.  I don't think Jerry is impressed...

We've been lucky not to be attacked by any "aggressive" dogs, by WHY people bring these poor dogs to dog parks is beyond me.  They're setting the dogs up for failure!  It just makes the owners look ridiculous.

There are several dog-centric, off-leash hiking areas near where we live and there are similar problems there.  People with aggressive dogs off leash and they expect YOU (the socialized, social butterfly dog owner) to control YOUR dog.  This really offends me when I have worked so hard for my dog to greet dogs politely, and to obediently return to me so I can hook him back up.  

I think it's the battle we all face as educated dog owners, and it's a sad story, if you think about it.  I think the only thing we can do is educate others on the benefits of training and socialization.  Good luck, and glad your baby made it out okay!

Have you taken Jerry to Fort Funston on the border of San Francisco and Daly City, right on the coast? Hang gliders fly there and it is like dog heaven. I live in the East Bay now, but used to take my last dog there when I lived in Daly City. There are very few aggressive dogs. Most are really good tempered. And, off leash is fine as long as your dog is under voice command. My last dog loved going there and she had her friends that she saw everyday as we were all there at the same time. And, it was a nice walk for me too. I highly recommend going here. Note; you might get a little sandy as the entire park is essentially a gigantic sand dune with some paved paths.

Yes! We love going there.  It's a beautiful place and a great area for Jerry to interact with other dogs.  We love talking the longer walk to the beach (not the stairs).  Did you ever attend any of the corgi meet ups there?

We recently started going to Redwood Regional Park in Oakland.  I LOVE that place.  Have had several very nice hikes with the dog on those trails.  The East Bay is very dog friendly in their regional parks.  You are lucky!!

i know how u feel on this subject. for those who against dog parks need to realize not all of us have a yard or an open field to let our dogs loose and run. which is what i have done in the past to avoid situations like this. people tend to be rude and think bringing their not well socialized dog is "good for them" but based on his behavior it seems he really did not care in any case.

i try to go at times where i know the people and their dogs and when i see an unfamiliar dog/owner i take baden farther into the park and make him wait because hes been attacked this way too :( u did the right thing by trying to leave and im sorry your baby got attacked but im glad hes ok!  

I'm not a big fan of dog parks but we often took our dogs there when we had our doberman. She loved to run all over and was very non aggressive. It was easier when the park had a big and small area (25lb) . Then I could put the corgis in with small dogs and dobie in with big. Unfortunately the parks are not supervised and often people with no control or brains bring their dogs in. I'm so glad you were able to protect Bogart! One friend of mine reported that one day a large dog ran over to her corgi and lifted his leg and peed on her.  when she picked her corgi ip and left the idiot owner yelled "we don't  allow wimpy dogs in here". Scary mean people can ruin it for everyone.

I hear ya. 
I bring Wally to the dog park often and he's used to going on the large dog section.

It's bigger and he gets along better with large breeds than the hyper yorkies or Jack russels.    He often gets over stimulated with small breeds and becomes a little bully for some of them.    But yes by going to the large side you need to be alert, which you were indeed in pinpointing those that could cause trouble.   I usually leave at about 5-6 dogs plus cause when a couple of them get to rough play, Wally tends to become a referee and go in the middle.    He's been snapped at a few times but on other occasions we're on the smaller side (Small and Medium) and we see the commotion happening on the large side, which sometimes becomes violent.

I find it's ridiculous to put a weight on the size cause it's objective to the dog personality or built event.    I've often encountered owner bringing toy poodles or smallest chihuahuas on the small-medium side.    These dogs by any account are "extra small" and often get trampled over by just being close to others.    One lady has been trying to police other owners in telling them to go on the other side and being mean, which she has not made friends.

Either way, I'm glad they're OK.


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