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Zoey's Update

So we made it through the first week of having our new corgi pup and I hate to say it but it was a cinch! I'm so proud of our little girl! She already stays in her kennel at night and in the morning without crying. When we first got her she would cry in the morning when she woke up but now she sits quitely and plays with her toys until we get up.

I'm proud to say that at just over 7 weeks our little one is essentially potty…


Added by Kasey, Max, & Zoey on May 24, 2011 at 3:42am — 1 Comment

Corgi meetup in Taipei and some observation on Corgis.

We had Corgi meetup in Taipei this past weekend in a garden restaurant.  Tons of Corgis showed up.  However, the weather did not cooperate and it rained. So we all had to move indoors after a while.  However it was still fun for everyone.  People took alot of pics while we were outside.  You can see them here.


As it happens, there was a doggie birthday party for a French bulldog indoor.  There was about…


Added by David on May 23, 2011 at 11:30pm — 11 Comments

The First and Second Rules of Dog Club (Small Dog Breed Issue)

Don't read this before lunch.....


Email from John: "How did I get this old without knowing that dogs' anuses need periodic ... ugh ... juicing? WTF?"


Backstory: Ani's been sliding around on her rump and biting her flank. Turns out her anal glands need to be squeezed or some thing. WHO KNEW? This is not one of those things people tell you until after you join Dog Club. First rule of Dog Club: Don't talk about Dog Club. BUT the Second Rule of Dog Club: Don't tell… Continue

Added by Elizabeth Mitchell on May 23, 2011 at 3:47pm — 13 Comments

pup dragging legs

Hello to all.  I have a question about Corgis.  I recently got a corgi mix from a rescue and notice that he like to drag his legs a bit.  He is quick to sit down(kinda over on his hip and it both sides that he does this.  When he sits down and you call him over instead of getting up he will just pull himself over to you if its only a few feet, If im about 7ft or so he will walk over that flop back onto his hip.  I just wrote the rescue to see if they noticed this problem.  He does fine…


Added by paul j on May 23, 2011 at 1:49pm — 8 Comments

The Journey to Becoming a Corgi Mom - Part 2

Well.  Apparently the best way to find a corgi pup is to blog about it!  Here I am, about 1 week from my first-ever blog post, and I'm getting ready to pick out a corgi puppy.  Words cannot possibly express how excited I am!  I'm simply waiting on the breeder's recommendation for me and then I can confirm her choice and put down my deposit! 


How did I manage to find a pup?  Persistence and pure chance!  I've been running daily searches through the breed websites (PWCCA and…


Added by Yuki & Ellie on May 23, 2011 at 7:24am — 14 Comments

A Special Dedication

To all of you who Have 'children' that are a bit hairier than others and walk on four paws!



Added by WhiteDove on May 22, 2011 at 2:30pm — 5 Comments

weight and height of a female and a male

Was wanting to find out what the "normal" weight and height was for a Female and Male is

Added by shelley crea on May 22, 2011 at 11:12am — 3 Comments

Blunted teeth

Now I am really worried. I noticed LO canines are blunted now I see some of his back teeth are too. By blunted I mean it looks like they have been grinded down. Does anyone know why this happens,.


Added by Nicola Porter on May 22, 2011 at 10:52am — 2 Comments

The boys and the beach.

The boys went to the beach last night. The weren't too sure of the waves and kept running away from them. Lando Oliver was a little trouper, walking with his nub up in the air like he has walked the beach for years. It was fun.

Added by Nicola Porter on May 22, 2011 at 10:27am — 2 Comments

Wonderful Day

I got to play with corgis today! They were sooooo adorable, i just wanted to take them all. They are lucky dogs, they live in a beautiful home with great people. Thank you Leasa  for letting me come play with the puppies!

Added by Cassondra Wilkins on May 21, 2011 at 2:01pm — 3 Comments

Bella needs help!

Please read her story here and help if you can:

Bella's Story

Added by Paige, Dexter & Violet on May 21, 2011 at 10:56am — No Comments

First Night

We picked Ani up from Barbara's place last night at 7ish. Rolled up to the house, and Barbara and her friend (whose name I've forgotten) had Jasmine and the Other J-named puppy in a pen in the front yard with Ani and Waffles. (Waffles is from a litter last year, and staying with Barbara for the weekend.)


Barbara took us through the puppy packet information, and then had Ani pick out two toys from a pile of toys. Ani picked a fuzzy stuffed bone and a weird rubber lobster…


Added by Elizabeth Mitchell on May 21, 2011 at 10:47am — No Comments


moka loves to cuddle when she is sleepy. I wasnt sure if that was just a puppy thing and her age ( 9 weeks) I will miss this when she gets older if she stops. I'm trying to teach her how to role over and its not working to well. She knows how to sit and lay down.

Added by shelley crea on May 21, 2011 at 9:31am — No Comments


I have a 9 week old that when it comes to eating her food she swallows it whold. She doesnt chew it. I'm hoping that someday she will quit but I dont know what to do to get her to slow down and chew her food.

Added by shelley crea on May 21, 2011 at 9:05am — 2 Comments

Chomper final update--- Good news!

I called the shelter yesterday to see if Chomper had been reclaimed by his owners, and he has!   So happy to hear this.  So I don't know if someone finally got one of my phone messages and didn't answer but just called the pound, if someone saw the ad I put in the paper, or they missed all of that and just called the pound and found him.  Hopefully he is now enjoying the royal treatment that he feels is his just due.  :)



Added by Beth on May 21, 2011 at 9:00am — 1 Comment

Truth about Corgi's

Found this online thought everyone would really enjoy this.Really funny


I hear and read what people say about Corgis. It is clear that we are adored — as we should be — but there are many misconceptions that need to be addressed. It is my goal is writing this epistle, to help you humans better understand the PWC so you may serve us better.

A Brief History

PWCs have been around since about the 10th century. The exact breeds…


Added by Suzi, Zeus & Valentine on May 20, 2011 at 6:41pm — 11 Comments

Messing with Photoshop

So my boyfriend was messing around with the kabillion of pictures I've taken of Winston. He made these little gifs in Photoshop and I thought they were the cutest thing ever. (Sue me, I might be a tad bit Just thought I'd share them here because everyone else I show them to thinks I'm some crazy lady obsessed with my dog. ^_^;; They aren't very exciting or especially hard to make but they sure are cute to look at.


Isn't he such a troublemaker?…


Added by Tori on May 20, 2011 at 3:14pm — 3 Comments

Please Remember the Heat!

Everyone please remember not to run with your dogs during the hottest part of the day.

Today while driving I saw a lady and her dog. In the middle of their run the dog collapsed from the heat. Several bystanders had to help her get water on the dog to cool it down before they could get it in a car to rush it to the vet.

The heat can be very serious. We think of our dogs as being able to deal with the elements better than us, but they're four legged so the sun hits more of their…


Added by Sarah C. on May 20, 2011 at 1:30pm — 8 Comments

Almost Time

Today we put up the baby gate and placed the socket plugs in the sockets. We also made the discovery that the hooks I got for the cupboards are pretty much unuseable, especially if you keep your trash under the sink like we do. New plan: Get a tall bucket and put the cleaning supplies in that, and put it at the back of the cupboard. Sigh.


I was out at a coworker's house last night, stress testing my lungs one more time. Coworker has two dachshunds--one regular, one…


Added by Elizabeth Mitchell on May 20, 2011 at 3:51am — 7 Comments

Wondering about Color Change??

Hi I have a 10 week old little girl whos mama was a redheaded tri and daddy was a red n white. Now she looks pretty black still and Im just wondering if she will lighten up? Also we r going to put a deposit on a male tomarrow and I got a pic of him and uploaded it into my album titled (Goober butt) hes only 3 weeks with a very redheaded tri mama and a red with black frost color dad. The lady says he will lighten up alot but Im not sure. My hubby is really picky and wants a very red corgi theres… Continue

Added by Melissa Burdine on May 20, 2011 at 1:02am — 13 Comments

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