Corgi Book Club


Corgi Book Club

This is a group for those Corgi owners who enjoy a good book. It is much like any other book club, only we have Corgis. Come talk about the latest book you read, get recommendations on what to read next or just talk about your all time favorites.

Members: 97
Latest Activity: Sep 5, 2013

Discussion Forum

Book to Movie

Started by Alice. Last reply by Shippo, Gidget & Sheldon Feb 3, 2012. 11 Replies

How Bad Can It Be?

Started by Alice. Last reply by Potus Sep 11, 2011. 30 Replies

The Favorites

Started by Alice. Last reply by Potus Sep 11, 2011. 24 Replies

Reading "The Passage"

Started by Summer's Mom. Last reply by Julia Jun 26, 2011. 5 Replies


Started by Alice. Last reply by Alice Jun 23, 2011. 9 Replies

Things we love about our Corgis

Started by Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ). Last reply by Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) Jun 23, 2011. 7 Replies

Meet the Character

Started by Alice. Last reply by Alice Jun 22, 2011. 12 Replies

Getting to Know You

Started by Alice. Last reply by Buddy & Wynstan Nov 28, 2009. 28 Replies

Comment Wall


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Comment by Julia on May 16, 2011 at 9:49pm
Alice, six weeks later, how is "Wise Man's Fear" coming? One of my sons is half-way thru, so I can talk with him a bit, but I still feel like I have a great big secret. Let me know when you're done. Or anyone else out there!
Comment by Ann B., Scout and Summer on April 12, 2011 at 12:17pm

Hey, has anyone read the books by Spencer Quinn--the first two are "Dog On It" and "Thereby Hangs a Tail".  They are "Chet and Bernie" mysteries, Chet being a dog, and the teller of the tails.  They are great fun, and even tho he tells the stories, Chet is very doglike and doesn't quite understand some of the strange things humans do!  Wonderful for dog lovers!


Comment by Julia on April 6, 2011 at 9:59pm
Alice, I've finished "Wise Man's Fear", read it straight thru, in fact. That was after re-reading "The Name of the Wind." I can't say much about it, since you've just started, but I did find Bast's character to be more interesting as the book goes on.
Comment by Alice on April 3, 2011 at 11:37pm
The sequel to The Name of the Wind is out. Is anyone reading The Wise Man's Fear? I'm only about 150 pages in but I love it already!
Comment by Dottie and Holly on March 8, 2011 at 6:26pm
Has anyone read "Travels with Charley" by John Steinbeck?  I am a huge fan of Steinbeck anyway, but this book is a non-fiction story of him traveling around the country with his dog, Charley. (Sorry, Charley is a poodle, not a corgi.  It's sad, I know).  It's a great snapshot of what America was like in the early 1960s, and you get an glimpse of the close relationship he has with his dog.  I highly recommend it!
Comment by Alice on October 13, 2010 at 12:33pm
I just finished a book called Peter & Max that I enjoyed. I;m going to play the nerd card and tell you that the author Bill Willingham is the author of a comic book series called Fables and this is his first novel. It takes place in the same Fables world and has many of the same characters but one does not have to read the comics in order to follow the book. It's a fun story that reads like a dark fairytale and it's fun how nursery rhymes are woven into the story. The main characters Peter and Max are peter Piper and his brother Max Piper. Anyone who is in the mood for a fun fantasy read would likely enjoy Peter & Max.

Now I'm on a Steampunk kick, I just started The Manual of Detection by Jedediah Berry which so far reminds me of the movie Inception and is very interesting. I have a couple more Steampunk stories lined up after that. Anyone have any favorite Steampunk novels?
Comment by Ann B., Scout and Summer on October 4, 2010 at 12:27pm
Hey Christy, at the REALLY ripe old age of 63, I am trying the "classics", too! I have been an Austen fan for many years--my favorites are Pride and Prejudice, Persuasion and Emma. I re-read them all the time, have read P&P at LEAST 5 times! When you get through all of Austen's, get hold of "The Friendly Jane Austen" by Natalie Tyler--really fun, full of "Janeite" trivia and commentaries on the books and characters. I also recently read "Middlemarch"by George Eliot, because I saw that someone called it the best novel in the English language! I had struggled through Eliot's "Silas Marner" in school. Middlemarch was very good! Also recently TRIED Thomas Hardy again--Return of the Native, and found it very hard going, and gave up!
Just looked at your pictures, and I love your little black headed tri's markings! You have very great-looking corgis!
Comment by christy fry on October 1, 2010 at 11:39pm
HI everyone =) I'm a huge book worm and have decided at the ripe age of 32 with thousands of books behind me to start reading the classic's so far I've made it through Wurthington Heights(Bronte), Little Women(Alcott), and Incidents in the Life of a slave girl(Jacobs), and have just started Emma(Austin) I recieved all of Austins work as a b-day present!!
Some of my absolute favorite books are the ones documenting the 1997 disater on Everest and a book called the Lovely Bones and Lucky from Sebold
Comment by Laura Jones on September 24, 2010 at 4:46pm
Ok I haven't been able to get on here in a long time and don't have the time right now to go through everyone's comments to see if someone else has mentioned it or not but I just finished reading the Mercy Thompson Series by Patricia Briggs. Very good, I recomend it for anyone who is into the supernatural;shifters, werewolves, vamps, fae.
Comment by Renata M. on September 23, 2010 at 10:24pm
I love reading...just started " Water for Elephants" . Good to participate in this group ^_^

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